MS, ME or CFS? Or other autoimmunes?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Just wondering if any of you Crohnies have also been diagnosed with something along the lines of MS, ME or chronic fatigue? And if you have, what symptoms or tests did you have that made your doctor think it wasn't 'just' side effects from Crohn's or meds?

I am pretty much convinced that I have something else going off apart from Crohn's. But my doctors are just trying to put everything as Crohn's or depression. I managed to get some tests done for peripheral neuropathy, to find that my nerves are fine but I have 'white spots' showing up on an MRI of my brain. The neurologist says it is probably left over from a virus I had (the one that triggered the Crohn's), and if it was anything serious I would have deteriorated, but I'm not convinced. I figure that if the virus could trigger Crohn's it could trigger something else autoimmune. And my Crohn's treatment could be treating that too (preventing me from deteriorating).

So if anyone has any experience with other autoimmune disorders alongside Crohn's, I'd be grateful to hear your experiences!

For the record, the main symptoms I have been having are:
Pins and needles in my hands and feet
Muscle fatigue and taking a long time to recover from exertion
Tired all the time- including after just waking up
Brain fog- things like forgetting to do things, making errors in simple tasks like making a drink, difficulty organising my speech, making spelling or grammatical errors in writing

These have been going on for 18-24 months now. And while I *thought* I wasn't getting worse, looking back on some of my previous posts on here, I have got very gradually worse. Except the tiredness which sometimes seems to get better, but then hits full force again.

Diabetes, vit deficiencies, thyroid have all been ruled out!
If it is ME/CFS then i'm afraid it's a long road ahead. A diagnosis of one of those should only take place after everything else has been ruled out. Specialist services are few and far between and hugely oversubscribed. Also there are plenty in the medical profession who will tell you those are "all in the mind".

It does sound as though it could be ME.

I would suggest keeping on at your GP and see if he will refer you to your local CFS service- it may be some distance though, my "local" service is actually in another county!

You know your body best and if it is telling you something more is going on, you need to make someone listen.

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