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Jul 17, 2010
Hi Folks,

It's taken nearly 5 years, but in May 2010 I had my Crohn's confirmed.
2007 after many flare ups and a bad (or maybe no) reaction to the meds I ended up having surgery. Which didn't go to plan and ended up as 4 operations in the space of 10 days and a 5+ month spell in hospital.
The last op they had to leave my stomach open as it was too dangerous to operate further due to the weight I'd lost and the amount of scaring.
I had to wait a whole year for the wound to heal naturally before they could operate again to reverse a stoma and remove the last hole/infected part of my small intestine.
Anyway that last op went well and they sorted out to scarring and now it doesn't look too bad. (Apart from my gut is often swollen, giving me a 6months pregnant look which I've had for years. Not good when you're a bloke).

I managed 2 years with no meds and being able to eat and drink anything I wanted with no problems. I thought what ever I had was gone completely as at the time the surgeons couldn't agree if I had crohns or not, so I was just told I had "suspected Crohn's". Obviously I preferred to believe I didn't have it.

In May for my 35th birthday, I had a flare up which kept me in hospital for 3 weeks. Was told they were gonna put me on Humira.
Went and had my first injections and all went well except 1 week later they told my I was carrying TB, so they would need to stop the Humira and treat me with Anti-Biotics to clear the TB. That's a 3 month course which I'm half way through. Just had another flare up again and they've put my on steroids, but are looking to put me back on the Humira early. I find out on Tuesday about this.

So since May I have been researching foods and started seeing a nutritional therapist. Problem is my doctors tell me Crohns is not food related.
They've put me on a low residue/low fibre diet for a while to rest my bowl.
My nutritional person gave me a diet which I've found almost impossible to follow, although I have taken on-board some advise like -
Baby food on toast. I bought a juicer as she was adamant I should try cabbage juice. I made it, but the look and smell mixed with the fact I don't like cabbage made me gag and I couldn't drink it.
Marmite I eat more and I have tried to cut dairy out as much as possible. I switched to a lactose free milk. Tried a soy milk but don't like the taste. And the other milk alternatives (rice) don't make good tea.
She also suggested 2 supplements which I have literally just started taking which are: L-Glutamine Powder and Saccharomyces Boulardi.

In the last few days through my own research I discovered the specific carbohydrate diet online and have ordered the book from Amazon to give it a try. The scarey thing for me with that is no rice, pasta or potatoes as I love all of those very much. But for me I want a healthy life without meds, so am willing to give it a shot.
In the last 5 years since first becoming ill I have already given up fizzy drinks, which was very hard as I used to drink coke with every meal and most times when I was thirsty. I was hooked on the stuff.
Alcohol I have given up which was also very difficult as I enjoy going out an socialising. I have been drunk maybe 2 times in the last 5 years.
I used to smoke weed a fair amount (mostly just weekends) which was my only vice left. Since my last flare ups I haven't touched it though as my nurse said smoking reduces the effectiveness of the meds I'm on.

I thought I'd give you all my history so you can understand where I'm at with Crohns.
Why I joined here is to find out more about the conflicting info I have on foods. I read here and across the net lots of people seem "ok" eating certain foods which are banned on the SC Diet. Also the foods recommended to me to rest my gut on the low res / low fibre diet also conflict with the SC Diet. And some of the foods my nutritional therapist recommended are also on the banned list. The good thing is there are foods & drink on there which I love and have been scared to eat for years. Like chilli, cheddar cheese, onions and certain alcohols.

I've asked my docs about the SC Diet and they just said by all means try it, but it's not proven and they insist Crohn's is not food related?

I told my Nutritionist about it and she said I should try it, but not until I've been told to come off the low res / low fibre diet.

I have loads of rice, pasta and wheat products in my kitchen that I have bought but and now thinking I shouldn't eat. Basically I feel scared to eat almost anything at the moment.

Before my illness I used to weigh around 75kgs and was a regular at the gym. Since being ill the most I've weighed is 65kgs and haven't made it back to the gym yet. Plan on joining up again soon as I miss it and feel weak.

Any advise, tips from you guys would be very welcome. If you have any questions I'd happily answer as best I can.
If anyone had similar experiences with operations as me I'd be interesting in hearing about them. I kept a photo diary of my ops. The pics are pretty horrific though. I'm happyish now with how my scars look though.

