My Humira Syringe Disposal Service

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Aug 26, 2008
New Jersey
Hi everyone.

I've been on Humira for about 2 years now. On average, I order a new syringe container from my Humira once a year. I just ordered my third one, and received it today. However, the one I just received is a bit different than in the past. In the past, they shipped both the prepaid return box and the syringe container together. On the one that I just received, they just shipped the container, and the instructions are to call when it's full, and they'll mail a prepaid box and a new container. Is this something new that started within the last year?
If you do not want to keep them in the container you can always drop them off at a nearby hospital. I once did when I stopped taking Humira. I brought proof that they were mine, went into the emergency dept and they took them, looked at my ID and disposed of them. They said they take any type of syringes.
Yes, it is different, and when you call for a return container, you will get a HUGE red bucket to send it back in. I couldn't believe the size of it when the letter carrier dropped it off. Also, you would think that it would hold more than one sharps container, being that large. It doesn't.

There's also a form to sign and send back, you will get a copy of it in the mail when it's been destroyed.

This is because myHumira switched to using a company called Stericycle. They do things a little differently. We actually use them at the clinic I work for, they take care of our hazardous waste.
Hmmm, I've been on Humira for almost a year and have never heard of that service. Could be because I am in Canada, though. I bring my sharps container to my local pharmacy, and they dispose of it.
I didn't know you could take the sharps to the hospital or pharmacy. Will have to check that out.

We do get the container from my humira and I thought the one we had was already too big. Not looking forward to the replacement.
I asked for a new sharps container with my latest Humira shipment... and they sent a container big enough to hold about six pens! Not quite sure what I am going to do with that....
Yeah, I asked for a sharps container from my specialty pharmacy and it doesn't have anything to return it back in, so I actually just gave it away (unused). I use the MyHumira disposal service and recently ordered a replacement container and got the new one from Stericycle. It has two small loop handles at the top and is such a funny shape to me. My Humira pens have a hard time falling in there. I usually have to jiggle it around to get them to lay flat.

HeatherMN - it is still free to send the full sharps container away though, right? Do they offer free priority mail pick-up like the old ones? Or do we have to take it in person to our post office because of the size?
I took mine in to the post office, I happened to have other stuff to mail at that time... It is a monster sized box, so I don't know if a regular carrier would pick it up. Postage was paid on it though.
Interesting. Wasn't sure if the return box mentioned it as an option like the old ones did. Guess I'll find out the next time I return it!
Hi everyone. Sorry it's been awhile since I've written in this post, but it's somewhat related. Anyone know if anything other than the Humira pens / syringes can go back in the sharps container ordered through myHumira? There's a chance I may need to go on Vitamin B12 injections, and I'm wondering if I can just put the syringes for the B12 injections in with the Humira pens in the same sharps container.
nowhere here takes the boxes the company said that any chemist would but they dont and the hospital dont take unless they have to. so the company have to take it when they deliver new injections every 8 weeks ;(

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