I cant say with any certainty, but I did come across this:
Good Reasons to Go to an Emergency Room:
Loss of consciousness.
Signs of heart attack that last two minutes or more. These include: pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest; tightness, burning, or aching under the breastbone; chest pain with lightheadedness.
Signs of a stroke, including: sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body; sudden dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye; loss of speech, or trouble talking or understanding speech; sudden, severe headaches with no known cause; unexplained dizziness, unsteadiness or sudden falls, especially when accompanied by any other stroke symptoms.
Severe shortness of breath.
Bleeding that does not stop after 10 minutes of direct pressure.
Sudden, severe pain.
Poisoning (Note: If possible, call your local poison control center first and ask for immediate home treatment advice-certain poisons should be vomited as soon as possible while others should be diluted with water as soon as possible. Such preliminary home treatment could save your life.)
A severe or worsening reaction to an insect bite or sting, or to a medication, especially if breathing is difficult.
A major injury, such as a head trauma.
Unexplained stupor, drowsiness or disorientation.
Coughing up or vomiting blood.
Severe or persistent vomiting.
Suicidal or homicidal feelings.
Bad Reasons to Go to an Emergency Room:
Minor cuts where bleeding is controlled.
A minor dog or animal bite where bleeding is controlled (but see your doctor–a rabies shot may be necessary).
A broken bone (call your doctor to see if he/she can treat you the same day, if not– or if bone is showing, limb is deformed–go to the ER).
A sprain.
A sunburn or minor burn from cooking.
An insect sting or delayed swelling from a sting (if there is breathing difficulty, go to the ER).
A skin rash.
Fever (if there is a convulsion, go to the ER).
Sexually-transmitted diseases.
Colds and cough, sore throat, flu.
***If you are admitted to the hospital, it has to be a good reason to go, lol***