I know that was a lot to read, so thanks if you read it :)
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Crohn's isn't caused by food, but what you eat can definately affect your symptoms during a flare up. Personally, I cannot tolerate many of the foods recommended by the SCD. Maybe I would have better luck trying these foods when I'm in remission. But for the moment, I'm sticking with my doc who recommended a low res diet. Especially as it is obvious that most (if not all) of the foods I can't tolerate are the ones banned on low res. The best advice that was given to me when I was first diagnosed is keep a food diary. Record everything that passes your lips, and symptoms, and times.
Hi Hungry and :welcome:

So glad you found us. You certainly had one helluva time with your surgery! I'm sorry I can't advise on the whole diet thing but there are many here with loads of experience and knowledge. So welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing you around.

Take care,
Crohn's isn't caused by food, but what you eat can definately affect your symptoms during a flare up. Personally, I cannot tolerate many of the foods recommended by the SCD. Maybe I would have better luck trying these foods when I'm in remission. But for the moment, I'm sticking with my doc who recommended a low res diet. Especially as it is obvious that most (if not all) of the foods I can't tolerate are the ones banned on low res. The best advice that was given to me when I was first diagnosed is keep a food diary. Record everything that passes your lips, and symptoms, and times.

I did keep a food diary once, but didn't find it much use and found it a hassle.
I probably should try again.

Stupid questions. Do you carry around a notepad and just jot down everything you eat as and when?
How long do you leave it before you can relate your feelings to what you have eaten?
How detailed is the diary? Like do you note how much you ate. What brand or where you bought it from. Time of day? Bowel movements?
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Hi Hungry and :welcome:

So glad you found us. You certainly had one helluva time with your surgery! I'm sorry I can't advise on the whole diet thing but there are many here with loads of experience and knowledge. So welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing you around.

Take care,

Thanks. Yeah that was the lowest point in my life, but after the last surgery I really thought all this was behind me and I could live a "normal" life.
Still if I can keep things under control I'm happy.
Positive thinking books and comedy has kept me sane!
I bought a small lined notebook and dated the top of the page. Then everytime I ate, I wrote down the time and exactly what I had (e.g. Grilled chicken, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, salad cream, rather than chicken and salad). I didn't particular bother with portion sizes unless it was particularly large or small. I also noted the time of any bowel movements, and the consistency and whether there was urgency. Finally I noted any symptoms - wind, bloating, pain- and the severity, and the time I noticed the onset, and whether I took any meds for it.

It does seem like a lot if work, but I had my own short hand e.g. Bm-d would mean a bowel movement that was diarrhoea. For pain levels, I used the marks out of 10 and just wrote the number in a circle.

I left mine a few weeks before I looked back and tried to spot trigger foods. Some were real easy - I can react with bad pains within half an hour of eating something I shouldn't. However, some things are harder to spot e.g. Red meat twice in two days will bloat me and give me wind .

I kept the diary for about 2 months. Once it became obvious that I should stick to low res I stopped keeping the diary, though I will probably start keeping it again once I change meds and start to come off the low res. Hope that helps!
Thanks Rebecca. I'm guessing for a girl it's easier as you have bags, but for me personally I like to have to minimum amount of things in my pockets.
Phone keys and money or card and this it, so carrying a pen & note pad is a problem.
Also I think I would be paranoid or embarrassed if someone found it.

I've just checked and seen there are iphone food dairy apps. I might give one of these a try. Anyone here recommend or use one?
Hi Hungry,

Im sorry you have had such a rough time! Especially the TB. Did they say that was due to your stomach being left open? YIKES.... yours is a scary story! I am glad you like positive thinking and comedies! I have completely switched my viewing habits around. I use to watch a lot of drama and CSI kind of programming and have switched to sitcoms. It does make a difference! There is a good thread here called "favourite comedian" you can you tube some of it if in need of a fix!

As for my food journal, I do carry it around but remember I carry a purse so it is easy for me. It isnt large at all just a little flip pad. I dont go as far as putting the brand name down as it typically it is the food not the brand that I am reacting to. I dont write down how much I ate either as I will usually remember that and be able to figure out from experience which food it was that effected me. It is difficult at first but I find it is process of elimination (no pun intended) in a lot of ways. If I ate a piece of chicken for example two weeks ago with well cooked carrots and rice and had a bad reaction and didnt know which food it was at least I have a reference. For example, tonight if I have chicken, well cooked green beans and mashed potatoes and have a bad experience...chances are it will be the chicken. (I will be mindful about my reactions to mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, green beans at another meal.)
Good luck! It will get easier and there are A LOT of really great people on here who will be able to help you with things.

