My 21st birthday

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 4, 2011
My 21st birthday was July 26th. On the 25th, I was admitted in to the ER due to severe right abdomen pain. I had this before, 5 weeks in May. I had a colonoscopy the last time this flared, but no diagnosis. I was released from the hospital prematurely in order to take a video capsule test. I got the results on Tuesday and it was confirmed on Wednesday. I have Crohn's Disease in my small intestine, about a foot of diseased tissue. I've been prescribed 500mg of Sulfasalazine I am to take 4 times a day. My mom and my boyfriend, who I've been with a month and he wouldn't leave my side when I was in the hospital, are my amazing support team. My boyfriend is a classically trained chef and I'm a pastry chef, I just graduated from college too. I'm scared of this but I'm trying to stay positive and optimistic. I have no treatment plan yet because the GI doc I had for my colonoscopy was on vacation when I went into the hospital and won't be back til the 16th, and he's seeing me the day he gets back.

I know this is manageable, but I really would like to know more people with this disease who can tell me more about what to expect and how to deal with these changes. Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you.
Hiya Rinikitty
and welcome

Yes it is manageable once you get the right med regime going. You'll be ok.
In the meantime have a scoot round the forum, lots of info on just about everything. If you're suffering with diarrhea and abdo cramps a low residue diet might help. You'll find this in the sub forum diet and fitness.
Stay positive, this will help, stress is a killer, and can trigger flares.
Any questions, just fire away, lots of Crohnie friends here for you!
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome to the forum! We all have questions, and ask just about anything we want to know. Feel free to chime in or ask away!
Hi Rinikitty and welcome! A positive attitude is a good way to start. Our emotions can really effect our Crohn's, especially stress, as Joan noted. Staying well through diet (great thing your BF is a chef!) and exercise is important. However, the right treatment is key. It can take some trial and error to figure out what works best for you. Luckily, there are more treatment options today than ever before. But once you find what works, stick with it, even if you start feeling amazing. Remaining on a maintenance drug will help keep you well and avoid future flare ups.

I hope you get in touch with your GI soon and work out a treatment plan. Good luck!
Hi there and welcome! I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with Crohn's as it likely will be life changing but it CAN be managed! And who knows, based upon your occupation, you may be able to help lots of others in the same predicament who are looking for diet related advice and recipes they can tolerate.

There is a wealth of information here and tons of people going through exactly what you have. Ask any specific questions you have and read read read :)

All my best to you :)
Welcome to the club! Sorry you had to join, though. It's definitely manageable most of the time. It may take some time to figure out what treatment plan is best for you.
HI there. I'm new to this too and was a little scared too at first but talking to others on here really makes you feel more confident and less alone. I dont really know what to expect as luckily things seem to have calmed down for me but its great to know that everyone is here if you need them. Glad your part of the group.:welcome:
Thank you all for making me feel so welcomed! :) Right now I've been trying to get this flare up under control, but it seems like everything I eat causes some degree of pain. My primary care physician wants to put me on steroids, but I'm apprehensive about steroids. It doesn't help that my mom isn't confident that he perscribed it right. Also, primary doc thinks there's something up with my gallbladder. I feel like my insides are rage quitting. XD
What kind of steroids did he prescribe you, and at what dose? Gallbladder? Sometimes it does seem to be one thing after another. Oh, have you tried Ensure? If eating hurts me too much, I'll drink that for a day or so and it usually helps.
I'm not sure, my mom was telling me that it wasn't pretozone. My BF has been making me dairy free smoothies with nasty protien powder to make sure I have good nutrients. We're of the mind that high fat and spicy foods and also aspartame effect me the worst. Mostly what I've been eating now is salads with little dressing and toast with fruit. My major protien source has been fish.
Hello Rinikitty, and welcome!

Its great that they got you diagnosed as quickly as they did. The pill cam seems to be a great tool for people with crohns in the small intestine...I too had a normal colonoscopy, it can be such a downer! I'm very glad they got you that pill cam and you are on the mend.

Thats great that you have such a supportive boyfriend! He sounds like a keeper. :)

This is a great forum, feel free to ask any questions! I hope you are able to come up with the plan with your GI soon so that you can feel better ASAP!