My Family & Toppers Suck...

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Captain Obvious
Mar 20, 2009
OMFG - why are people so ___________ (insert appropriate adjective here)?? When they find out you have an IBD, they go on and on about how they think they might have IBS, or one time they had some bad ribs and were "on the bowl for 2 hours," or have bad gas cramps sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the worst is my brother (and I use that term very loosely). When he found out (because I don't go around advertising it), he came up to me and said, "so ya don't feel good, huh? Yeah, I have IBS. Have diarrhea sometimes. It sucks." OMG would you kiss my ass already?!?!??!!??!?!??!?!
Sorry. I kinda feel a little better now.
Yes you have met some toppers.

Toppers wait (sometimes) for you to finish your story only to say something like this:

Oh yeah, that ain't nothing........ or You think that's bad.........

Then they go on to tell you how good you have it because they have blah blah blah.

I hate toppers. You may have Crohn's but let me assure you their gas is much much worse.

Toppers, they should be slapped about the head and shoulders.
Hi Marissa,

It is so frustrating what pinheads people can be. It seems as though family members are the worst in terms of being insensitive. My mother tends to want to force her good wishes upon me by dramavomitting out Pollyanna type phrases such as "but you feel better than u did yesterday right?" No not so much ma, feel like crap.
Oh GOD yeah!
"Well, you don't LOOK as bad as you did yesterday." Ever get that one?
How are you feeling, Jerman? Long time no talk to you or Laurie.
Here's another one:
"What did you EAT today that made you that sick?"

Well... I inhaled some air... drank some water... pretty sure I blinked a few times... and then came the ED (explosive diarrhea).

What do you mean what did I eat?? Nothing! Anything! Everything!! IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ymad:
Hi Marissa,

I am doing ok, posted kind of a whiney update yesterday. I took the magical journey to the boston hospital and unfortunately know no more than before we went. Thankfully though, i do have some relief with a new med called Bentyl. It has helped a good deal with the stomach spasm and accompanying pain. The docs do not know what is wrong with me, and have 95% ruled out that i do not have crohns or colitis. I feel a bit like some kind of a "circus boy" the docs are now trying some new type of test/blood work? around (sp) poriphyras. Unfortunately no farther along and trying very hard to keep spirits up.

My boys are coming to visit tomm and I am hoping that i dont have challenges with my gut again this weekend as i hadto cut the last visit short as i was having withdrawal issues from prednisone and the painkiller i had been on. It was not at all a pretty picture and not what i wanted the boys to see. How are you?
Have you ever used the chat room on this site?

I have tried it a few times but no one is ever in there.
I used to live with a woman (She was my landlady) that went through a colonoscopy because she didn't feel well.

She went to Doctors, GI's, had bloods done.... She was diagnosed with IBS.

For a full year, all I heard about was how unwell she was feeling.

"Oh, I had cramps today"
"Oh, I couldn't finish my long business lunch today, I felt soooo bloated"

All the while, I was going through Pred, 6-mercaptapurin, antibiotics like there was no tomorrow. I had 3-4 fistulas forming abscesses, running to the bathroom at every opportunity..... and so on.

