I'm not diagnosed yet, waiting until I get home in June to see my dr, but everything points to IBD. So for what it's worth...
I get this ALL THE TIME! I think I'm honestly just so used to it right now that it hardly phases me, but it really is a nuisance and, to me anyway, seems like a very obvious sign that our bodies are saying, "HEY, I'm not ok, something is really wrong here!"
I'm sorry I have no real advice. All I can say is - you're not alone!
I would be so interested if you could share what your doctor says as well as your blood work, unless that's not something you want to share here of course. The reason I'm curious to hear what she says is because I've been told mucus happens with IBS, which makes sense since it happens in everyone actually, just not so much that it's visible. But I have a hard time wrapping my head around my body producing SO MUCH mucus for purely functional reasons; perhaps if your doctor finds something, it might be something I could bring up with my own doctor.
Anyway, good luck! It's not pleasant, that's for sure :ybatty: