Multicolored poop

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Dec 18, 2009
There shall be no joking in here! This is a very serious thread about multi colored poop people! :tongue:

So, for the past four days since things have been really bad my poop has been just about every color under the sun. it started out normal, light brown. Went to a pukey green color, then yellow, and now is orangey yellow....I checked out the poop color chart, and apparantly this means excess bile for green, and lack of absorption for yellow....but no orange...I'm wondering if it's maybe yellow with some blood in it? Any thoughts?

i could make a poop rainbow the way i've been going lately! Also, it's either liquid, or it's super skinny really really soft
I don't think it would be orange from blood....Have you been eating or drinking anything with red or orange food coloring??? Also blood that is absorbed into stool usually makes the stool black and sticky, like tar..Bright red blood would probably be seen on the toilet paper....
So, I'm not allowed to ask if you've been eating crayons lately? :)

Foods that can cause orange stool include:

•Any food with artificial yellow or orange coloring
•Collard greens
•Fresh thyme
•Sweet potatoes
•Turnip greens
•Winter squash

If stool is still orange when it is eliminated, it could mean that it is not being exposed to, or absorbing enough, bile salt. Bile is yellowish green, and when it reacts with enzymes in the bowel, it turns stool brown.

One reason that stool may not be absorbing enough bile is that the stool is moving through the body too quickly. This could be caused by a variety of reasons, including diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, or short bowel syndrome. A second cause is a lack of bile, which could mean that the body is not making enough bile, or that the bile ducts are blocked. A blockage in the bile ducts can be caused by gallstones, inflammation, cysts or tumors.

If you can not attribute the color of your stool to a dietary reason, or if you have other symptoms (such as diarrhea, constipation, weakness, or dizziness), consult your physician.

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I'm sorry to bump an old thread but I've been having multicolored poop as well. Has it been figured out what could be causing this? Mine goes normal brown then green then white. I'm pooping rainbows.