She knew I had Crohn's and how I was feeling at the time, but it never entered her head that I would have swapped places with her at any time.
Same shit, bigger pile... and the same small shovel :)
I'm sorry you don't have any more answers than when you went in. We all know you were in SO much pain when you were brought in to Boston. Happy you're getting relief from the Bentyl though!!!
Try to keep your chin up - I know, easier said than done.
But are you at least enjoying the rain?!?!? (ugh)
I've tried the chat quite a few times. No one has ever been in there LOL
i no how you feel, my grandma does that. my grandpa wil get on me about not moving around a lot(when im in a flare) and that i need to get out more. my grandma has a talk with him "bill(thats my grandpas name) my belly hurt right now after i just had lunch, how do you think tabathe's feels," and she had a very MILD ibs i dun even think it was dxed she is a hypocondriac tho you no thinks she has everything all the time, like shes not happy unless she is sick. god it freaking annoys me sooo bad and theres nothing i can do about it, you no onetime she was driving me to the hospy and i said about time cuz it took her an hour to get to my house and she lives like 3 mins away and she told me she would turn the car around and not take me at all. they ended up admiting me that day for about a week, and im still mad at her about it.....
Dan... those are the type of people who are found at the bottoms of wells... and stairs... and no one seems to know how they got there... but they fell on that knife 47 times!!!!
How many times a day did you want to kick her in the teeth?
I don't think I could've restrained myself...
SpoonNinja said:
i no how you feel, my grandma does that. my grandpa wil get on me about not moving around a lot(when im in a flare) and that i need to get out more. my grandma has a talk with him "bill(thats my grandpas name) my belly hurt right now after i just had lunch, how do you think tabathe's feels," and she had a very MILD ibs i dun even think it was dxed she is a hypocondriac tho you no thinks she has everything all the time, like shes not happy unless she is sick. god it freaking annoys me sooo bad and theres nothing i can do about it, you no onetime she was driving me to the hospy and i said about time cuz it took her an hour to get to my house and she lives like 3 mins away and she told me she would turn the car around and not take me at all. they ended up admiting me that day for about a week, and im still mad at her about it.....

I'm pretty sure that would've been my breaking point where I'd have to undo both of our seatbelts, lean across her, open her door, and shove her out. You'd be in pain driving yourself to the hospital, but you probably would get there faster and without the rude comments!!! :eek:
What about the fools who think they have a cure for you.
Drink some milk to settle your stomach;
Eat cheese to stop up the ED.
You should try______ that helped old Stumpy back in 1890 when he had gas!

WTH? So you know more than my GI doc and it all can be treated by milk and cheese huh?

Or have you been told (like me) that "It can't be that bad." Uh huh, and when I hit you in the head with this steel pipe don't whine cause "It can't be that bad."
farm said:
What about the fools who think they have a cure for you.
Drink some milk to settle your stomach;
Eat cheese to stop up the ED.
You should try______ that helped old Stumpy back in 1890 when he had gas!

WTH? So you know more than my GI doc and it all can be treated by milk and cheese huh?

Or have you been told (like me) that "It can't be that bad." Uh huh, and when I hit you in the head with this steel pipe don't whine cause "It can't be that bad."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA those first 2 are totally ones my mom has said to me multiple times... "drink milk - it coats your stomach...." and "cheese helps bind you up..."
Holy hell, would you PLEASE shut up?!
Are you offering to hit people with that steel pipe? Because if you are, I have a list for you and I'm definitely willing to pay good $$!!!
Heck yeah. I'm looking for a new full time job anywho! Pipefitter to pipe-hitter, I'm in!!
The amusing thing about the "Milk Cure" is that it is likely that the main bacteria that causes Crohn's symptoms comes from Milk.

The Cure is the absolute worst advice possible, short of drinking pure poison.

But don't dare correct them... because their buddy's best friend's uncle's cousin's girlfriend's Uncle Stumpy used that cure in 1890 (right, Farm?) and he's now cured. Hasn't had a flare or diarrhea in 82 years.
Well I was told to go down to the natural foods store in town and tell them what I have, and they'd get me the "right herbs, vitamins, and minerals" to "fix my boat"

WHY did I not know this before?!
katiesue1506 said:
Well I was told to go down to the natural foods store in town and tell them what I have, and they'd get me the "right herbs, vitamins, and minerals" to "fix my boat"

WHY did I not know this before?!

See, crohnies are stupid. We just don't know what is good for us.

Now go take a dose of castor oil to "clean ya out" and you will be fine.:ybatty:
Well, Katiesue, I don't know why you didn't think of that... AND why you didn't let the rest of us fix our boats either?!?! :duh: LOL
Why are some people so stupid? Why, oh, why????? (Edit - Not you, Katiesue!!)
Oh, and we're not just stupid - we're lazy, too.
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D Bergy said:
The amusing thing about the "Milk Cure" is that it is likely that the main bacteria that causes Crohn's symptoms comes from Milk.

The Cure is the absolute worst advice possible, short of drinking pure poison.


Micro bacterium Lactotuberculosis

Dan... those are the type of people who are found at the bottoms of wells... and stairs... and no one seems to know how they got there... but they fell on that knife 47 times!!!!
How many times a day did you want to kick her in the teeth?
I don't think I could've restrained myself...

Many, many times i wanted to hit her. My wife, (GF at the time) actually said to her before I moved out that she needed to stop telling me her symptoms, because I was getting jealous.... :lol2:
I know what you mean. xD I suppose people are trying to understand what it's like to have Crohn's, and failing.

But it can't be as bad as something my "grandfather" said (I use the term loosely. We don't speak to them any more.). My dad told him I was going into hospital and apparently he said. "Oh dear. Well, your mum's got flu again"..... Riiiiiiiight. Of course this is the same as going into hospital and getting a piece of bowel cut out.
coachvee said:
I know what you mean. xD I suppose people are trying to understand what it's like to have Crohn's, and failing.

But it can't be as bad as something my "grandfather" said (I use the term loosely. We don't speak to them any more.). My dad told him I was going into hospital and apparently he said. "Oh dear. Well, your mum's got flu again"..... Riiiiiiiight. Of course this is the same as going into hospital and getting a piece of bowel cut out.

Wow... because I GUESS it's like having the flu... :eek2:
I had a coworker spin it and tell me this girl he used to know was so hot and skinny because she had Crohns. Who'd have thought it was a blessing in disguise? It's apparently the magical cure to the rampant morbid obesity epidemic and only he knew it? I should find a way to make it contagious and make some money here.

"Satisfaction guaranteed, you'll sh*t away years of donuts and pizza within the first month, you'll feel on top of the world, and people will ask what's your secret....even profuse amounts of blood come out as an added bonus for extra weight loss!!! Try our patent pending "Anal Faucet System" ...Call now and we'll give you free Depends adult diapers so you can keep your weight loss up and going even at your desk or in your sleep, SO little effort! Amazing!....It's a MIRACLE!!"
Don't forget pictures. You HAVE to have picture proof in order to sell a product. I tell you what ... I'll let you take pictures of me and my weight and then take a picture of a really hot skinny chick and say that the diet plan worked for her! Then they'll think ... WOW.... she even got pretty doing the diet! It'll be fabulous.
Santos61198 said:
I'm pretty sure that would've been my breaking point where I'd have to undo both of our seatbelts, lean across her, open her door, and shove her out. You'd be in pain driving yourself to the hospital, but you probably would get there faster and without the rude comments!!! :eek:

