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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 17, 2014
So I was diagnosed with Crohn's in December of 2013, after battling 4 months of severe weight loss, diarrhea and vomiting. I lost 18lbs total and became so weak all I did was sleep. My anxiety went through the roof until I was finally diagnosed. I ended up having a clonoscopy two days after chrsitmas and they told me I had crohns but we caught it in the early stages and was right by my opening of the colon. They put me on entocort and pentasa since I'm only 22 and it was a mild form. I just have a few questions since I'm new to this. I haven't had many problems with food since being on the drugs and look healthier. I'm starting to ween off the entocort slowly but will be on pentasa for the rest of my life most likely. I'm just wondering once I get off the entocort will I still be ok or how do I know when I'm gona have a flare up? Sometimes too I feel like I have a burning feeling in my stomach if I'm super hungry or need to take my meds is this normal? Thank you!
Hi, and welcome to the forum. It's impossible to predict how you will be after getting off entocort. We all react differently to the meds. Sometimes it can take a while before they take effect. My latest flare came out of the blue, and in one weekend I broke out with four fistulas, without any prior warning. This time I have no D, but the cramps are awful. For me, it helps to have small meals more often. There's a lot of information here to educate yourself, I think it makes a big difference in controlling this disease.
Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you can find all the answers to that and many questions here. I can tell when i'm getting one from that burning sensation in the belly, yes, and feeling weak and run down. And when I get night sweats. So it's not always the same signal, and it depends on how much is going on. Sometimes I just notice that my butt is getting sore, when I soak I can tell where and I know I have a fistula on the way, which is a drain point from an internal leak, or abscess. So, watch your diet and you can tell what triggers things and what doesn't. Stress is big for everyone. Illness is another. Many foods are big issues, but they seem to vary a lot from person to person. We all know to avoid anything that irritates the bowels. It is a lifetime of adjustment, but we are a tough bunch and very determined to make life better.

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