My girlfriend has Crohn's. I want to be there for her.

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Aug 5, 2012
Hi All,

I hope you are all managing your disease well and are in good health.

I am 31 years old, and my 33 year old girlfriend, who I see myself marrying, suffers from Crohn's disease. We have been dating since January of this year.

The story goes much deeper than that. She was quite literally the girl next door as a young teenager. I was 13, 14, 15yo etc, and growing up in the same neighborhood, she was the epitomy of beauty to me, and for a long time I compared every girl I ever met with her. She was forever in the back of my mind, and we reunited in 2009 as friends. Went out 3 or 4 times in 2010, and are now together 7+ months in 2012. We often talk about getting married, and having a family.

She is literally the light of my life, and has been the most constant feeling I have ever had, for more than half of my life. I would do anything for her, and I am sure we will have a long life together. I can not wait.

The reason I am here, is because she has had a variety of health problems throughout her life. I, of course, want her to be as healthy as she can be, but like many partners or spouses, I do not feel like I am equipped very well to handle everything. Sometimes I feel like everything I say or do, is wrong.

In summary:
She developed Crohn's in her early 20's, she is now 33
She had abnormal cells in both breasts in her 20's, and had them removed and replaced w natural sized implants
She has twice had irregular cells in her cervix, once in her mid 20s, and again in the month of June of this year, which caused a rough 4 weeks with us.

She has smoked on and off since she was 16 - more about that in a minute.

She just spent about a week or so in FL, with extended family, where a rather aggressive cousin, decided to push her, and tell her she needs to hit fast forward on her life, and get pregnant and not wait forever, because of the potential health risks etc, and because of the possibility of Crohn's going into remission while and after being pregnant.

We have had a very stressful 2 days since she came back from FL, while we talked last night, she feels very much against a clock, and as if speeding through her life might be her only resort and she is just so tired of being sick and tired.

I understand, that Crohn's sufferers, need to keep stress to a minimum, but rather than manage stress, she just buries everything, and never deals with anything. She says she tries not to think about things, and I am very good at bringing things up she is trying to not think about. I remind her that I can not read her mind about what topics are ok, and what are not. For example with the irregular cervical cells that turned out to be nothing in June, she pretended nothing was going on, and she acted very strange, and i kept asking, she kept denying, we had a blowup, and then she admitted something was going on. This example is exactly why I do not know how to break through her walls sometimes.

I feel like her life and health are coming to a head. Her cousin filled her head with thoughts and ideas that getting pregnant soon could help her significantly, and I certainly want children with her, using a child as medicine for personal health issues, is bizarre to me, and I realize that she doesnt want a family to be healthy, she wants a family bc she was born to be a good mom.

Diet and Alcohol
She is a social drinker, I have read that alcohol makes Crohn's worse, and rarely has any beneficial effects. Is that true? I would be willing to personally never drink anything again, if it helped her have the support she needed to never get to enjoy a nice cocktail again.

Her diet, is only guided by not eating fruits and vegetables. She does not regulate it by any other means, only she bases it on fatty foods, carbs and proteins. She says it is all she can eat, but her eating seems to be erratic, and there is no rhyme or reason to it.

This is the part that makes me feel physically sick. She is obviously dealing with an immune system that is very weak. She is prone to irregular cell activitity, deals with Crohn's, and has told me she will quit for me, but then in the same sentence says that smoking helps her Crohn's and helps keep bleeding under control.

As you can tell, I don't know what to say or do anymore. IF you asked me what do I want?

I want her to quit smoking. Right now. And never touch another one. I want her to try to manage her diet alittle bit better, and I want her to give her body a chance to be better on its own, without throwing out a child as the only hope she has, while she continues to abuse herself. It just seems like madness to me.

I am so deeply in love with her, and I probably always have been. I want to be supportive, and I need help on how to say these kinds of things to her, to let her know shes not alone in the world, that she can have support, and a beautiful healthy future, but first she needs to help herself, just a little bit, before expecting miracles.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate your thoughts.

In love,

Welcome to the forum Nick.

