Hi jenstaci and :welcome:
I am so sorry to hear about your boy and what you are going through...:hug:
You have been given fab advice hun and it is surely is true that the early days are the hardest. It is such a shock to receive a diagnosis like Crohn's for your baby. All your dreams and expectations for the future come crashing down and are replaced with fear, uncertainty and grief. We all cry, it is normal, natural and just and what loving Mother wouldn't and that is what you are. :hug:
The best advice I can give is to read, read and read some more. Question, question and question some more and in doing so you will become the best advocate for your son that you can possibly be. With knowledge comes power and with that power comes control. As you learn to take control of this disease you become stronger and more able to cope. It will get easier hun and your boy will get better. Your old life disappears and is replaced by new one, one in which you truly appreciate the boring, the normal and the simple things in life...well I do anyway! :lol:
As has been said, all medications have side effects and i know the ones we are talking about have more than their fair share. I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaked out that my kids take these drugs because I am but I have also experienced what untreated crohn's can do and that is just as scary. My children have been fortunate not to experience any side effects from medication and they are both in remission, surgically induced, and living life to the full.
EEN is certainly something that needs to be considered and discussed. I would start with that if I were you and also a PPI rather than Zantac. Start with what you are dealing with here and now, his diagnosis, it's severity and the treatment. Focus on the drugs he is currently taking, read up on them and start asking questions then branch out from there. Ask the doctor, ask the nurse, ask us. The main thing in asking questions is to always remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question. It matters not if it has been asked a hundred times before because this is your boy and your story and then there is always the chance that it has been thought about by others but never asked!
Good luck hun and welcome aboard!
Dusty. xxx