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Whats yr question huskyjerk.... does it help with crohns??? then hell yeah it helps!!!
It helps. We have talked about it before and even done a poll on it. What's your question? In fact, here in California it's one of the diseases you can get a "card" for. I haven't, but one day I will, probably.
Smoke in general generally agrivates crohn's and causes flares....

Inhaling smoke is not a good thing.... Their are many other ways to relax without poisioning your body further... Try to meditate or if you must have smoke go see a herbologist and get some relaxing herbs to burn that low on the smoke and sure you have plenty of fresh air...

Remember masking the problem with a pain killer does not make the pain or the problem go away.... In fact it can cause you much further damage in the long run even though it may seem like it makes you feel better in the short term...
Marijuana has been showed to help treat crohns in many occasions, and many different research institutions.

Its widely known that it helps crohns, 7 states actually have it approved, with crohns listed as one of the accepted diseases.

These websites should help show that marijuana should be tried if you have pain, or nasuea atleast. Go back and look at the massive dosages of painkillers i go through, and honestly...I'm not gonna lie, I can take 2 or 3 hits off of a bowel of marijuana and it does a lot more for my pain then painkillers, but at the same time makes me less nasueas so I can eat, and not lose weight as fast, some people act like its not smart, not worth it, but like I always must not have Crohns that severe then, severeness has everythign to do with what your willing to try.
Cannabis has been shown through scientific research to help with Crohn's disease. So it is not just a 'pain killer' as crohn's man describes, it actually heal's through cannibinoid receptor sites found in the gut.

Some find the side effects too much however. A future treatment that stimulates the receptor sites with the intoxicating side effects would be fantastic.
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me personally, i smoke alot when i`m throwning up or cramping. i mean its not logical to think i can hold down pills when i get sick, so yah, weed is good in that case
I once tried cannabis for pain relief and was on lots of medication at the time. Lets just say, I've never had it since. I had serious paranoia, tunnel vision and the room seemed to be moving, and a buzzing sound in my ears. Didn't enjoy it at all. If thats what illegal drugs do, no thanks!!!

I only know of California off the top of my head. I wished CT was on that list if actually helps but I will probably never try it.
Florida only allows it for glacoma and they have issued that to less then 10 people i believe.
GNC Crohn's Man said:
Smoke in general generally agrivates crohn's and causes flares....

Inhaling smoke is not a good thing.... Their are many other ways to relax without poisioning your body further... Try to meditate or if you must have smoke go see a herbologist and get some relaxing herbs to burn that low on the smoke and sure you have plenty of fresh air...

Remember masking the problem with a pain killer does not make the pain or the problem go away.... In fact it can cause you much further damage in the long run even though it may seem like it makes you feel better in the short term...

I'm gonna disagree with this. Keep in mind that I am a non-smoker and non-drinker. However, marijuana smoke is hardly 'posion'. We also must put into context how much smoke constitutes as damaging and how much does not.

I can guarantee you that someone who smokes a marijuana ciagratte maybe once or twice a week, when compared to his/her identical twin non-smoker (all things being equal except the marijuana smoking, you get the point) counterpart, will not have any discernible differences in their bodies through examination, aside from maybe detectable THC levels in blood/hair.

Again, keep in mind I'm a non-smoker, but if someone gets a therapeutic benefit from smokin' on a joint once in a while to unwind/destress, that is in and of itself a good thing.
GNC, what if you partake in marijuana without smoking it. i know in cali if you get the prescription many of the shops that fill the prescriptions have many options besides smoking it.
This is fascinating. I'm hopefully at the end of a recent flare-up, and my husband half-joking asked if marijuana would help. I do live in California and have a friend with a prescription for migraines. I'm not a huge smoker either, but it seems like it would be less toxic for your body then pain killers if you are really in a bad way. Carolinajak--are you talking about brownies or some other way of ingesting?
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thats one option, yes. unless you can't handle chocolate of course, but there are many other food option with marijuana.
not to sound like a "druggie"--but what about hash brownies?
is hash also as helpful?
From personal experience and as a "non smoker" of anything else, yes both mj &/or hash help alot, and for anyone who doesn't like the idea of "smoking" there are many other ways of using this plant and still getting the benefits. My partner has managed to cut down to using only one prescription drug for her Crohn's by utilising cannabis. Anyhow each to their own, just putting forth my 2 pennies worth :)
If you are currently on pain medication, I highly suggest trying MJ for pain. It will also help with nausea. After taking vicodin like candy due to pain, I started to fear addiction. Tried some MJ from a friend, and it works great. Durring an active flare where eating is the last thing on your mind, smoking a nice bowl when you get home from work is a great way to ease the pain, have a meal and sleep well.

