I've had Crohn's now for over six years. In the first year, I spent 5 months in hospital with an abscess. After 4 months, I tried to slit my wrists. (First time in hospital, ever) Then they suddenly started paying attention to me. After I got home, I got peripheral neuropathy from Flagyl and used a cane for over a year. Then the side effects from prednisone I don't even want to remember. This January, I finally got off Imuran after having 9 colds last year, strep throat, oral trush and 3 yeast infections. Last November I got peripheral neuropathy from Remicade, but my gastro guy didn't believe me. My last infusion in March, it got worse and the numbness went up my shins, and into my hands. My gastro is so busy, that I can't get in to see him (other than my 6 mo. appointment) without a new referral. WTF? So I wrote him a letter telling him what happened, and that I need to get on a different med. I know I need to be on something, but I"m so done with the side effects of these poisons. I'm pretty much in remission right now, and terrified of what new horrible drug he's going to put me on. :yfaint: