My Crohn's story

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Aug 14, 2014
Hi my names jake and this is my Crohn's story!
Diagnosed with crohns about six years ago on my 17th birthday ( apparently I'd had Crohn's for about a year prior to actually being diagnosed but no symptoms ). My first symptoms all hit at once at my birthday party - fever, body aches, diarrheah, excessive sweating ; everything! Soon after I went to my gp and he sent me straight to emergency because off my blood results. Once in hospital I had a colonoscopy and I was anaemic. Stayed in hospital for a couple of weeks then I was good to go back on the path to life. I have previously seen my specialist and had maybe 3-4 colonoscopies. My colon is tightening up from all the cobble stones and is (as far as we are concerned) the reason I still get diarrheah.

To this day the only symptom I suffer from is diarrheah. I have heard about other sufferers and their day to day symptoms and everyone is different I guess. Being diagnosed at the age of 17 was hard. I'd just got into the party scene, pretty hard to I might add. Alcohol and some recreactional drugs. Quiet abit too in my late teens. Soon after in my early 20's (20,21) I turned to bodybuilding and a healthier lifestyle and cut all the crap. I the still suffered diarrheah. I thought At least I'm healthy that's gotta count for something. Since the age of 22 I've just kinda lived a "normal" lifestyle. Stay fit. Eat well (I mean we all have a fast food cravings - ie; a month binge on maccas haha).

For about a year now I've also suffered from anxiety which is one of the most horrible feelings I've ever ever ever had! Also depression. Having Crohn's is a tough gig.

Whenever my imune system plays up or I have bad diarrheah for a few days I tend to get angry at people who want to talk to me about it ( my girlfriend or mother generally). I bottle it up.

I've never really spoken to anyone else that suffers from the same condion and/or symptoms and as I mentioned I think every sufferer is different. I'm always trying to figure out my diet and trying new things out.

I always knew there was forums like this and I've always been heaitant. But I mean maybe talking to other people with the same condion might help.

Thanks for listening.
Hi Jake and welcome.

Healthy living is important with this disease. We've got great people who really know the dietary side of things. I'm sure they'll be along soon.

Sending you my support.
Hey Jake


Just wondering if you have had your thyroid, and also your vitamins and minerals checked since the depression and anxiety started. I totally understand that crohns sucks and it can definitely lead to D and A, however there are other things that can cause them eg low iron, magnesium, vit D, calcium, thyroid issues etc, so it is worth getting D and A totally checked out separately just in case they are caused by something that can be sorted.

Some people use light therapy to help with their depression.

I also feel that being gluten free makes me a much nicer person to be around (and in my head too if that makes sense!)

Also I am at a similar latitude to you but in NZ - and I definitely need to supplement my vit D.

Also just wondering If you have had your small bowel checked? Are you on any medication? and Have you had your gall bladder checked? Also have you have any CRP / ESR or other blood tests or colonoscopy done recently? - Are you on any medication for your Crohns?

We are here to listen and answer questions anytime - there are haps of ideas on here and things to try. - We welcome support people too so your girlfriend and / or Mum are welcome on here too:)

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