My nephew

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my nephew

Hi everyone I'm writing about a nephew with crohns disease he's almost 20 years old but he hasn't had any medication to treat it in almost a year, he has no insurance and I'm worried that one day he's gonna die in his sleep, I don't know how long he can live without meds he's so skinny pale and it seems like he don't want to help himself, any suggestions. ....Anna
So sorry Anna, there should be something he can do, Prednisone is the best way to get him fixed up temporary and get some weight on. It is cheap too. He really needs to see a doctor, and he is depressed, please get him some help. Bless you for caring.

I wanted to help you when you first got on but the website has been not working the last few days so I hope you get this message! Keep us updated ok?

Anna, what Pen says is the best route. Depending on where he lives, there should be help with meds some where. If in the US than he could seek help from the hospital Social worker that may have resources available.

Good luck Anna
Welcome Anna, sounds like your nephew needs to fond some help! I hope you can get something sorted for him. Good for you being a supportive Aunt :)