From your post I can really hear how much you care for your girlfriend and want to have a happy and healthly life with her.

However, people with IBD can, at times, make choices that are not the best for their health--just as any other person can. And it can be hard for their partner to be supportive while disagreeing with their choices.

Your girlfriend sounds like she has had a rough time with her health. Perhaps some of what you view as unhealthy choices are ways that she copes with the stress of her health problems. Being critical of her choices probably won't get the results that you would like, however.

I recommend that you try to find a Crohn's support group that you could both attend, so that you can learn more about the disease and ways to be supportive and she can learn about how best to be healthy. You could also learn what pregnancy and parenting could be like for a partner with Crohn's from talking with others who have kids.

Sorry to hear about your girlfriends ill health but it is really good of you to want to know more so you can help.
With stress I find it very hard I am also the type to bottle everything up and then let it all go in one massive horrible episode. I don't know what to suggest to help because as of yet I haven't found any one way that helps. The one person I speak to is my boyfriend he is very understanding of my disease and how it affects me and just knowing he is there is enough sometimes just to make things easier to deal with.
With smoking my GI said it was the worst thing I could do for crohns disease and asked me to quit. I did but it was hard but worth it I feel generally a lot better and my stomach is not as unsettled as it would be if I was smoking. Nicotine patches are sometimes used in ulcerative colitis as it can be beneficial for some but deffinatley not for crohns. But if your girlfriend is not ready to quit she won't and sometimes pressuring people can make them more stubborn and reluctant to quit. My boyfriend continued smoking after I quit and on Christmas eve las year he decided he had enough and quit no patches nothing and hasn't touched a cigarette since.
Diet does vary for everyone but if her health is bad maybe it would be worth keeping a food diary and seeing what makes her worse and what she can tolerate. When I have done this in the past I just went on a very plain diet for a while and then just added foods slowly.
Having a baby is definatley not a miracle cure for crohns it is best to be as healthy as possible and in remmision before trying (of course this is not possible for everyone). Yes some people go into remmision with pregnancy but some don't. If you are in remmision the likelihood is you will stay in remmision (again not with everyone).
Like it was mentioned above maybe it would be worth going to a support group to see if it will help her.
Hope your girlfriends health gets better soon x
Hello, sorry to hear of your struggles. Like others above said, diet varies significantly for everyone. However, diet and nutrition are very importnant. I take liquid antibiotics to get the nutrients I am lacking. This is eaier for someone with crohns to absorb and get the most out of. Making sure you get the right nutrients is importnat for the immune system.

Also, exercise is very important for crohns and the abnormal cervix cells. Not sure how she feels about exercise but I know for myslef I was not really motivated until my husband made it "our" new hobby. We go to the gym together, bike riding, etc.

As for the alcohol, some can tolerate it fine if it is just socially. I for example drink wine a few times a week with dinner and it has had no negative effects on my crohns. It also helps with stress levels at times which is VERY important.

Coming back to stress- if she is not someone to want to open up, there are others ways of dealing with stress. Such as keeping a diary of sorts to write it out. Also going for a walk, yoga, or any form of exercise. The best way of getting her to open up is not to keep pushing her to do it, but instead just let her know you are there for her. Let her know you will not be judgemental. And when you can tell shes stressed, sometimes the best thing you can do is just hug her and tell her you love her, then give her her space.

Keep in mind everyone copes differently.

hope our advice/info helped. Good luck with all of this, i know this is hard for you and she is very lucky to have some one who cares so much.
The way you articulated your love for your gf is beautiful Nick. Made me think of The Wonder Years and Winnie Cooper.
I did chuckle though when you wrote about your gfs dietary intake.
I think Crohnies have some of the strangest diets around to be honest.
I've had periods where I have subsisted on potato chips as that is all I could tolerate. Sometimes only mashed potato as my mouth was too ulcerated. Other people won't even touch a potato. Right now - I live in fear of veggies with skins, and fruit with seeds.
Crohnies have peculiar diets and eating habits - I'd probably let it slide if I were you.

And gee I hope I can meet somebody that will love me as much as you love her!!

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