(Rebecca beat me to the posting :)
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Hi Keona,

Not sure how I got TB or even what form it is. I was told a 3rd of the population carry it. It wouldn't be a problem as I had the TB jab when I was young, but due to the effects of Humira it could become active.
When I was first told about TB, I looked it up and actually hoped I did have abdominal TB as the symptoms are the same as Crohns only they can be treated and cleared for good. Unfortunately they have ruled this out :(

"For example, tonight if I have chicken, well cooked green beans and mashed potatoes and have a bad experience...chances are it will be the chicken."
What makes you suspect the chicken? I thought chicken is a "safe" food on all the recommended diets. Low res, low fibre and SCD. But mashed potatoes are allegedly one of the causes.
Just before my last flare up the other week I actually had sausage and mash.
When I looked up about mashed potatoes I found out about SCD. That made me think, the SCD diet makes sense. Have you tried it?
A lot depends on how food is cooked. A whole grilled chicken breast, particularly if a little overdone, can be quite tough and chewy, so is harder to digest, whereas if it is diced and stewed, or steamed, it isn't so chewy. Likewise, I find stewed or minced (ground) beef to be easier to digest, and mash rather than roast potatoes. As for Iphone apps, I tried CDdiary which is OK (it is free! And has a cool graph function) but it wasn't suitable for me as you can't put in different pain levels for different times of the day, also symptoms such as bloating and wind were missing (I suffer from these a lot, and my pain level is very variable through the day). It is definately worth a try though!
I thought I'd mention what meds I'm on at the moment.

Rifampicin/Isoniazid - 300mg once per day (Anti Biotic for TB)
Hyoscine Butylbromide - 10mg four times a day. (Anti spasms)
Prednisolone - 40mg once a day. (Anti inflammatory steroid) Due to reduce 5mg per week until i run out.
Cyclizine - 50mg. As an when required. (Anti Sickness). I haven't bothered with these yet.

And for pain I was originally on paracetamol, but that was too weak, so I am now on Co-Dydramol as and when I need them. Which is mostly at night to sleep.

As I mentioned I expect to go on to Humira very soon, so I expect to stop all the other meds.
Hi Hungry, and welcome!

I think when Docs say "Food has nothing to do with Crohn's" they mean that it can't cause or cure it. We all know that food can AFFECT it - good or bad!

Everyone is different. As you read around the forum, people react differently to foods and to meds so there are no hard and fast rules. It's trial and error for both food and meds!

Good luck! - Amy
Hi Amy,

Yes it seems there's a lot to take in and it will take many months of trying to find what works for me. I will try and use this place as a kind of online diary and see how I get on.

Started Humira today. 2 jabs (80mg) in each thigh.
Bit scary as I still have dormant TB. Still got almost 2 months on the TB meds, but they put me in Humira early as I've had a few bad flare ups recently as still blocked/swollen now.
Hey Hungry!

The whole food situation is really different for each person. Just because something is on the safe food list doesn't mean everyone can eat it. It is realy a trial and error type of thing. It is even a day to day thing with me. Some days I can eat my mashed potatoes, other days I can't even look at them without getting sick. It is really crazy, and it seems (to me) I can ever eat the same things, or feel the same ways after eating them. Good luck to you and I hope you find all of the answers you are looking for.
Hey Hungry!

The whole food situation is really different for each person. Just because something is on the safe food list doesn't mean everyone can eat it. It is realy a trial and error type of thing. It is even a day to day thing with me. Some days I can eat my mashed potatoes, other days I can't even look at them without getting sick. It is really crazy, and it seems (to me) I can ever eat the same things, or feel the same ways after eating them. Good luck to you and I hope you find all of the answers you are looking for.

Thanks. Just got my "Breaking The Vicious Cycle" book through this morning. Gonna try the food approach asap.

Right now as I type this my stomach is heavly bloated. Very Very noisy and feels like it's gonna burst open.
Not been able to go to toilet for 2 days :( Really don't want to go back in hospital.
Hi folks,

I'm back in hospital. Came in to A&E Monday night/Tuesday morning at 3am.
Looks like I have to strictures which they've suggested might need surgery. Something about loops and dilated bowel?
In the time I've been here I have been on drip with hydrocortizan, paracetomal and saline. This has help me have some BM's. Feel much better but stomach is still very loud. Luckily it's stay loud when the docs came to see me so they know I'm not exaggerating.
Because I managed to go to the toilet I imagine they will hold off on operating to give the humira a chance to work.
Thing is I started that only 1 week ago.
I have been stressing about losing my job, but they have said just try and sort my health out and not to worry.
Sounds good, but unfortunately not that easy. As if they let me out of here without doing anything I could be back here in a few days as the humira can take up to 3 months I hear to kick in.
Weight is down to just 60kg's now. From yesterday I came off nil by mouth and was told I could have clear free fluids. I managed to talk the nurses to let me have some Ensure Plus, the milkshake versions. Not had for a while and was pleasantly surprised that the flavour has improved.
Oh Hungry, so sorry to hear you're in hospital. Try to take your employers at their word, if you can, and take this time for you. I'll be thinking of you and sending warm thoughts your way.
Hi Hungry,

So sorry to hear about the hospital admission. I hope the docs can get you sorted soon and you start feeling better. Please keep us posted on how are going.

