Most of you may remember my blog from last year, where I underwent a stem cell transplant. At the time the protocal was to use your own blood, to get your stem cells for later use at the end of chemo treatment. This would grow a new immune system without the active crohns memory B cells that were once there. Remission rates were 91% within the first year. No matter how severe your condition was or no matter how many drugs had stopped working, the likely hood of saving you was 91%. However what they found was by using your own blood, they are not able to kill off the last crohns cells and last b lymphacytes. So the crohns eventually comes back. This has pushed the stem cell transplants into the next and most likely last phase. Using donor stem cells! This way all the crohns memory B cell lymphacites can be killed, basically taking the genetic disposition completely out of the picture!! No more crohns in your genes. In 1982 there were 4 patients under going a donor stem cell transplant (yes we been doing sct's for a LONG time) for leukemia. Coincidently these patients had crohns disease. After the transplants, they noticed that their crohns disease had disapeared in all 4 patients, never to come back again, for 15.3 years (the last time they checked)!! I hope you're getting the picture here...
The very first patient in this new donor phase by doctor Burt has already had his transplant! Even better, the kid has made a blog in your forum. He underwent all his chemo therapy, and received his new stem cells this past Saturday. He told everyone here on that day. His thread has over 3 thousand views. However only a couple people commented on this special day. I don't understand. This has a high chance of being the end of crohns disease for anyone brave enough to under go it. Right now that Brave kid is putting this out there for you to see and benefit from. I wish we would all give him a bit more support considering there is only 70 ppl viewing the treatment section at any given time...
If you would like to view his thread, it is in the treatment section titled "my stem cell blog" - not to be confused by "my stem cell journey" sticky.
I am doing well for those that asked - Thank you. However I would not think twice about doing the donor transplant if my situation changed.
The very first patient in this new donor phase by doctor Burt has already had his transplant! Even better, the kid has made a blog in your forum. He underwent all his chemo therapy, and received his new stem cells this past Saturday. He told everyone here on that day. His thread has over 3 thousand views. However only a couple people commented on this special day. I don't understand. This has a high chance of being the end of crohns disease for anyone brave enough to under go it. Right now that Brave kid is putting this out there for you to see and benefit from. I wish we would all give him a bit more support considering there is only 70 ppl viewing the treatment section at any given time...
If you would like to view his thread, it is in the treatment section titled "my stem cell blog" - not to be confused by "my stem cell journey" sticky.
I am doing well for those that asked - Thank you. However I would not think twice about doing the donor transplant if my situation changed.