Somebody redirected me to this site after reading a post i put on a fb forum asking if there was anywhere a parent could go for advice when their heads are still reeling from watchng their child suffer so much. My daughter was diagnosed after years of stomach problems even though there is crohns in the family she was told because she was well built she couldnt possibly have it, she is now in the 5th month of steroids and just started humira because she has been so ill and as you can imagine at 17 having steroids for 5 months has not gone down very well with their effedts and feeling so ill and being in and out of hospital in the last few months . Hopefully things will pick up soon and she will start to feel like her normal self and thankyou to all the people who post on these forums even when they are so ill themselves that give people like me help and support and the kick up the arse they need when they are feeling sorry for themselves when we are just doing the easy bit by supporting our child when they are going through hell lol but also the : information we need
And may I just say how proud I am of my daughter on how she has coped and been as strong as she has in these last few months :uk_flag:
And may I just say how proud I am of my daughter on how she has coped and been as strong as she has in these last few months :uk_flag: