My painful story of being undiagnosed for years.

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
My story!

Hey everyone! This 'story' will be updated every few weeks so that I can keep up to date, and if anyone is interested, they can keep up to date.

Firstly, Crohn’s and UC do run in my family on my Dads side.

I’m Tasha. I’m almost 17 years old, yay I can learn to drive soon! I’m just an ill person in general, although I barely ever vomit. I was born was morning glory and a hemangioma on the side of my head that connected to my eye and went round my head and it was growing and really gross. I was going to have surgery to remove it all, but it went on its own. It’s now a tiny scar on the side of my head which no one can see because of my fringe. Phew!

At around 8 years old I got chicken pox. No that a big of deal? Well I was extremely poorly with that.

Then around 10 years old I got HSP (henoch-scholein purpura – I’ll check the spelling later!) which made me really ill obviously and I don’t remember that much about it, but it caused a lot of pain.

I still get a bad back from the HSP. I miss having a healthy back!

I’ve been having stomach issues for 3 years now, but I can trace back quite far and every memory of me, I seem to be ill at some point!

I get stomach pains; a weird sharp achy feeling on the top left of my stomach near my ribs, I feel sick and get cramps. I can’t be bothered to explain all, we all know what I’m on about, and if you’re reading you’ve been through it or know someone who has.

It began affecting my life two years ago. 2010. I went on holiday to Centre Parcs and had the nicest Indian meal but I barely ate for weeks after that. It made me sooooo ill. It wasn’t food poisoning or anything. It’s the fact that I’m allergic to onions, garlics, chives and the rest of the allium family.

At the end of 2010, beginning of 2011 I went on a coeliac diet because we thought there was a chance of that. I went on a diary free diet too. I was living off of water and coeliac bread. Not the nicest. I was still ill.

I was seeing the hospital at the time in the childrens unit. They were not specialists in gastro. They were specialist in children. I was 15 years old and the oldest child there by 8 years roughly. They didn’t know what was wrong so discharged me when I was feeling okay for a few days and said they didn’t want me to come back and see them again. Lovely!

I went into remission for the summer and had a boyfriend. Awww. We
broke up in September 2011 because I began feeling poorly again and he would twist things and became nasty about it all. I don’t need that stress.

Then in October I went back to the doctors. I’ve seen 10 doctors probably! They’re all rubbish but now we’ve found the one. She’s brilliant and asks me to see her every two weeks to check up on things. She knows my past traumas and horrible things I’ve been through. She’s very caring and understands. I’d also like to point out, she is the ONLY GP that is allowed to look at my bum! You should see my face when other doctors ask.. pfft!

On the 27th of Dec 2011 I got really ill one evening. We almost had to call an ambulance because I couldn't move and my goodness, I was in agony.

My mum was brilliant though. I couldn't ask for a better mum/best friend. She called NHS direct (0845 46 47). [If you don't know what that is, it's where you can't go to the doctors and you don't know what to do.. whether to just drive to hospital, or call an ambulance or if you simply want pain advice] We spoke to a nurse and a doctor and because they don't know what is wrong, they can't suggest much. I passed out eventually and fell asleep.

Went to the doctor the next day, who also said that they can't do anything for me until I am a lot worse than I am - ignore the fact that I was in agony last night then :( and she said that I have to wait a few months to see a specialist or wait until I am emitted to hospital when all that will help me is morphine. Silly cover Dr who doesn’t understand and asked me IBS type questions. ARGH IT IS NOT IBS.

My amazing, usual doctor sent me to the hospital which is in March 2012 and I’m typing this in January 2012. Then when I began getting worse and blood tests began to show more and more concern for my health, I was bumped up the list to be seen sooner and because of the 27th Dec thing they don’t want it getting worse than that. Lovely contradicting doctors eh?!

Now, the blood tests are showing that me ESR is 35/11 which is fairly high when the healthy person has 11/11. Big gap!
I’ve been having loads of blood tests and urine tests.
Recently I began urinating blood so went to the doctors but saw another lady because my doctor wasn’t in that day. This Dr was concerned that no one has ever looked in to my kidneys. I’ve never had a blood test on them, no one has even thought about my kidneys. All that I’ve had to do with my kidneys was that in September 2011 I saw a Dr about kidney pains, and she said it was just muscular pain and there was nothing she could do about it. The pains have been getting worse and now the blood? Hmm. Also because if you remember, I had HSP when I was 10 and HSP can affect your kidneys in the long term but usually when you’re an adult – I’m 16 at the moment.

