My partner was diagnosed with Crohns...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Aug 16, 2011
Hi everyone my names Sam and I’m from Sydney. It’s my first post on this site and I feel a bit weird because I don’t have IBD but my partner does and I’ve been fishing around the net looking for support groups and information and I have been so over whelmed myself I found this forum and just sat down and haven’t moved for hours reading all your stories. Its so inspirational and heartbreaking reading where people are and how they cope day to day.
So basically I want to be the best support for my partner that I possibly can. I’m a nurse and funnily enough I work in a colorectal surgical ward! So I’m no stranger to Crohn’s but I tell u its so different being a loved one of someone with Crohn’s rather than looking after a patient with Crohns.
So I just thought ide put a quick post up to say hi while I absorb all this information. Its isolating living with Crohns and sometimes I feel powerless and isolated myself when I see my partner dealing with the pains cramps and everything that comes with IBD.

Thanx for reading my post guys,
Welcome Sam! You'll be no less welcome here as a care-giver/non sufferer! I hope you stick around! I'm sure your profession will make you a valuable member:)
Hi, Sam! There are many of people on here supporting their loved ones, and aren't the ones with Crohn's. I'm sure you'll fit right in!
Welcome, Sam! I think you'll gain a lot from being a member of the forum. As you said, it helps reading what people with IBD face each day. I am sure your partner will appreciate you wanting to learn more of what he/she goes through with Crohn's. You may even want to see if your partner wants to join us - it's a great community!