My 5 year old might have IBD

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Sep 26, 2012
Hey all. I'm so glad I found this forum as it's helping me. I'm 24 and currently undiagnosed but stool sample showed inflammation in the gut so consultants certain I have iBD. I have a colonoscopy next week to confirm,

My daughter is 5 and has always had problems with her bowels and stomach pain. She is on medication for acid reflux but still gets abdominal pain.
The consultant thought she had constipation so she's been on movicol for about a year. Her stomach pain an be awful, she's been hospitalized because of it. Also she can have changed in bowel movement, and usually has bad stomach pain with diarrhea. I was to take her off movicol to see if there was any change but theres not. She had a barium swallow and that went fine.

Iv now been told that because I probably have IBD the chances are my girl might so we will be discussing this at the next appointment, iv went through hell with this disease and really don't want my poor girl to go through it. Her symptoms r so similar to mine it's scary. Will the tests be similar to what I get? Colonoscopy etc? She has a milder version of my issues.
Hi CatherineM
I'm so sorry hear that you and your little girl are going through this.
It's hard enough for an adult to deal with disease let alone a little child.:hug:

I hope you get some answers soon.
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through all this. I'm about your age and also have a five year old daughter, and would be completely devastated if she started showing symptoms at such a young age. I already panic every time she gets a tummy ache or has diarrhea!
But I am glad you've found this forum. I think everyone here would agree that it has helped them immensely. You may not always be able to find answers here, but at least you know you're not alone in your struggles. Best of luck to you and your little one, let us know if there is anything we can do to help, even if you just need someone to talk to, feel free to send a private message.
Thank u both for ur caring replies. It's such a worry for my girl, she's so strong, sometimes I think he's stronger than me! Iv just had to give up college which has got me down, I need to focus on my illness and being here incase my daughter needs me. Been crying all morning (today's when iv gave up college) but I know it's for the best. Wouldnt be much help to her if I'm pushing myself too much. This forum has been great. It's good to see people have symptoms and problems like me, some embarrassing problems that I thought it was just me. I never realized how many kids do have IBD problems till I read stories on here. It's such a horrible illness. I don't think many people understand unless they are going through it or no some one who is xx
Hi and welcome,:heart:
So sorry to hear your little girl is having issues.:frown:
My little farm princess is also a lot like your little girl.
A lot of the same issues.
Hopefully we'll both get to the bottom of things quickly.:ysmile:
:thumright:Hang in there!
Welcome. Sorry both you and your daughter have pain. They do similar tests for children and adults. Good luck!
Hi and welcome. Sorry to hear about you and your daughter. At least if your daughter gets diagnosed soon then hopefully she will get treated and into remission so that she doesn't have to suffer. Hope you get into remission soon too so that you can deal with it all. Good luck with everything
Sorry to hear about you and your child. Colonoscopy was the way they dx my son last year. Hope you both enjoy remission soon
Hi Catherine , so sorr you little girl is having problems my son Lewis has just been diagnosed he is 5 aswell , he has had problems for 3 years mainly abscess,s and fistulas but he suffers every day with stomach ache and he mainly has constipation and it's a balancing act if he is constipated not to give him to much because it works against him, are u in england or else were in the world, I'm sorry I've had to give up college I recently gave up work to look after Lewis as the stress was causing my health to deteriorate as I have athuritus of the spine and juggling all was to much , I have been a dental nuts for 14 years and it to was a very hard decision but I'm glad I made it as I'm finding I'm happier and less stressed about everything and able to cope more with the sleepless nights with him , things will get better don't beat yourself up about leaving college yours and your daughters health comes first , I believe in healthy mind healthy body so I'm sure u,ll start to feel better with out the stress of college aswell, I hope you start to get some answers about your daughters probe and make sure you push for the answers u want we did but only towards the end of the last 3 years , keep positive Hun sending hugs ,xx
Hello Catherine,

Just to say I am sorry to hear that your daughter is having these symptoms and I can understand your worry. I'm sure the docs with understand it too. You know what this disease can throw at you.

My son was diagnosed when he was 5 years old too. He is now 7 and doing mostly well, with relatively minor issues.

I hope it won't be long til your next appointment so you can get some answers, or a plan of investigations to give you some answers.

Take care and let us know how you go.

Hi Catherine. Really sorry that you and your daughter are having problems. I hope you answers about her illness and some relief for both of you very soon.

You are right. Nobody really understands how many children are affected by IBD and what it does to their lives. It has become WAY too prevalent and at such an early age! Thankfully the medications are improving also. I hate it that medicine is the answer instead of finding the cause, but I am thankful for the medications for my son at the same time.

Once you both are feeling better, you should try some online courses. Maybe you could knock out some elective credits from home!
