Med alert bracelets

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Apr 18, 2014
Hi. I'm wondering how many of you wear some kind of med alert jewelry. In addition to currently having a stricture and needing resection surgery, I have allergies to sulfa and CT contrast. I'm starting to think a med alert bracelet is a good idea. Thanks.
I have had a medical alert bracelet for 30 years for drug allergies so I just added my Crohn's to it. I also wear a gold pendant on my neck incase they miss the bracelet because I have severe allergies, penicillin, sulpha's, morphine, Demerol, ASA, Codiene, NSAIDS, Talwin, Cipro all the things that they tend to give you when you end up in the hospital. I wouldn't leave home without it.
I wear one ( a brown leather bracelet with silver medic alert plate). It has my first name engraved on the front, then all my ailments on the back ( asthma, bee sting and sulpha allergy, Crohn's ).
Wow, grumpy1, I'd say you need one! That's some list of allergies. We all have sulfa so that must be pretty common. Yeah, I think it's a good idea. I've done some browsing online and there are so many styles to choose from. Not like when I was a kid.
I don't wear one, but I do carry a medical card that I can print for free off this website. For awhile my meds/ supplements kept changing so this was easier on me. I print 3 copies when I update mine. One goes in my wallet, one I carry on me at work and one stays in my file with my HR. Sometimes I have had trouble printing it cause of my printer, so I've made one of my own that I keep on a pen drive.
I splurged 15 years ago and bought a gold one with a heavy bracelet and a serpentine clasp with a spider lock that basically you need pliers to remove. It has the medical alert plate on the front and my medical alert number engraved on the back also engraved on the pendant I wear. I also carry a card in my wallet with my blood type and all of my allergies listed that medical alert sends you when you update your information here
Hmm, I think a card sounds like a great idea. I'll make myself one tomorrow. I like the idea of the online health record but wonder how you can be sure you're data is secure.
If you have the time. There's a way you can make your own on your computer. I made mine in Microsoft Word. It'll take a couple shots to make sure you get the right size, but you can do it. Just click on text box under Insert & use the plain/basic one (you'll need two boxes). I just use the info from the above website to help me with the info to put into it. Once you get the right size & everything the way you want it, then you could save it on the computer or on a pen drive.
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I just remembered now. I read somewhere about carrying a small pen drive on you that has the needed medical info on it. I don't do it. But, it seems like it could be handy to have. All the paramedics or medical team would have to do is plug it in to see your info. Just keep it updated with your info is all.
Only thing about pen drives. Be sure not to have too much specific personal info incase it should get lost. That's the only reason I would hesitate to carry one. My bracelet says just enough, my first name and ailments.
May i ask how people got medical bracelets? Do you have to get it yourself or can you ask GP? I have a few allergies: amoxicillin, penicillin, erythromycin, tramadol, plasters.. The list goes on lol.
You can go online ( the internet) and find many designs. I picked one and had it engraved. I put on it what I felt was important if I ever became incapacitated and could not speak. No doctor involved .
Thanks for the info, Cross-stitch gal and LodgeLady. I ended up at the ER most of the day today but I will definitely do this tomorrow!
If you have a smartphone, you might consider putting the most important info on your lock screen. There are apps that you can download or buy (search for In Case of Emergency), or if you're design/tech savvy, you could create something in Photoshop.
Got my application at the pharmacy because they have an accurate list of my allergies they printed it out for me and I sent it off to Medical Alert and presto zippo I got my number from them then I had it engraved on the bracelet I purchased along with my name and DOB.
I went cheap and low-tech, but love it. Bracelet with medical emblem which holds a waterproof paper which you can put whatever info you need... specifically has space for ID info, who to contact, and then space for medical info. I got it when I was on Coumadin (for a pulmonary embolism, not Crohn's) and the dosage could change from week to week and could NOT skip a day. comes with extra inserts for when info needs updating.

They also make a version that has "ID" instead of the medical emblem on the face... got those for the kids.

mine was from "ID on Me" ( but there are likely other similar ones out there