Sending you Healing (((THOUGHTS))) and (((HUGS))) :hug::hug::hug:

Take care,
Hi Hungry, I'm a day late and a dollar short but I just wanted to say good luck and I hope the humira gets you into remission so you can get some quality of life back:). Try to stay positive if you get out of the hospital. No need to add undue stress to your situation. Take care of yourself and don't worry about your job right now!!
Hiya Warren

thinking of you during this difficult time, I'll try and catch you later on Facebook!
try and relax the best you can, good old NHS will look after you!
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Thanks Dusty & Dexky.
It almost lunch time and still not seen a doc yet today. I don't think they know what to do with me.
Are you in a private room at least? I hope so for your sake!! Waiting is bad enough w/o being in a waiting lobby...uggghh!!!
I'm in a ward with 3 others. For the first time I think everyone is fairly young compared to the wards I'm normally in.
I'm 35. I think 2 of the others are around 40 and kid opposite is early 20's.
When I was here for 5 months I was in various wards where everyone was well over 60. Mostly senile and incontinent which I know is not their fault but it made my stay all the more harder.
This ward is acceptable. Still which I had private cover. That's a goal by the end of the year.
Just been told I can try a low res diet, which is music to my ears as I'm so hungry right now.
Last night I dreamt I was at a BBQ pigging out on burgers!
I think my blockage in now cleared, but the strictures are definitely still there as stomach is still noisy. If this food doesn't go down well at least I'm in the right place.
I wish I could go on a massive food binge.
Good thing here is if the food they serve is nasty there's a cafe, shop and canteen I can use as back up ;)
I won't go over board though. Knowing me I will feel bloated after just a couple of mouthfuls.
Hi Hungry,
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment.
On the diet front, I don't know of you've heard of a hospital called Addenbrooks, which is near Cambridge?
They do a lot of research into diet and crohn's, especially elimination diets. May be something to look into if diet is the way you want to go.
My mum really wants me to try it, but I have ZERO willpower when it comes to food! Although I do generally stick to the low residue diet when I'm flaring and I find that helps me.

I hope you find something that works for you soon!

Lucinda x
Hi Lucinda, Cambridge is a bit of a trek for me. I will look into it though, but like you when it comes to food my will power is weak.
I just had a sausage & chips for lunch. Probably not the best choice, but it is low residue.

Over heard the docs tell the kid opposit me he has suspected crohn's. He hadn't heard of it. Looks like he's in a lot of pain. Feel sorry for him, but don't think there's anything I can say that will cheer him up.
And if he's lucky enough not to have it, it's probably best not to say anything.
Sorry only just seen this post and wanted to send you lots of get well wishes. Sounds like your having a bad time, I hope they get you sorted asap.

Jo x
Thanks Jo! Where in Berkshire are you?
I'm on wexham park at the moment.
I think I might find out tomorrow if I need an op.
In a way I'm no so worried if I do so long as they do a good job this time and it doesn't involve any new scars.
Hiya Ryan

thinking of you during this difficult time, I'll try and catch you later on Facebook!
try and relax the best you can, good old NHS will look after you!

Hi Joan,
Missed this post before. Thanks for your support. If you hadn't told me about ruptures I probably would have tried to go in to work and made it worse. Glad I came in now.
Just want this flare to end.

Take care

Warren xx
Hey Warren,

I am only down the road from you in Bracknell, well 30 mins. Are you in Wrexham Park NHS unit? How they treating you there? All ok? Let us know what the outcome is tomorrow.
Jo xx
Hi Jo, yes I in WPH NHS bit. They treat me well as I've been here a lot past 3 years so know most the doctors and nurses. It's like a second home unfortunately.
Still would much rather be in the private paragon section.
Not happy that none of the 3 consultants that normally look after me have seen me yet. Seem to be in the hands of student doctors at the moment who are all very nice, but still doesn't give me full confidence on their experience.

