my husbands story
hi ill start by telling u wat happened
my husband first became ill oct 2008 and was told ibs but his condition kept getting worse they said pancreatitis as he had yellowing of the ieyes they were going to operate then changed there minds he dont drink or smoke and the only other thing that could have caused theese symptoms were the anti imflamatories for his back condition so he was taken off them and the nurofen he took like sweets as all the painkillers used to make him too out of it .......
and after numerous tests he was told chrons disease at this stage toileting was very frequent but no bleeding he was put on many concoctions of drugs and after a couple of months the bleeding came he wa given drugs and told to give them 6 weeks to work but he ended up in a & e they kept him in this was may 2010 it went down hill from then. he was put on a high dose of prednisolone and sent home. i coulnt help him he was in pain and couldnt leave the house was wearing nappy pads and was down. he ended up being admitted again and after further test they said no chrons but ulcerative colitis.
still not under controll they sent him home and after 2 days things got worse he had stopped wanting to eat and was dehydrating it was june and hot he ended up collapsing at home. i took him back in an ambulance he was put in the crash area resus and things were bad, he had developed type 1 diabetes severelly dehydrated and very weak. he started to lose weight but he was admitted and the doctor sopped his prednisolone and started him on infliximab. he was on a drip for diabetes and when it was stabelised we went home ,,,, and told to go on holiday hell be fine. a few days later he was really bad hillousinating being sick but the uc /chrons had eased.
i couldnt understand he was saying in the middle of the night if you get a knife i can cut here and the pain will go ...... he had gone mad dropping fom 14 stone -- 81/2 in a few weeks he was crawlling round the bedroom. i took our 5 month old baby downstairs and shut the bedroom door and told him id get the knife as i couldnt reason with him i sut the bedroom door of my 8 and 10 year old and called an ambulance again and his mum to look after kids. he looked like he was gonna die the ambulance came and took him to a& e where he stayed for 5 weeks. he had adrenal gland crisis due to sudden stopping of steroids a few more hours like that he would have died........
....... he went into and endoryne/ heart ward they were great he was being fed by tube through his nose he had lost the ability to walk. where he was wasting away things were bad i thought i was gonna lose him he was on so many drugs iv and hydrocortisine and after 5 weeks he was well enough to come hopme........... it took time but he learnt to walk and live a normal ish life, he doesnt sleep well and he is weaker than he was but in aug this year 2011 he has started to blled again and has had a camera 8 wks ago still waiting for treatment plan by original doctor who has now refered him to someone else saying he has complicatd colitis and he can no longer treat him so we r now waiting once again...................
hi ill start by telling u wat happened
my husband first became ill oct 2008 and was told ibs but his condition kept getting worse they said pancreatitis as he had yellowing of the ieyes they were going to operate then changed there minds he dont drink or smoke and the only other thing that could have caused theese symptoms were the anti imflamatories for his back condition so he was taken off them and the nurofen he took like sweets as all the painkillers used to make him too out of it .......
and after numerous tests he was told chrons disease at this stage toileting was very frequent but no bleeding he was put on many concoctions of drugs and after a couple of months the bleeding came he wa given drugs and told to give them 6 weeks to work but he ended up in a & e they kept him in this was may 2010 it went down hill from then. he was put on a high dose of prednisolone and sent home. i coulnt help him he was in pain and couldnt leave the house was wearing nappy pads and was down. he ended up being admitted again and after further test they said no chrons but ulcerative colitis.
still not under controll they sent him home and after 2 days things got worse he had stopped wanting to eat and was dehydrating it was june and hot he ended up collapsing at home. i took him back in an ambulance he was put in the crash area resus and things were bad, he had developed type 1 diabetes severelly dehydrated and very weak. he started to lose weight but he was admitted and the doctor sopped his prednisolone and started him on infliximab. he was on a drip for diabetes and when it was stabelised we went home ,,,, and told to go on holiday hell be fine. a few days later he was really bad hillousinating being sick but the uc /chrons had eased.
i couldnt understand he was saying in the middle of the night if you get a knife i can cut here and the pain will go ...... he had gone mad dropping fom 14 stone -- 81/2 in a few weeks he was crawlling round the bedroom. i took our 5 month old baby downstairs and shut the bedroom door and told him id get the knife as i couldnt reason with him i sut the bedroom door of my 8 and 10 year old and called an ambulance again and his mum to look after kids. he looked like he was gonna die the ambulance came and took him to a& e where he stayed for 5 weeks. he had adrenal gland crisis due to sudden stopping of steroids a few more hours like that he would have died........
....... he went into and endoryne/ heart ward they were great he was being fed by tube through his nose he had lost the ability to walk. where he was wasting away things were bad i thought i was gonna lose him he was on so many drugs iv and hydrocortisine and after 5 weeks he was well enough to come hopme........... it took time but he learnt to walk and live a normal ish life, he doesnt sleep well and he is weaker than he was but in aug this year 2011 he has started to blled again and has had a camera 8 wks ago still waiting for treatment plan by original doctor who has now refered him to someone else saying he has complicatd colitis and he can no longer treat him so we r now waiting once again...................
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