This Dr has sent for an emergency ultrasound scan on my kidneys. I’ve had one before – I didn’t like it! But they didn’t check my kidneys. They checked my bladder – not sure why to be honest. My bladder isn’t the problem with my IBD issues… hmm…

I’ve had several more blood tests this month. On Thursday I had an urgent blood test where they mucked up my vein and now it’s all big and red and bruised and bleurghhh. But it looks awesome and I was brave! Haha!
I’ve got to do more urine tests as they have found blood in my urine even though when I did this particular urine test, I couldn’t see the blood. Oh and it’s not my period!

I’m on colpamine, a stronger pain relief than Paracetamol, a medicine that counteracts the pain relief because the pain relief will make me really sick, so this one stops me being sick and feeling sick, I’m on Paracetamol too, and an antibiotic.

I’ve not taken the pain relief or the nausea stopping one because it says not to take them if you’re on an antibiotic or have kidney problems. I’d rather not take the chance. I don’t trust doctors and it wasn’t my regular doctor who told me to take them either.

To be continued… as does my life continues...

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Im so sorry for you i know how that is i got my syptoms at 13 but thankfully i was able to mask it through school only missing when it was horid and most of my friends were unaware of my problems (UC) but hang in there your on the right track to getting you life back, it may take awhile but your doing the right thing by pushing it instead of pretending your ok.

Im no doctor but some of your syptoms sound like gal stones. I had them and eventually had my gal bladder removed. when i would eat it would hurt under my right side rib cage like a burning feeling, it would hurt so bad that i would double over on the floor and stop breathing, they do an ultrasound to check and they dont go away so eventually when it gets infected they remove it (no biggy, the surgery anyway) youll know its infected when you get a fever and vomit... sounds like that might be a problem for you also so i would push an ulrasound just incase asap.

The D for me was already a syptom long befor the galbladder problems began. Did you syptoms start all at once? bottom line you need testing and lots of it. Start with asking for the ultra sound and for sure get a colonoscopy as soon as you can the faster you get treatment the better and you wont know where to start till you know what your problem is.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi Tasha, it's rubbish that you are feeling so bad :( I was diagnosed at the same age you are now and it does suck :( I would say you definitely need to go back to the GP and demand a referral for some tests and do not let them put you off. I will never understand a doc who wants to wait and see for things to get worse before taking any action. Kick up as much of a stink as you can until they are willing to help. Out of interest where in the UK are you?
Hi Tasha, it's rubbish that you are feeling so bad :( I was diagnosed at the same age you are now and it does suck :( I would say you definitely need to go back to the GP and demand a referral for some tests and do not let them put you off. I will never understand a doc who wants to wait and see for things to get worse before taking any action. Kick up as much of a stink as you can until they are willing to help. Out of interest where in the UK are you?

Thank you and i'm in the south of England.
this is exactly why i do not want reformed health care, it isnt fair that in the united stated you must have money to get health care but they would never turn me away if i went to the dr. with those symptoms i want to fly over there and shake the dr. who said that to you. Ask him how it could possibly get worse? are you supposed to grow a third eye or horns for him to take your seriously? angrybird is right make a stink be dramatic even let them know that you are at your whits end. (cry alot) you DO need these tests so make sure they give them to you!

I have to begin vomiting - which I don't do. I'm not a vomiting person. I've been serious ill in the past, but never vomited. Just something that runs in our family, no matter how ill we are, vomiting just doesn't happen.

I need to be in so much pain that we have to call an ambulance out and take me to hospital and be put on morphine to stop the pain. I also need to starve and become dehydrated. They will help when I can't even swallow some pain killers.

After the agony I was in the other night, i'm terrified to think that I won't get help until I am worse than I was the other night.

I have been talking a lot to my mum about all of this. We're going to the Drs on Wednesday and my mum said that she isn't going to leave the doctor surgery until they make progress or do something to help or make me get more tests or see a specialist. And trust me, my mum is stubborn!
Go mum!! Not sure what I would have done without mine when I was first diagnosed, she was the only one who got that I felt ill and wasn't trying to get attention. I will keep my fingers crossed and let us know how you get on on Weds.
Go mum!! Not sure what I would have done without mine when I was first diagnosed, she was the only one who got that I felt ill and wasn't trying to get attention. I will keep my fingers crossed and let us know how you get on on Weds.

Mums are amazing! Haha :)

Should I start a new thread or just reply on this one after Weds?
Im so sorry for you i know how that is i got my syptoms at 13 but thankfully i was able to mask it through school only missing when it was horid and most of my friends were unaware of my problems (UC) but hang in there your on the right track to getting you life back, it may take awhile but your doing the right thing by pushing it instead of pretending your ok.

Im no doctor but some of your syptoms sound like gal stones. I had them and eventually had my gal bladder removed. when i would eat it would hurt under my right side rib cage like a burning feeling, it would hurt so bad that i would double over on the floor and stop breathing, they do an ultrasound to check and they dont go away so eventually when it gets infected they remove it (no biggy, the surgery anyway) youll know its infected when you get a fever and vomit... sounds like that might be a problem for you also so i would push an ulrasound just incase asap.

The D for me was already a syptom long befor the galbladder problems began. Did you syptoms start all at once? bottom line you need testing and lots of it. Start with asking for the ultra sound and for sure get a colonoscopy as soon as you can the faster you get treatment the better and you wont know where to start till you know what your problem is.

Good luck and keep us posted!

I've had an ultrasound, surely if it was gal stones, they would now by now? Maybe? I'll be sure to mention it to the doctor on Weds in case though. Thank you.:thumright:
I think it will be fine to update this thread, that means everyine who has posted on this will get your update.

Hi Lollypop :bigwave: It's good to see more brits arriving, I may have missed it but have you done a 'your story' thread yet?
I think it will be fine to update this thread, that means everyine who has posted on this will get your update.

Hi Lollypop :bigwave: It's good to see more brits arriving, I may have missed it but have you done a 'your story' thread yet?

hiya,yeah i saw your in cambridge:bigwave:do you know of any support groups around the area as i would love to attend one!!!
the answer to your question is yes i did a "my story" not put all the info on it as it would take up far to many pages but it but it gives you an idea of whats been happening with me over the past 16 yrs since i was diognosed!!
To be honest I haven't yet looked into a local group yet - I really must though. There is a section I think here on the forum for this so I will have a look. Just posted on your story BTW.
Hiya Tasha
and welcome

I'm an old Crohnie, suffered for over 15 years before a diagnosis, so really understand where you're coming from!
But I need you to know, never ignore vomiting, a sign something is defo wrong, maybe narrowing or an obstruction in your intestines.
In all the years of my symptoms I had never vomited, then 18 months ago I suddenly projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea, the pain was so intense!
My GP phoned an ambulance, he saved my life, I was minutes from rupturing. I had peritonitis and was going into shock.
Don't want to scare you, but don't wait til Wed if you start to vomit.
Get to A&E and scream if you have to! Mention suspected IBD and don't let them fob you off with kidney x rays etc.
I was lucky, I waited 5 days before I phoned my GP, next time I will know the signs.
Good luck and
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hiya Tasha
and welcome

I'm an old Crohnie, suffered for over 15 years before a diagnosis, so really understand where you're coming from!
But I need you to know, never ignore vomiting, a sign something is defo wrong, maybe narrowing or an obstruction in your intestines.
In all the years of my symptoms I had never vomited, then 18 months ago I suddenly projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea, the pain was so intense!
My GP phoned an ambulance, he saved my life, I was minutes from rupturing. I had peritonitis and was going into shock.
Don't want to scare you, but don't wait til Wed if you start to vomit.
Get to A&E and scream if you have to! Mention suspected IBD and don't let them fob you off with kidney x rays etc.
I was lucky, I waited 5 days before I phoned my GP, next time I will know the signs.
Good luck and
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
its so nice being on this forum as so many things ive had other people have also had..3 days before chritmas this year i too had the worst intense pain ive experienced EVER and projectile vomiting plus explosive diarrhea with blood(altho the diarrhea and blood is an everyday thing with me now)i was rolled up into a ball and screaming out in pain while shaking.
my mum called the gp and he told us to call 999 asap as the drugs im on are toxic,after being checked over and staying the night in hospital hooked to a drip with my specialists advice i was sent home with yet more steriods that dont work and painkillers altho still to this day havent a clue what happened?!
To be honest I haven't yet looked into a local group yet - I really must though. There is a section I think here on the forum for this so I will have a look. Just posted on your story BTW.

i havent found anything about meetings other than the new member support posts that no one has replyed i missing something??
ive just posted back to your reply BTW..:thumright:
Go to A and E, that's what I did, you don't need to be bad enough to need an ambulance, they rushed the tests through within a few weeks then. And in the meantime they gave me morphine for the pain.

And if you've literally NEVER vomited (even as a baby) then tell em that- there is a small proportion of people who have a physical abnormality that prevents them from being able to vomit.
I have vomited a couple of times in my life time, so not really never.

If I get to how I was the other night i'll just go to A and E. Nothing to lose really.. except my comfy bed, but it'll be worth it I suppose. x

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