Is this the hospital you use?
So the words I feared. I need an op that's happening on Monday to fix my blockages/strictures.
I'm under a different surgeon this time, so hopefully things might go smoother.
Not scared yet, but will be once they wheel me in to the theatre.

Hopefully after this I will have a long enough remission, that if I do flare up again stem cell treatment will be an option. I will be following Ziggy's progress with great interest.

This will be op number 6 for me. Almost exactly 3 years after the first. You could count the first 4 ops as 1 though.
I'll let you know how it goes!
Big day tomorrow. Op number 6! Just as I was used to my scars. Wonder what state they'll leave me in this time?
From what I understand I have 2 blockages/strictures and possibly a hernia or 2.
Never had a hernia before, so not sure exactly what problems this is gonna cause me in the long run :(

I'll report back how I got on anyway.
Good luck Warren!
let us know as soon as you can, sending big hug your way!
Good luck tomorrow Warren!! Wishing you well!! When you've recovered enough, let us know how it went!!
Thanks all.

I've just taken a pic of my stomach as it is now. Will take one again after + after bandaged.
And once healed.

I did the same with my past ops. Some of the pics are pretty grim though, so wasn't sure if it was a good idea to post up as I wouldn't wanna put anyone off surgery who needs it.
My biggest fear is ending up with a stoma as I had one for a year and I found it very difficult to cope and went into a depression. That was 2 years ago and since the reversal I've been great. Just a shame it's all come back.
I'm 95% sure it's brought on by stress for me. Need to find a way to control that, even though I didn't think I was overly stressed this time.

If anyone would like to see my op photo diary I'll post the links up. I have borrowed a laptop to use here, so I'm fully online again at last. Using my phone wasn't so great.
i hope your flare wanes soon. isnt it infuriating with the diet and the food choices? i am trying "gluten-light" right now....hope you are treated well and can rest.

2007 Night before first op

1st op

2nd op after 3 or days due to leakage.

3rd op. Same again, leakage made me very ill fast. found more holes. Given a stoma.

4th op. Lost too much weight and blood, so not safe to close me back up.

1 year later after open wound healed ready for last op.

Op 5, Sept 2008. Stoma reversal + last hole that didnt heal natraully fixed and wound/scar tidied up by plastic surgery including getting my belly button back.
ha ha no thanks Warren, seen enough last week on Facebook!

Everyone, be careful! he's right! very grim indeed!

hope you're resting and are ok?
Hey Warren,

I'm late to the party on this one but I hope everything goes well with op No 6. Sending you loads of good luck......


Thanks for posting the pictures. I love wounds!

All the best, :)
Today's the day, good luck Warren!! At least you'll have something else to show Dusty soon!

That fourth pic...I could have done w/o that one!!! Ugh, I'm glad I don't do what Dusty does!!!
The kid in the bed opposite me is just turned 18 and has been in here for a week so far as well.
He was just told this morning that they have confirmed he has crohns. He came is with a blockage and I think a burst appendix? All his symptoms sounded like my first hospital visit.
Feel very sorry for him & his mum. Gave him some stuff to look up and tried to reassure them it's not the end of the world.
Today's the day, good luck Warren!! At least you'll have something else to show Dusty soon!

That fourth pic...I could have done w/o that one!!! Ugh, I'm glad I don't do what Dusty does!!!

Thanks! What does Dusty do?

That fourth pic is bad. Took me 3 weeks before I could look at my own stomach.
That was in between changing the dressing, which was known as a "wound management bag". Basically I had a clear plastic cover thing that was glued over and had a round opening window, bit like a washing machine door covering it while it healed. Hopefully none of you will ever have to experience anything like that as I know I was extremely unlucky.

I have a different surgeon working on me today and maybe he better? I hope!
I trusted my other surgeon fully as I had no choice. I'm in the same boat now. Very under weight, so hope I can recover quickly as well.
Looking forward to my first meal.

Not sure how I'm gonna change my diet and keep on remission after this.
After last op I could literally eat anything I wanted with no bad effects. I really thought I'd been fixed for good.
Was supposed to have my 2nd Humira jab tomorrow if I hadn't of had this flare up/blockage. I guess that's gonna go on hold again for ages or maybe scrapped?
I'll let Dusty tell you. She rakes me over the coals for revealing her secrets!!

How long before you go under?
There's someone in before me then I'm next. Just waiting for the call now.
I think it's a 4 hour op.
I hope this is the last entry on your list at least for many years to come. Good luck Warren!!
Ah hope the 18 year old lad is OK send him to the Crohn's Forum. ;)

I can so relate to what they are going through, Meg had her appendix out in April and we thought that was that. No follow up appointment needed. Then the histology report came back indicating crohn's. (in the meantime stomach cramps, anemia and vomiting) Further tests revealed crohn's at the part of her bowel near to where the appendix was. Shocked? You bet!!
Surgery due soon!