yea well i was 16 at the time so i couldnt drive plus didnt no the way, and was in backseat. but my mom was there so when i couldnt yell nemore cuz i was in soo much pain she yell for me ^-^
I have a very close friend with IBS, and I won't speak for anyone else, but theres no way in this world I'd swap places. I've found an effective treatment, I eat a 'sensible' diet, etc., etc.. and am able to live a pretty good life. She currently has all of the 'obvious' symptoms I had at my worst (non stop Big D, chronic cramping, bloating, gas, etc.. and of course, best of all, those spontaneous trips to the WC).. and yet despite years of flogging from one Dr to another, specialist after specialist, test after test... no definitive diagnosis other than 'IBS', no treatment other than anti diarheals, and a 'trigger' diet that makes mine look tame. And, of course, no respect in the medical commnunity. Any of that sound familiar to anyone? This site shouldn't (in my opinion) be of a mindset IBS VS IBD (like, is there a 'winner' in that contest?).. same as it shouldn't be a case of CD vs UC, or CC, or any of the digestive ailments. We should ALL band together. Figuring out who has it worst doesn't gain us anything positive
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With Crohn's I've gotten the same thing, Kim. That it's what I eat or excess anxiety, etc...As much as some people want to relate or "help", I wish they realized that if they want to say something as irrational (though they don't realize it) as they end up saying, they'd best just keep quiet and give support in a general, "non-medical" format that doesn't have "advice" in it. But I guess their hearts are in the right place, usually.
Kev said:
I have a very close friend with IBS, and I won't speak for anyone else, but theres no way in this world I'd swap places. I've found an effective treatment, I eat a 'sensible' diet, etc., etc.. and am able to live a pretty good life. She currently has all of the 'obvious' symptoms I had at my worst (non stop Big D, chronic cramping, bloating, gas, etc.. and of course, best of all, those spontaneous trips to the WC).. and yet despite years of flogging from one Dr to another, specialist after specialist, test after test... no definitive diagnosis other than 'IBS', no treatment other than anti diarheals, and a 'trigger' diet that makes mine look tame. And, of course, no respect in the medical commnunity. Any of that sound familiar to anyone? This site shouldn't (in my opinion) be of a mindset IBS VS IBD (like, is there a 'winner' in that contest?).. same as it shouldn't be a case of CD vs UC, or CC, or any of the digestive ailments. We should ALL band together. Figuring out who has it worst doesn't gain us anything positive

The only reason I started this thread is because of my aggravation over being diagnosed over and over (and over) again with IBS and told to "just relax and take fiber pills." At first, I had no definitive diagnosis other than IBS, either. I was passed over by multiple doctors, laughed at, called the "$10k patient" because I supposedly was having too many expensive tests done (hello, I have insurance for a reason). No matter what my symptoms were, how much pain I was in, it didn't matter - I had IBS and needed to deal with it. There was nothing I could do and nothing they could (would?) do for me.
I agree, there is no "winner" in this game. That wasn't, and still isn't, my intention. I am one to band together with everyone on here.
But if you read the entire thing, I was mostly venting about my asshole brother. He is, as Farm so rightly put it, a "topper." I have a lot of issues with him, have my entire life.
I came on here to vent, not to argue or be corrected or judged re: my opinion.
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I wasn't judging you. In fact, you (except for the location) are living verbatim the same experience she is (in fact, your quote of 'just needed to deal with it' is the very same thing she was told).. My point (and I put it out there rather ineptly) is that the title might convey to the uninitiated or the newbies surfing by that there is an.. unspoken or unwritten.. hierarchy of illness support advanced/available at this site. When I first joined this site, and at the time I and my drs thought I had UC, there were some members who gave off a very distinct impression that UC really didn't 'qualify' as it was (as they put it) simple to 'cure' (if one considers going the permanent ostomy route a 'simple' cure). I almost left the forum. I stayed, those 'members' moved on. I'm glad I did. But it left me with an overwhelming Don Quixote sense to jump in and point out at any occasion that the forum is open and welcome to all. Sorry if I caused you any offense. None was intended.
i think all the points raised re IBS/IBD are valid.. i agree that in particular our venting emotional posts should not be debated - this place is a safe haven for letting it all out, particularly when it comes to health-related emotions.

however, i get what Kev's saying too.. i only think it's the title of this thread that might give a mistaken impression. i think we all know that IBS can be as debilitating, if not more sometimes, than Crohn's or Colitis. all intestinal/bowel conditions are horrid, and there is no competition here at this forum to prove one is worse than the other.

my Mum has IBS - i thought i was losing her to it a few years ago, seriously. she stopped eating. for a few months the roles were reversed, and i saw through my own eyes how it must have felt for her, watching me when i was seriously ill from Crohn's. all of it sucks, and we're all here for each other, no matter what diagnostic title our particular condition is given...
Kev, I'm sorry. After all of the bullshit I've gone through this far, my guard goes up really (and usually unnecessarily) fast. I'm so used to people telling me that "it's nothing," "(I'm) fine, deal with it..." blah blah blah

I wish I could go back and change the title of this thread. I meant no disregard about people living with IBS. I understand that they have it tough as well. At the time, I was just overly pissed off and needed to vent. I had to enter a title, and I just threw one in there.

