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Jun 16, 2012

I went and saw my gastro, I asked what was my Vitamin B12 and she said normal, but since i dont know what that is, I couldnt find out more. For a reminder, i am the person with the weird leg pains from ? Humira. Actually I didnt get much from GI except i need to have another colonoscopy and gastroscopy, coz lets see where you are at... She then mused, why not go off everything and see what happens, I said i have done that before, and I got incredibly sick (I mean who is she kidding, I am supposed to keep well not get sick and she agreed the last thing i had before the Humira and the cortisone prior to that was Toxic Mega Colon) Then I asked for Pentasa as had that before and no side effects. I am having an MRI to see if there is something wrong with my spine from the humira. She wants me to go back to the rheumy who said she couldnt find anything except for the titre of ANA 1:320. I asked for a plan, the plan is go on Pentasa, and if i get sick go to the hospital. I asked about the cortisone, she said the rheumy gave you that so ask her. I said she gave me that coz i went off the humira. I have had cushiongoid syndrome from budesinide so as I am incredibly thirsty on cortisone going to be tested for diabetes, (why not have that too). She mentioned maybe i could have MS too as Humira can bring that on, so why not have the lot. I am feeling pretty cheesed off right now... My daughter said it is my fault because I dont suck up enough to the doctor. I pay good money for help, surely .. surely, we can think this thru... no plan means i get sick. I work full time.... :(.. I guess I have to go find a new GI as she has given up on me. ... hugs to all who have crohns, I hate this disease so much... xxxxx Linda:hug::confused2::ymad::voodoo:
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Hi Linda, I just came across your post - I have no advice but just wanted to say I'm sorry your doctor is so rubbish and I hope things get better for you!! x
I would definitely seek out a different GI doctor!! You need to find someone who will give you the time of day that you deserve. i'm sorry you are having a rough time right now. It feels like it can't only just be the Crohn's, things always have to pile up on top of you and hit you when you're down. Humira can cause MS-like symptoms, but i hadn't heard of anyone actually getting the disease from it. Hopefully, if you stop taking the Humira those side effects will ease up for you. However, I would DEFINITELY seek a second opinion!!!