My Long Journey

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 3, 2017
Hi my name is Tina. I have been living with Crohns for 14 years. Yes that long. I always had what my mother would call a nervous stomach. I knew something was wrong when I started having the servre pains. When I was diagnosed and was told the options it scared me more. My doctor is amazing. He has done everything possible to keep me from having major surgery. He is still my Gastolagist till this day.
I have been on everything from asacol, Remicade and of course the miracle drug predisone. I am now on Mycaphenlate. It seems to have worked for a few years than I developed Graves Desease which is a Thyroid condition. I didn't realize how much the Thyroid controls until I started to come out of remission. Now I may have to start all over to get back on track. Along with that comes all the emontions and the doctor visits. Thanks to my family for all their support and patiences.
I joined the foroum because even though my family is remarkable they just don't understand except for my aunt who also has crohns but shes stubborn and just lives with. I hope all of you can help me and return give the support to my aunt.
I am sorry for all you have been through but you found a good place to come. Feel free to come here anytime.