More Atypical Symptoms?

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Jun 7, 2016
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and new to the disease - and took a long time getting to a diagnosis because my symptoms weren't entirely traditional and I was wondering if anyone else shares them or has some insight into them because they consistently make me wonder if I really do have crohns or if I do but also with something else along for the ride.

Twitching is the main one, just in the arms, hands and legs - worse at night but at its worst you can physically see muscles just under your skin spasming back and forth.

Tingling and numbness across the body but again worse in the hands and legs.

Nausea, especially when moving the head

Absolutely absent memory and concentration, with a general fatigue

Cloudy, off-smelling urine and frequent need to go/ strong thirst

I had some of the typical symptoms occasionally, like bleeding and just prior to being on budesonide: abdominal pain after eating. I also lost about 20kg over year. Yet the docs never paid any attention to the atypical symptoms even though I expressed they were the reason I was seeing them and they were the worst to deal with.

So does, or did, anyone here suffer with the same sort of things? It would mean a hell of a lot to get some understanding of this all.
If you have malapsorbtion issues due to active disease that could lead to vitamin deficiencies.

Twitching, numbness, tingling and brain fog/fatigue could all be caused by being deficient in any number of vitamins or even iron.
Yes, simple tiredness too can cause a lot of the issues you describe as well, possibly linked to anxiety. I've had the first two you describe quite often when I haven't been sleeping well.
In addition to what everyone else has said, it also could be as simple as dehydration. Dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalance can cause limb tingling and twitching - I've experienced that myself when I get severely dehydrated. Dehydration can also cause UTI (urinary tract infection), which would account for the cloudy urine and needing to go frequently. I actually am currently fighting off a UTI myself, and those infections can absolutely cause a lot of nausea as well. I lost several lbs over the past few days just from being really nauseous and barely eating.

If it were me with those symptoms, I'd head right to the ER or an urgent care clinic and request IV fluids and also request to be tested for a UTI. Better safe than sorry, and if it is a UTI, you want to get that treated with antibiotics quickly before the infection moves up into your kidneys, as that's a much more serious infection. Good luck and feel better!
I'm male which makes the UTI scenario less likely though without a fistula as far as ive been made aware. I've actually had the urine symptoms since the first days of January - so hopefully haven't done damage by living with it, the doctors never paid much attention to it.

I'll definitely make an appointment tomorrow to get a UTI check done and a diabetes test whilst Im at it.
You can develop type 1 diabetes at any time, it is not dependent on eating habits/weight. Glad you plan on getting that checked along with possibly UTI. While both adult onset diabetes and UTI(in males) is rare, they definitely can happen and there are simple tests to rule them out.

"When Type 1 diabetes starts in adulthood, its symptoms usually come on quite suddenly and are the same as those that occur in children with Type 1 diabetes; they include weight loss, constant thirst and urination, and nausea. (In contrast, symptoms of Type 2 diabetes and of LADA tend to come on more gradually, sometimes over a period of years.)"
Well i've arranged a doctor appointment for tomorrow - the urinary symptoms certainly came on suddenly but it was at the same time as my first real, typical crohns symptoms - had a night of diarrhea, fever and a week of headaches and worsening reactions to dairy. So ive always assumed my intestines blew up a bit and caused a fistula.

If something like diabetes turns up i'd really have to look beyond crohns and see if something has caused all these odd health problems this past year, i've heard parasitic infections can cause crohns so perhaps something like that is wreaking havoc...
Have you been on oral steroids...prednisolone? I developed steroid induced type 2 diabetes last year. You don't need to be overweight or have a bad diet to develope it, or be on oral steroids, sometimes just aging does the trick..
Bunty x
Budesonide for just over a month - but its been around far longer than that. Sorry to hear about the diabetes - is that just when you are on the steroids or is it a permanent result now? Seems like each and every medication is a miracle to some and a nightmare for others.
It's permanent, I'm on metformin now forever. Not a problem as it's easily controlled and lots of check ups to make sure there are no side effects. It's the crohns which gives the problems..
Hope you get things sorted out.
Bunty x