I don't think of this as a contest. We aren't in a competition. I'm not trying to say that I have it worse than anyone here.

But I just needed to vent.

Like I said before, I was mostly venting about people (i.e. my brother) who insists on one-upping everything I do, even if it's about who's feeling shitty. Thing is, he doesn't have IBS - he eats fast food every single day and then, consequently, has diarrhea... and considers that IBS. He has no idea what people with actual stomach problems go through.

And ding, I am absotively here for everyone in this forum. I seriously just needed to vent about my family. I was typing as I was thinking, and I don't think it came out right in the end.

Sorry to all, and if I offended anyone, it wasn't my intent :(
I was simply mad and needed to blow off some steam.
Every case is different.

Yes there are IBS sufferers that have severe symptoms.

But there are the vast majority (in my own personal experience) that have mild bloating symptoms that are also put into the IBS camp.

These are the people that this thread are talking about.

The lady in my example had the worst diet of anyone I knew at the time.
She ate ready meals, microwave meals and fast food as her only diet.

When I moved into the house, I turned on the oven to cook dinner. The plastic handles for the roasting trays were still in the oven and I melted them.
She had lived in the house for nearly a year, but had never turned on the oven!!!

This was the reason for any ill health, in my opinion. Yet she equated herself with my position.

I'm sure no one this site is trying to create a hierarchy of illness, we all have various degrees of symptoms.
No one on this site claim to be sicker than anyone else, and if they did (as I've seen myself) they get shot down.

It's the mild cases of IBS that this thread is talking about.
I read Marissa's original post as venting against certain people and certain circumstances, rather than IBS in general. We all need a good old vent! I regard people with severe IBS as members of the brotherhood/sisterhood of the bowel.
Ding was awesome enough to change the thread title for me. I never wanted the discussion to go the way it ended up going. I understand IBS is awful as well.
My vent was re: certain people/toppers.
I love you guys and this forum, and don't want to jeopardize this.
Thanks, Ding! :eek:
Santos61198 said:
Ding was awesome enough to change the thread title for me. I never wanted the discussion to go the way it ended up going. I understand IBS is awful as well.
My vent was re: certain people/toppers.
I love you guys and this forum, and don't want to jeopardize this.
Thanks, Ding! :eek:

Oh you think your vent was bad wait til I tell ya about...........:panda: LMAO!
i had a friend tell me the other day that she knew how i felt, curious, i asked how she knew considering i dont tell her how much pain im in of that i cant sleep cause my arsehole feels like it being ripped apart. she replyed by saying ''i had a curry last night and its been repeating on me all day'' wtf does she think i have a slight case of the the squirts.
This is an interesting thread to be brought back to life!

I have experienced a lot of the same thinsg too since my recent diagnosis and find some people very frustrating.

Currebtly it's the ones who say I'm looking well that bother me most - because I don't FELL well - who does on 4 hours sleep a night!

And maybe I am just more attuned to it now but the number of people day to day who complain about their stomach/bowels!

'Oh I had fish and chips last night - I reall wish i hadn't'

'Oh I can't stop farting today - it's TERRIBLE'

'Oh I ate too much and feel sick - it's the WORST feeling!'


The other one I get that probably bothers me more because of the pred taper fatigue thing is say if someone asks how I am and I say Okay but really tired and I get 'Well, we all get tired'

Now I have had fatigue issues for years and I know the difference between 'normal' tired and sick tired, it's like comparing, oh I dunno, something really little with something really big!