More people smoke MJ than most of you will ever believe.
This is just my personal case with marijuana and crohns:

Crohn's disease has mainly affected my diet, causing me to loss lots of weight, which i have been struggling with since being diagnosed a few years ago. Also, i noticed that both times i was in the hospital was after stressful points in my life. So a bunch of my friends have always smoked weed, and i started trying it and then it turned to doing it about once a month. Then during my springbreak i started smoking daily and ended up continueing that for about 3 weeks. During this period i gained weight and ate steadily, not noticing a decrease in appetite at all. Also, this helped with the stress, which anyone who has tried marijuana would know that. The only reason why i decided to google about the correlation between marijuana and crohns was because i was so pleased with how i was feeling. Recently i have cut back drastically and would not suggest the daily use to help crohns, but i believe in moderation it can be very beneficial.
GNC I do agree with you that inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for your body. When someone says marijuana the first thing people think is smoking. There are other ways to utilize marijuana.
From my personal experience THC will help with nausea, pain, cramping and stress. I have utilized its benefits many times in the past when a flare up occurs. I do not take any prescription type meds . I refuse to unless as a last resort. I have been a guinea pig before taking this pill and that pill. None of them helping, some of them even making it worse.
I am not saying everyone should stop taking their meds and start using marijuana. Not at all. I just think that people should be aware that there is another option out there if your sick and tired of taking hundreds of pills and still being sick and tired.
i havnt tried it since having crohns...however i used to smoke it occasionly with friends.. i havnt for about 2 years now.. but if my crohns gets worse and it will help then i wil smoke it or drink it in tea. idont see any problem in it aslong as it doesnt end up being an addiction or anything
Personally, it has helped me enormously with sleep, appetite, pain, nausea and anxiety at times.
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I've been a midnight toker for 2 and a half years now for just those things shane just listed. Don't over indulge and it's a great help with managing this disease ... in my opinion.
Yahoo answers:

According to the NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), ten states currently legalize or decriminalize the medical use of marijuana in some manner.

Since 1996, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington have passed legislation that removes state-level penalties from marijuana use by patients who have a doctor's recommendation. In addition, Maryland passed a medical marijuana affirmative defense law in 2003. This dictates that if a person is arrested for marijuana use but is found to be using marijuana out of medical necessity, she or he will only face a modest fine.

These state laws specify that marijuana can be used to treat diseases such as arthritis, cachexia, cancer, chronic nervous system disorders, chronic pain, Crohn's disease, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other muscle spasticity disorders, and help patients cope with severe migraines, severe nausea, and the side effects of chemotherapy. The requirements for patients and doctors to be protected by these laws vary from state to state.

Unfortunately, the legal status of such measures is debatable. The U.S. government has challenged the California law in several cases. Federal law does not recognize a medical use for marijuana and maintains that the drug is a controlled and banned substance under all circumstances.
new here and a smoker (though not right now)

hi everybody,

first post, on a subject that interests me. living in the netherlands, where legality isn't a problem, started smoking as a teenager and never really quit. was diagnosed with crohns at 22 (operation at 23) and continued the habit....
right now my crohns' is very bad after 12 years of living 'flare-free': will have an operation in about 6 weeks (stricture, fistulas), started Imuran a week ago, too much prednison and no food (sitting at home with an IV feeding me). so no smoking now. there's only so much a body can take.
BUT, i have to say that smoking MJ has been good for sleep, painkilling, eating and general peace of mind.

