Miscarriage and Crohn's Disease

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May 8, 2011
I was just very recently diagnosed with CD, two years ago I miscarried at 14 weeks, broke my heart and nearly broke me. At the time I had been seeing my gynae as intercourse was painful , after many scans they found nothing no reason for the pain. I always felt that the issue was with my bowel. My Gastro guy said it was almost certainly the cause of the miss as I have had this CD for many years although I wasnt diagnosed until the last month. I was anaemic and low in calcium. He assured me that after this flare up and giving my body a chance I should have no worries or problem carrying a baby to full term. So I look forward to that. In trying to get pregnant the last year the stress of that nearly drove me mental but Im happy to put it one side for a few months until Im well.
Definitely try to get your disease under control as much as possible before trying again. Inflammation in the body increases miscarriage risk.

I have had 4 early losses all around 5 weeks, and that was while in remission. Early miscarriage is common even if you dont have any underlying disease. Its very emotionally draining thats for sure.
Well we had been ttc hard for three years and as I said we'd thought we'd take it easy and let my body recover after CD diagnosis. Fell pregnant straight away with very mixed emotions. After a lot of spotting at 5-7 weeks i thought I was over the worst. Today I'm 11 + 4 and had a show of blood again this time with rotten cramps. I'm just not sure what camp the cramps belong in and if I should go see my gastro also as my Maternity Hospital. Waiting on scan and just wondered as Gastro said first sign of flare-up to go back. Very confused and upset,
I hope it's nothing and that the baby is safe. I know the emotions of extended TTC. We tried for years and ended up adopting. It was a very emotional process.
I have been diagnosed with Crohns Disease about 2 years ago now. I have flare ups now and again but usually most of the time it is under control. I found out i was pregnant a week ago and on that same day, i started to get very bad cramps and had bleeding. It was confirmed i had miscarried at 5 weeks. Doctors had told me it could be due to the medication i am on which is azaphioprine but i was told by another that azaphioprine is safe. I am unsure what to do as one of them says it is ok to try for a baby as long as you let the doctors know and then they can advice on the right medication whereas the other told me to wait. Could somebody give me the right advice please, as I would love to be able to have a baby. Thanks.
Hi parianne,

I'm sorry I don't have any advice to offer you. :( Have you spoken with an obstetrician as well as your GI? (... you didn't mention which types of doctor's have given you advice.)

I'd also suggest you post your question/story in the My Story subforum - there are many knowledgeable members on this forum but they may not have seen your post here. Posting your story in the My Story section may bring more responses for you. Here is a link to the subforum ... http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=5

Good luck, I hope you are able to find a solution quickly! :ghug:
This what our GI explained to us. It better to not take any medications during pregnancy but flaring Crohn's disease is much worse. Her opinion is aza is better than a Crohn's flare during pregneny. My daughter is only just short of 18 years, so we didnot discuss anything further.