Medication side effects - Sweating and steroids

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Jul 23, 2013
Does anyone else suffer from sweating as a result of there medication.
I am currently on 40mg prednisolone until I got for my surgery... Two days time. Sooo scared I may add. Anyway since being on pred I seem to sweat loads. Sorry I know it's not pleasant. Anyway I was wonders in if anyone did or does did this side effect stop when they tapered the steriods down? If soon how quickly.
i used to sweat a ton at night when i was sleeping, but i believe it was because of a flare not the meds it went away after a week of prednisone.. prednisone makes me moody, cranky, and hungry.. also gives me a fat face.. usually on one side. im not sure if sweating is a side effect or not.. maybe google the side effects of prednisone and see if sweating is one of them.
Yes, I sweat more on prednisone! As you taper it will get better, usually when I go below twenty I don't sweat any more than normal. It drove me crazy when I was at 40mg, I never sweat normally and it freaked me out at first.
I got night sweats really bad when I first started on pred. I had them also before starting, but they got much worse with the pred. I believe it is because your body is working to fight the inflammation. Once it is under control, the sweating goes away.