Thank you for sharing your stories, it's very helpful to know i'm not alone.

THC is oil soluble. You can either ingest it directly or cook it in some form of oil such as butter/margarine (known as 'green butter'). You can make almost any food in a way that it contains the active ingredient in marijuana. Taken in this way there are no lung/throat problems. It's a much healthier way.

As for the 'bad trip' someone reported this is an adverse reaction that a tiny number of people have. It's no different from any other medication. You can have an adverse reaction to any drug. My wife has a reaction like that to Benadryl and my medication aide teacher's husband as another example goes psychotic and alternates between laughing and crying to the point of being hospitalized if he takes Sudafed.
Does it help with pain? Absolutely. Appetite? Definitely. Now whether it helps or worsens a flare up, I'm not sure. I started smoking it because a friend recommended I do. I ended up with acid reflux and am somewhat convinced that smoking lead to that. But this is just my experience, everyone's different. All this talk of non smokable cannabis is piquing my interest now!
I used it for about 4 years successfully for pain relief, nausea relief and appetite stimulation. After my latest exacerbation, cannabis hasn't been helping as much with my pain. It still stimulates my appetite and helps with nausea but my CD has gotten pretty out of control lately so it's not as effective as it used to be. This issue has come to the forefront lately though and I'm certain it will be a hot topic for 2011. Mark Ware here in Montreal conducted a study too...
During my years of remission, I was a chronic MJ smoker. I sometimes wonder if it had something to do with it. One year after I quit smoking MJ, I had my second resection due to severe stricturing. HMMMM???
Julie- Are you Crohn's or CD?

I have nausea really bad right now from the antibiotics I am on. Ginger is helping a little, but I may have to call on my old friend Mary Jane to help me out.

- Amy

i have smoked pot when i was laying in bed in the fetal position blocked up and groaning like a cow seems to relax everything enough that i could go lay on the couch and enjoy sunday nascar on tv with family
I live in hollywood and my girlfriends got her green card. Problem is, I seem to have some resistance to weed. It's never relieved me of any pain, and if im worried about something when I've smoked I've had a freakout.

We got some shake and a grinder and I'm going to see if I react differently to edibles. Hopefully more body high and less head craziness..
Edibles generally help me sleep well nowadays since the steroids keep me up at night. Also a few years back vaporizing this particular strain got me out of bed after being bed ridden for 2 months. But I guess body chemistry changes over time.
Hi all im new here and havent been diagnosed as of yet. But all I have is pot to help with the pains and throwing up. Here in california Corhn's can get you a medical card for medical pot.
Never tried it and doubt I ever would. But...never say never right? I have no problem with my appetite wish I did sometimes. Nausea is the worse. Whatever you try I hope it works for you. Whatever we can do to make the crohn's a little better.
From the reading and research I have done on MJ (and I don't smoke it myself... have tried it a few times and liked the theraputic effects, just not the "stoner" I came across a few things:

THC is fat soluable (that is why you can "cook" it into a butter, and then use the butter to bake with), it builds up in your body so you become less tolerant of it (even if you appear not to have any body fat whatsoever... lol)

THC (as mentioned above) binds to receptors in the gut that actually help healing, but only in cases of "mild" disease..... it's not a miracle cure... :)

THC works to relax smooth muscle, which is how it acts as a "pain killer" for us... it is not just that it numbs pain receptors, but actually relaxes smooth muscle tissue... the intestine is made of smooth muscle tissue.... so essentially what it does is relaxes the intestine to help with cramping.

And of course, we know about the decreasing nausea and increasing appetite, so for many IBD sufferers, this is a good thing.

None of us can ever kid ourselves that smoking ANYTHING can be good for us, as our lungs are not meant to process anything except air, but as others have mentioned, there are many other ways to ingest MJ if a person is interested :)
I've only tried marijuana twice have gotten so paranoid from it that I couldn't tell you if it helped my gut or not. I'm not very familiar with pot, but I know there are different varieties, right? Maybe I wasn't taking the right one? Anyone know more about that?