Ah a good vent
I have run into people thinking. "Jesus this guys has to go to the hospital because he has the shits? What a lame asshole!"

I looked them right in the face and say. You ever know anyone with chronic Arthritis? Well its like that only my guts being attacked instead of a knee or shoulder. Each time they are like, "Oh damn thats gotta hurt!"

It think your bro might just be trying to figure out how you feel based on his own experience? and those might be limited . . .in one way or another lol!
Oh what a thread to revive... LOL

When I began this thread, I was venting mostly about my family and how my brother tries to top everyone on everything. He's just now starting to get it.

This thread took a turn I hadn't meant it to take. It began to sound like I was trashing people who have IBS - I totally wasn't!!!!!!! :( I know from others that having IBS is very painful and definitely not enjoyable.

All I was saying is that I don't like when people - like my brother - compare the tacos they had last night to my all-day all-night explosive diarrhea and vomiting sessions.

But anyhoo!

Even recently, he went home from work (haha I'm his manager) with nausea, constipation, and stomach and testicular pain. I, being the good sister, called to make sure he was ok. His words to me? "I finally know how you feel." WTF???!??!??!?!?!!
lmao! so he finally knows now does he . . . .

Hey Muddin I know you like that TV control so much, but I think throwing at that nurses head, just this once, might be forgivable :arghmatey_ani:
muddin' gal said:
Oh, oh, I wanna play!! So, I had my whiney tit baby moment post yesterday. Well, here's one straight from the hospital. The dr. is actually in the room, talking about how this next surgery will mean that I will no longer eat anything ever...and this nurse chimes is with, "OMG, I had to give up pizza last year becuase I was putting on weight, it was the wrost ever!" Seriously lady, you had to give pizza because of weight...I'll never eat anything ever again...what are you thinking?? Get over it moron!! Well, a few short hours later she comes in and remarks that I look so much better..."you're not so white today, you've got some tints of red on your face..." No SHIT! I have f'n sepsis and am running a fever of over 104...that'll give you some reddish tints! Who the h*ll does this chick think she is, and can she really be that stupid?? Those people drive me crazy!

Oh geez. I love stupid people like that. Seriously, what the hell. I sometimes shit out my mouth before I can stop it. ;) (yeah I said it that way just for us Crohnnies for a pun) I probably would have ended up saying something. And, I would have probably told the Dr's or a different nurse to get her off my route. I wouldn't want her near me again or I would definitely open my mouth for sure!

Hopefully your next nurse is a little more understanding!
Yeah, sometimes people can be sooooooo infuriating. I don't tend to tell many people about my condition, but some of my family members are insistent that the whole thing is stress induced & that if I could only relax, yadda, yadda, blah, blah. I find this SO insulting. I have even provided these people with information on the disease, printed off from the NACC website over here in the UK. They still come out with the same shite though. Whatever.
She needs to be bitch slapped. Do you need help with that? I mean, being lazy and all, you probably need somebody else to do it for you. So just let me know if you need help.
OMG Muddin!!!! I can't believe that nurse - she MUST be in some way retarded right??!!

I had some insensitivity with nurses when i was in hospital too, but not like that. I simply had 2 or three at different times comment on how skinny I was and how LUCKY I was to be so skinny - meanwhile I am lying there with antibiotics being dripped into my arm!

Oh how we all love stupid people!

Actually, that just reminded me of a good example (off topic but amusing). Ther was a big Tsunami in Samoa yesterday and it was thought it could head to New Zealand as we are relatively close by. There were warnings in some areas on the East coast for people to be prepared and perhaps go to higher ground for a bit til things passed. On the news there were a couple of clips of police talking to people who actually went to the beach to have a look, one of whom had calculated that if she ran really really fast she could get to her car in 10 minutes and be able to drive away safely! :ybatty:

What else to say except O.M.G!!!!!
Yes, those sort of people will one day end up in the Darwin Awards!

The worst part is they bring their little kids with them to look!