Take care Warren xx

Oh and search under the post, "Do you enjoy your job?"
Yeah I gave the kid the link to the forum, my email, link to the Breaking The Cycle Book, Like to Ziggy's Stem Cell Doc and told him to get in touch if he needs to.
Didn't want to scare him with all the details, so just told him the not so bad parts. Am sounds like they diagnosed him fairly quickly, so he might be lucky.
I started food again yesterday and ate well. Maybe too well!
Been eating all day today and managed finally to go to toilet this evening about 5.30ish, so that was a big relief as first since op.

Turned out to be a 5 hour op. They removed 10" of my bowel that joins the colon? Scar is on same as before so about 12".
Had epidural which made me numb from below the wound, so woke up from op in agony. Morphine to fix that. When that wore off few hours later I was in serious pain again. Nurses couldn't believe epidural wasn't working. Took 4 hours for an anaesthetist to come confirm what I was saying and hook me up to a morphine pump. Was not happy.

Came off morphine pump this morning as was scared of getting constipated. Been on paracetamol and just started a slow release morphine pill. Think I will be taking 2 a day.
Stomach wound is pretty sore. I have 2 very tender spots and as I've been lazing on the bed all day am finding it hard to stand up straight now as stomach has tightened.
I have an odd lump at the top of the wound. They said it could be a fluid/blood build up or a hernia. Expecting it to go down on it's own. If not will discuss options tomorrow.

I took a pic of wound today while changing the dressing, but cant post up until I'm out of here. Probably in a week or so.

Meds I'm on now are hydrocortizone, paracetamol, Rifina (TB) and the slow release morphine pills. Plus I'm drinking as many Ensure Plus's as possible as down to 60kg now.
Need to put on 10kg.
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Glad to hear your doing well. Enjoy the eating, stuff your face and put on as much weight as you can I know it can be proper hard to put weight on, but it will come eventually. Ouchy to the wound.

Hope your sleeping there well too, and obvioulsy getting lots of rest

:ywow:I will have to close my eyes to that picture of your wound

:getwell: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bugger, I was getting my hopes up at seeing another pic right now!!! Oh well, I'll just have to be patient.

It is good to hear from you again Warren and I hope things are going smoothly for you.

Take care, :)
Thanks Dusty. Looks like they're gonna let me go this weekend.
Stitches need to come out on Wednesday, but GP can do that.

Feel good. Just a little sore and underweight, but that shouldn't last too long.

Happy days!
Aw Warren
glad to hear from you! was a bit worried!
so happy it went well, and you've gotta keep moving so you don't tighten, that's the worse bit, it hurts like billio!
take care and rest up
Sounds good Warren, nothing like home sweet home......and don't forget the pics! I'm putting an order in for before and after sutures removed. ;)

Take care bud, :)
OK I made it out of hospital last night. Didn't sleep well at all. Ache all over.
Pain relief I'm on is Zydol (100mg) twice a day and paracetomol x 4 per day.
And other meds are Pred (20mg) per day and my TB pills (Rifinah).

I have been to the toilet about 10 times since last night. Lots of mucus! I'm worried.

Apart from aching from head to toe and the odd stomach pain, I don't feel that bad.
Would love some heavy duty pain killers though to put me to sleep.
Am staying at my folks for next few days. Need to get stitches out on Thursday.
Maybe back at work on Friday, depending on how I feel and how hunched over I still am.

How worried should I be about this mucus?

What's the post surgery food advice here? I know, low res low fibre, but any more help would be great.

On the discharge notice it says the op I had was a "Right Hemicolectomy".
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Hey Hungry,

Roo had a Right Hemicolectomy and initially her stools were quite mucousy so I wouldn't be too worried at this point. Do you know how much bowel you had removed?

Food wise she was able to eat a normal diet straight up but we kept it to small frequent meals for a few days, and built up from there. As far as the dietician was concerned there were no restrictions and she had no problems tolerating the normal diet.

HTH, :)
Hey Warren, glad you're out of the hospital. I don't know about your diet or mucous. What do the docs say you should expect? Seems like returning to work on Fri. might be pushing it. But what do I know!!!
Hey Warren.
Even though it was 10 years ago I stll remember freaking out after having my surgery and I puked a lot (as wasn't used to eating) and my bowel movements weren't nice at all, I think this is very normal after this kind of surgery, but obviously check with your surgeon, but sure all is ok.
Hope your sleeping better, know how much that sucks.
Wishing you well x
Hey Warren,

Thanks for the pics! :lol: It looks to be healing well but I bet you'll be glad to get the staples out. How are you going post op?

