Hi everyone
I'm new here! I don't have Crohn's disease myself but my boyfriend of 8 years has it. He has had an ilestomy bag since 2010 and has been fairly well since then. He has had occasional flare ups but this year has been the worst in a while.
He became unwell in March and spent 10 days in hospital being given antibiotics. He has had 2 MRI scans since March the most recent one was 8 weeks ago and it took 6 weeks to get results from the consultant at the hospital. He was told there's another infection which requires antibiotics so he is on metronidazole 3 times a day for 6 weeks.
The medicine actually makes him feel even worse as the taste it leaves on his tongue makes him gag and feel sick sometimes actually vomiting.
He is also waking up every night about 2am for 2 hours meaning he is very tired at work the next day, this has been going on for a few weeks now. He also constantly has a sore stomach which he explains feeling like trapped gas all the time.
I'm really just looking to see if anyone has had any similar experiences when on this medication and any recommendations?
He is going to bed every night with a hot water bottle on his stomach and is now trying peppermint tea to see if it helps the stomach pain. It's effecting his appetite too which has already been poor due to the active crohn's.
Personally, I feel he has been a bit neglected by the hospital as 9 months with no Crohn's medication is such a long time! :sign0085:
I'm new here! I don't have Crohn's disease myself but my boyfriend of 8 years has it. He has had an ilestomy bag since 2010 and has been fairly well since then. He has had occasional flare ups but this year has been the worst in a while.
He became unwell in March and spent 10 days in hospital being given antibiotics. He has had 2 MRI scans since March the most recent one was 8 weeks ago and it took 6 weeks to get results from the consultant at the hospital. He was told there's another infection which requires antibiotics so he is on metronidazole 3 times a day for 6 weeks.
The medicine actually makes him feel even worse as the taste it leaves on his tongue makes him gag and feel sick sometimes actually vomiting.
He is also waking up every night about 2am for 2 hours meaning he is very tired at work the next day, this has been going on for a few weeks now. He also constantly has a sore stomach which he explains feeling like trapped gas all the time.
I'm really just looking to see if anyone has had any similar experiences when on this medication and any recommendations?
He is going to bed every night with a hot water bottle on his stomach and is now trying peppermint tea to see if it helps the stomach pain. It's effecting his appetite too which has already been poor due to the active crohn's.
Personally, I feel he has been a bit neglected by the hospital as 9 months with no Crohn's medication is such a long time! :sign0085: