Maybe women issues

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Feb 25, 2010
maybe women issues

hi everyone, In thelast month i took 3 sets of antibiotics for a tooth infection. On brat diet and have tried to add some new foods but get d so back to brat. I have not eaten red meat for 3 weeks and yesterday ate 1 hamburger patty with potatoa and corn and had d 2x later. Today back on brat diet. The last 3or 4 days been lower groin pain that goes around to back and some on sides. I've went like this in the past on and off and it would last 2 days and go away. I always figured a bladder infection. I did do a urine test last monday and today results are okay. I do pee alot but have always but its more and alittle each time. I know sometimes tests could be wrong. I really hate to take another round of antibiotics and even my tooth is not completely healed. I do have a appt on thur with dentist for a checkup so i'll ask him about the tooth then. Could this lower pain be women related. My dr. says i'm beginning menopause. My monthly's changed about 10 years ago in that the cycle went from 28 days to 21. I'm going totally crazy about all these antibiotics and the fact that i may need some more for the tooth and possibly a uti. Please some advice
Sometimes certain antibiotics give me yeast infections. I know that bactrum has done that to me several times. Do you have any vaginal discharge? If it's a UTI, your urine would most likely be cloudy. When I get UTIs, it burns when I pee and it feels like I have to go all the time - very uncomfortable! Do you have any symptoms like that? I haven't yet been through menopause so I don't know much about that. I hope you get some answers and relief soon!
I'm menopausal and it can give you all kinds of fun things to look forward to. Lower groin pain could easily be an ovarian cyst though, which is not uncommon especially at a later age in life. A trip to the gynecologist might be a good idea?
thanks for replies. I have always had to pee many times a day for many years, but i feel today its a tiny bit more and i do feel like i need to go and only a little comes out and its not cloudy. In the past its a bit hard for me to know when i have a uti becuase i've always had to pee lots and usually i don't burn or have cloudy urine. But i do feel sometimes is wrong with the back pain and lower groin pain, its not bad just uncomfortable. Yes i was planning on asking dr to refer to gyno dr. and i certainly will now. I am seeing a urologist next month also.

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