Thanks, :)
It will be 2 weeks on Monday since the op. I'm only just starting to feel "normal". Although I'm still very underweight and weak.
Also I seem to have a constant ache in my lower back.

Staples will come out tomorrow. They feel itchy and sore.
Hey Warren,

Thanks for the pics! :lol: It looks to be healing well but I bet you'll be glad to get the staples out. How are you going post op?

Thanks, :)

You know you disappointed her don't you Warren!!! She was hoping for oozing green slime and a bloody mess!!! I personally like these better!!
Just ignore Dex. :)

I have no doubt that the wound will be itching and the staples pulling by now. What a relief it will be when you get them out.

Re the lower back pain. I'm not sure about that one but some things that may be contributing to that could be -

- The way you are walking. Are you bending or hunching forward because of your wound?

- Remember the operating table is like about as soft as a slab concrete.

- You would still have a fair degree of internal bruising from the surgeon working away in there for a few hours.

Hopefully things will continue to improve. Keep us posted Warren.

Dusty. :)
Yes I'm only just now able to stand up straight. Have been hunched over.
I will update in here anything relevant as time goes by :)

Thanks folks!
Hi Dusty,

All is well. I've put on some weight. I'm eating all sorts with no problems. Pizza, Mcdonalds, Curries for the odd treat. What I am still staying away from is milk, potato and anything too spicy. Still on a low res/fibre diet.

Scar is healing well. I still have a mild lower back ache. Cut right down on the meds to just pred and paracetamol as and when i need it. My energy levels are getting better, but still fall a sleep much earlier than usual foe me, which isn't such a bad thing.
Hey Warren,

It's so good to hear that you are well and truly on the mend, YAY! Any idea why you still have the lower back pain? Have the docs given you a clue as to what it may be?

Dusty. :)
Not mentioned to the doc, but will do if I still have it on 16th Sept when I see him again.
Think it's just down to bad posture.

Hope you're well!
Well I hope it's gone by then but if not yeah talk to the doc about it.

In the meantime, sit up straight! LOL.

Dusty. :)
Had my 3rd loading dose (80 mg) of Humira today. Hopefully this time I will be able to continue on it uninterrupted. Been feeling pretty good last few days. Started introducing various non low res/fibre foods.
Little bit worried as tonight I eat some pistachio's for the first time in years and also drank a glass of red wine.

Just read Ziggy's reply in his stem cell thread and wow I'm shocked. The stem cell therapy sounds great, but those drugs he's on have really fried his brains. Shame.
How the hell did he take my posts in that thread, in such a bad way and who are the idiots that agree with him????? I really don't understand what happened there.

Anyway I'll stick to this thread now purely for my own "online diary" of events relating to my crohns. If anyone else wants to comment or whatever then fine.
Hey Warren,

It's so good to hear that things are back on track and you are feeling good! YAY!!!

How is the back pain??

Dusty. :)
Glad to hear that you are feeling better and are on the road to gaining weight and suck

Good luck
Last edited:
Thanks gypsigirl & Dusty!

Hey Warren,

It's so good to hear that things are back on track and you are feeling good! YAY!!!

How is the back pain??

Dusty. :)

Back pain has actually gone. :) I hope you are both well?

I haven't weighed myself for a couple of weeks as I don't own any scales. Not sure if I've put much weight on. I know I'm still on the same belt notch :(
Hey Warren,

All's well here. I'm so glad the back pain has resolved, YAY! Oh well I guess you can always look at the weight issue as not losing and at the very least you are maintaining your weight so that has to be positive! Remember you have been through a lot and it will take time to regain condition so don't be too hard on yourself.

Wishing you all the very best, :)
Hey Warren

How are you doing now?
hope everything's ok?
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Received my first pack of Humira injections. Jab myself for the first time tomorrow.
Nurse said I should rest for an hour after, so might wait until I get in from work.

Feeling good that the moment. Still ultra skinny. Had a check up at the hospital today and they weighed me in at 63.5kg. I wanna get myself up to at least 70kg.

Food wise, I've tried bits of everything with no bad effects yet. Like nuts, fruits, veg, pizza's, curries and all types of junk food.
Haven't tried cereals yet as a bit wary of high fibre and milk. I have had milk with tea continuously with no bad effects, but last time I ate a bowl of coco pops I didn't feel to great. Not sure if it was down to that though as I wasn't feeling great anyway. I've very tempted to try out the new chocolate weetabix!

