My girlfriend has Crohns and im not sure what she can't do or anything ( Help )

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Jul 19, 2011
Well i'm 18 years old, and she is 15 so right there is a little bit of a.... strain? But we love each other so it's besides the point, but she was told she had Crohns about 5 or 6 months ago and it has never been a problem or something she talked about, but she has been in lots of pain and there is nothing i can do, makes me feel worthless, but i ask about it and she tells me not to worry about it, and i looked it up a little bit but i still don't understand it really , she has more stress going on at home as well so i'm just worried the pain might get worse over time, i really just need some help on understanding what she is going through so i can help her through it, also i would one day like a baby girl/boy and i was wondering if she would be able to have kids with crohns? And the last time i saw her in pain, was in my arms and she got bloated and red blotches on her, i'm a little scared if she is okay or not.:(
Hi Brian and welcome! It's very sweet of you to want to learn more about Crohn's. Unfortunately, your GF probably doesn't want to discuss her illness, because it can be a little embarrassing, especially for a 15 year old girl. I am sure you are familiar with the symptoms, hence, the discomfort of the topic. However, Crohn's is different for everyone, and the severity is different for each case, as well.

To get and stay well, your GF needs to take her medicine regularly, watch her diet, and de-stress. I know you mentioned she has a stressful household, and that will not help. So, what you can do is try to offer as much support and comfort as possible. It doesn't sound like much, but just knowing she has you to lean on will mean a lot to her.

I wish the two of you luck. If you do stay together (My now husband and I have been together since I was 15 and he was 17, so I know it can happen!) and want to start a family, it shouldn't be a problem. The mother just needs to be as healthy as possible when she gets pregnant and really should remain on her meds throughout the pregnancy; the risk of active Crohn's is much greater than the medication.
Thank you for the advice ^-^ and I'm glad to hear you could get through that and get married =) I'm trying my best to be there for her , and I can't really do anything about the home stress.... and idk if she is taking medicine, I just know she goes to the docters once a month for tests
:thumleft:I think you are so sweet to come to this forum for help! My husband and I met when we were both 16, and we've been together 23 years, 17 of them married. It's hard when you're first diagnosed to talk about it, but Jill's right-just knowing you're there for her and love her will make a huge difference.

Maybe you could direct her to us and she would feel more comfortable asking questions, etc. There are plenty of people her age on this forum.

Jill really covered everything well, so I can't really add anything new. Best wishes for your girlfriends health and your relationship!
ill mention it to her but I'm not sure if she is ready to talk to people about it , but when she is I hope she does come here, your all very nice and I thank you for helping