
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 9, 2011

I kinda feel silly for this but I think this may help. Hi my name is Tim and I have chrons. They tell me losing weight is a good thing, I agreed for the most part. I did lose 100 pounds but that only took me to 260, yes do the math and you see i was scary big. (BTW any tips on how to lose sixty pounds safely and without hospital visits would be welcome) The side effects really really suck. I don't have to tell anyone here how that is, so that's a good thing. Having to explain to my folks gets tiresome even though in my opinion they should be up for saint hood for dealing with me. But now a new even more horrible wrinkle has appeared. My brother seems to have all the symptoms I do. He went to Florida got a degree and came back YAY. But he came back with all the signs that I recognize on the spot. Having to deal with that is, well you can guess. However I do get to teach him all the survival with chrons tricks i picked up over the years.
As for me, I am tired of being sick and tired. I want a normal life and that seems like a pipe dream. And if your reading this sorry i just needed a place to vent, I don't want to worry my family more than they already are. Without them, well you get the idea.

p.s. I suck at grammar so its probably wrong somewhere lol.
Hi Tim and welcome! Yes, this disease can be difficult to deal with. However, with the right treatment, you should find some relief. What are you currently taking? If you don't find it to be working, perhaps you and your GI need to discuss a different option.

As far as losing weight, it all comes down to diet and exercise. However, this can be really challenging for someone with Crohn's. Many healthy foods are tough for us to digest. And, of course, if you aren't feeling well, it is difficult to exercise! So, it is important for you to get your Crohn's under control first, so you can then focus on losing some weight. However, you should be really proud of yourself for dropping 100lbs. - that is a big accomplishment - way to go!
Hi Tim, Welcome! First off, congrats on losing the weight. The rest, well, it is diet and exercise, but with this disease, it's a crap shoot (pardon the pun...) Walking is always beneficial, but I make sure I'm walking where there are plenty of bathrooms (malls.) Once I walked around my town, had to go, go, go and ran like a rabbit home. My brother told me that one of his friends saw me and said, "Gee, your sister is running now?" Ha, good one...
I feel your pain about the empathy you feel for your brother. I live in fear that my kids will one day have to go through this. He is very fortunate to have you and introduce him to this forum. Everything is discussed openly. It's helped me in so many ways.
Stay in touch,
Greetings Tim, welcome to the forum. First off, there's no reason to feel silly, we all need to get support from time to time. I think it's great! To answer one of your questions, we do have a Diet and Fitness forum you may want to check out and ask questions in. Hopefully some folks can be of assistance there.

I pray your brother is ok and I wish you all the best going forward :)

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