Thanks - Amy
All i know is i wish they would legalize it in South Carolina. I was smoking daily (very small amounts) for about 6 months and quit because I almost got caught. Figured I should play it safe till it's legalized or move to a state where it is legal. I'm hoping I won't have a need for it after my ileostomy surgery though.
I've only tried marijuana twice have gotten so paranoid from it that I couldn't tell you if it helped my gut or not. I'm not very familiar with pot, but I know there are different varieties, right? Maybe I wasn't taking the right one? Anyone know more about that?

Thanks - Amy

Sativa induces a euphoric head buzz (paranoia is common). Indica provides a body stone which relaxes the muscles, leaving the mind comparatively unimpaired. Both varieties comprise many strains which helps since nobody's body chemistry is identical. Also oil works well as a butter substitute (dairy/lactose intolerances).
As said, inhaling anything is bad, so there are alternatives (vaporizers, edibles [very strong, but prolonged onset], capsules, topical...). Speak to your doctors as it may interact with certain medications (like certain anaesthetics I believe).
Oh also. Nurses (IME) are much more open to the idea. If you are an advocate of this type of treatment, I suggest speaking to your nurses and your doctors' nurses about it. They are the ones who are going to make things happen (nearly every nurse I speak to about it agrees that it should be a treatment used in the forefront)
The Indica strain has a higher cannabid (CBD)level and lower THC level than Sativa. THC is the head high and the cannabids are the body buzz. There was study done by the universities of Bristol and Bath showing the existence of CBD receptors in the gut, which is why pot can have an effect on UC and CD. Their studies showed that the use of marijuana acts as a TNF inhibitor and promotes healing of the epithelial layer, which is good for for UC as that is where the inflammation is. Basil also has CBDs but not in any amount that would do anything.

The theory is that edibles are better as instead of going through your blood stream it has a chance to go directly to the receptors through the digestive process, but I'm not sure how true it is although it makes sense.

When I'm not in a major flare I notice if I smoke at night it makes the difference the next day instead going to the washroom 6 times a day I'm going 3 times. I only started smoking this year but I have noticed a difference.
My girlfriend is going to be making some special brownies with some shake we got from a dispensary. I'm going to see if I react better to ingesting as opposed to smoking.

California may be on the verge of legalizing all together. It's on this election's ballot. For now though it's still really easy to get a medical card and go to a dispensary. Prices are really good too.
In Canada you need to actually be dying to get it. There are compassion clubs that will provide with either a diagnosis for a disease on a specific list, or a with Doctor's permission.

More people received a prescription in California last year than everyone legally allowed to possess in Canada combined.
What's the easiest way to eat it? It'll get stuck in your throat if you just swallow a bud. Don't ask me how I know this.......
Oh wow, I just saw there's a ton of threads on here about it. I'll see if there's something in there. Sorry.
My GP just signed my forms for the Toronto Compassion Club, no more buying from sketchy friends of friends.
Very cool man. I hate living in Texas where they will never legalize it for medical use. Too many conservatives here. So I have to stick to buying it off the streets where you don't know if it's been laced with anything harmful.
well I don't have the legal right to possess, in Canada to get gov't approval you basically need to be dying. However there are lots of organisations that distribute to people with a valid medical reason.
The main compassion club in Toronto recently lumped colitis in with Crohn's, so instead of getting doctor's approval, I just needed a statement of diagnosis. And everyone who I had a connection with is a friend of a friend and is sketchy. It's either the racist misogynist my room mate used to work with or the guy she knows from her home town that propositioned her while we were still dating.
What's the easiest way to eat it? It'll get stuck in your throat if you just swallow a bud. Don't ask me how I know this.......

Many people prefer making marijuana butter, which can then be used in a wide variety of recipes. Google "marijuana butter" and you'll find a bunch of info on the process :thumright:
All of the good stuff is fat soluble. So in theory you can use the same principle behind the marijuana butter and do it to an olive oil use in pastas and what not.

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