My 11 year old daughter underwent total colectomy with Ilistomy this last June, 2012 during a hospital emergency visit which lasted over 30 days. She was diagnosed with indeterminate Crohns in June 2010 for 1 sudden onset of inflammation. 2011 in remission and then 2012 this surgery after various meds including remicade did not work.
Current problem is severe inflammation in rectum. I have been given two options; 1) remove rectum and make iliostomy permanet for "11 year old girl" and 2) J pouch surgery with 30-50% failure rate. They are willing to do this surgery because they feel her symptoms are ony characteristics of crohns. She has a unique case .
I am looking for other parents with a similar situation; 1) sudden onset of disease in large intestine only and within 2 years a total colectomy. Are there any success stories with J Pouch out there in your children with similar stories? 3) natural remedy I have not heard of to increase immune system and remove inflammation?? 4) Any miracle hospitals or doctors treating kids with crohns?? Location and name?? I am in seattle. ** Our family has went thru an extreme family crisis when this occurred and I believe it is 98% stress related due to emotions.
All advise appreciated!
Current problem is severe inflammation in rectum. I have been given two options; 1) remove rectum and make iliostomy permanet for "11 year old girl" and 2) J pouch surgery with 30-50% failure rate. They are willing to do this surgery because they feel her symptoms are ony characteristics of crohns. She has a unique case .
I am looking for other parents with a similar situation; 1) sudden onset of disease in large intestine only and within 2 years a total colectomy. Are there any success stories with J Pouch out there in your children with similar stories? 3) natural remedy I have not heard of to increase immune system and remove inflammation?? 4) Any miracle hospitals or doctors treating kids with crohns?? Location and name?? I am in seattle. ** Our family has went thru an extreme family crisis when this occurred and I believe it is 98% stress related due to emotions.
All advise appreciated!