I kinda feel silly for this but I think this may help. Hi my name is Tim and I have chrons. They tell me losing weight is a good thing, I agreed for the most part. I did lose 100 pounds but that only took me to 260, yes do the math and you see i was scary big. (BTW any tips on how to lose sixty pounds safely and without hospital visits would be welcome) The side effects really really suck. I don't have to tell anyone here how that is, so that's a good thing. Having to explain to my folks gets tiresome even though in my opinion they should be up for saint hood for dealing with me. But now a new even more horrible wrinkle has appeared. My brother seems to have all the symptoms I do. He went to Florida got a degree and came back YAY. But he came back with all the signs that I recognize on the spot. Having to deal with that is, well you can guess. However I do get to teach him all the survival with chrons tricks i picked up over the years.
As for me, I am tired of being sick and tired. I want a normal life and that seems like a pipe dream. And if your reading this sorry i just needed a place to vent, I don't want to worry my family more than they already are. Without them, well you get the idea.
p.s. I suck at grammar so its probably wrong somewhere lol.
I kinda feel silly for this but I think this may help. Hi my name is Tim and I have chrons. They tell me losing weight is a good thing, I agreed for the most part. I did lose 100 pounds but that only took me to 260, yes do the math and you see i was scary big. (BTW any tips on how to lose sixty pounds safely and without hospital visits would be welcome) The side effects really really suck. I don't have to tell anyone here how that is, so that's a good thing. Having to explain to my folks gets tiresome even though in my opinion they should be up for saint hood for dealing with me. But now a new even more horrible wrinkle has appeared. My brother seems to have all the symptoms I do. He went to Florida got a degree and came back YAY. But he came back with all the signs that I recognize on the spot. Having to deal with that is, well you can guess. However I do get to teach him all the survival with chrons tricks i picked up over the years.
As for me, I am tired of being sick and tired. I want a normal life and that seems like a pipe dream. And if your reading this sorry i just needed a place to vent, I don't want to worry my family more than they already are. Without them, well you get the idea.
p.s. I suck at grammar so its probably wrong somewhere lol.