I have eaten small amounts of chocolate with no problems, but I'm trying to avoid most of the obvious stuff if I can.

My mental avoid/cut down list is sweets, chocolate, ice cream, fizzy drinks, hot chillies, yogurt.

I've had a yakult every morning for past 3 or 4 weeks. For breakfast I normally have a banana (no green bits, brown spots emerging) with Manuka honey (10+) and a tea (lactose free full fat milk + 2 spoons raw brown sugar).

Lunch is when I've mostly been experimenting with junk and various other stuff I hadn't eaten for ages. Still I try to keep it to a minimum and mix it with healthy food.

Dinners vary, but I try to be as healthy as possible. Or at least low res/fibre just in case. And if I felt I ate badly that day I have another yakult.
Drinking at least a litre of water a day now.

I finish the prednisolone tomorrow. Been on just 5mg this past week. Then I'll just be on Humira and nothing else.
Oh I do have some Aloe Vera capsules I take as and when I remember/feel like which isn't that often.
Hey Warren,

Thanks for the update. It's great to hear that everything continues to go well and I hope the Humira keeps you in remission for a very, very long time......................


Take care, :)
Hey Warren
I just read through this whole thread...my what a time you've had Warren. My experience is somewhat similar. They left my wound from my ostomy reversal open to heal from inside out as well. Our scars look pretty similar. Been opened down center four times, twice on left side and twice along bikini line for c-sections. It's been so long, I can't even remember back to when I didn't have scars. Look out when you do start gaining weight, my tummy looks a little lumpy because of uneven fat distribution. Would love to have plastic surgery to correct this, but what's the use. I'm already looking at having fourth resection in near future. Fingers crossed this will be my last.
You haven't updated in a while. Hope all is going well. Don't push yourself too much. I also wanted to add, I too had alot of back pain post surgery. I think most due to back muscles compensating for weak abdominal muscles.
Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Dusty & Julie,

All is well thanks! Friday just gone did my 2nd Humira jab at home. Having blood tests every 2 weeks as well and all is normal.

I have been eating well. This Sunday just gone though I did visit my mum and ended up eating some home made lasagna, which I think due to the cheese sauce has given me bad guts. I'm really hoping it will pass. I am better today than yesterday, but still not great.

I'm up to 64kg's now. Before Sunday, I have been feeling great. I wouldn't say 100% though, and don't think I'll ever be 100%. Partly due to physiological reasons.
I can't relax or feel anxious if I don't have access to a "good" toilet. Even if I don't/won't need it.

My scar is looking much better now. The top part though is still red, but I'm not worried about that. It does get very dry as well, so I do put that bio oil on it or moisturiser.

I hope you are both well! x
It's so good to hear that everything is going well Warren and I hope it stays that way!

Good luck and take care, :)
Hello folks,

Been a while since I been here. An update for y'all.

Since my last post here just over a yeqar ago, I haven't been ill once. Only meds I'm on in Humira, 1 shot ever 2 weeks. I can eat pretty much anything although sometimes I have days where I'm in and out the toilet a lot, I still cant pin this down to any particular food.

I can and have drank alcohol with no stomach problems at all. Although I really don't drink very often anymore.

I now way 75kg's and feel great 95% of the time. The 5% being the days when I'm frequently having to go to the toilet or thinking about needing/finding a toilet.

Humira injections are good, but I still hate doing them in my legs after the 1 bad one which really stung. I just get bad anticipation before I hit the button that it's gonna hurt. Nothing major. If I was in the midst of a Crohns flare up that pain would be too small to even mention.

Hope everyone else is getting on ok!
Aw Warren!
It's good to see you again, you sound so much better!
I re read all of this thread and I remember how ill you were, so turn around and look how far you've come!
I'm made up you're ok (oh, and I'm doing good too)
lotsa luv
Warren!!!! So fab to hear from you!!!!

Oh man, I am so happy to hear that things are going great. I hope more than anything it lasts a lifetime mate. :panda::panda::panda:

Congratulations and you sure as hell have :mademyday:

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty & Astra! How are you both?

When I was at my worst I never thought I'd get back to the way I am now, so there I hope if anyone else is in a similar situation as I was they know you will get your life back.
A lot has happened since we last spoke. My son was diagnosed with CD last December and he had one setback after another until he had surgery in April. All is good now though and Sarah is still doing fab. :)

I am still thrilled to bits that all has gone so well mate. :thumleft:

Dusty. xxx

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