My 4 year olds Crohn's story

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Nov 23, 2010
Hello everyone,

This is a story about how my four year old son was recently diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. He has had diarrhea on and off for his whole life, and the Dr.'s never seemed too concerned. Back in August he started developing mouth sores (looked like canker sores) and a lot of them (30-40), along with fever and diarrhea. When I took him to the Dr the first time the Dr said it was just a viral infection and it would go away by itself. It didn't we continued to go back to the Dr. several times over the next 2 months, and they tried anti-viral medication and did some blood work, everything was coming back normal. Then he developed ankle pain to the point where he couldn't walk anymore. His Dr. finally had him admitted to the hospital we saw a GI and dermatologist and he had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done. Those results showed he had those sores down his esophagus, intestines and in his colon, it also showed he had inflammation. He had his first dose of Remicade in the hospital within two days or so we saw improvement in his mouth sores and he could walk without pain. (They also had him TPN) The diarrhea went away, we were sent home after 9 days in the hospital. He just had his 3rd dose of Remicade and seems to be in a complete remission. He does have several bowel movements a day, but not nearly as much as he had during his flare up. He has gained back the weight he has lost.

Does anyone else have young children diagnosed with Crohn's? I worried about him being on a medicine (Remicade) that seems to be one of the stronger medications out there for Crohn's (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still learning) especially since there has been so little research done with this medication on children as young as he is.

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give,

Hi Kacie, my son was dxed with crohns at 10 last Dec.. He was put on prednisone and asacol at first which got him into remission. He has been on 6mp (mercaptopurine) since about January. I am a little surprised your son wasn't put on prednisone first to get him into remission. I haven't heard of anyone going straight onto Remicade. I suppose if it's working for him, then he's probably better off for never having steroids. Pred. can have some nasty side effects.

I think we are all sort of at the mercy of our GI's!! They all have different philosophies it seems. There is a remicade club in the Treatment section of the forum. I don't think anyone will have any experience as it pertains to a four year old, but the feedback is overwhelmingly positive I believe. I've only spent a little time reading it though so I don't want to misinform you.

Good luck to you Mom!! I know what you are going through!!