My Story....A long Journey

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 28, 2011
It has been a rough couple of years for me. When I was a junior in high school, I had been having sharp pains in my back and I went to the hospital multiple times and was diagnosed with gall stones. I had an emergency gall bladder removal on Easter of 2009. Discharged from the hospital I then returned a meer two days later with more pain. The doctors had no idea what was wrong. Finally after days in the hospital they found 2 abcesses on my liver.....well that really wasnt what was wrong. I had a blood clot in my portal vein. I was treated with blood thinners and monitored closely. That was my first indication that my life wasn't going to be normal.

This past February I was at college and started to pass lots of blood in my stool. I immediately called a friend and in the midst of that I passed out in my dorm room, all alone. Waking up soon, my friends took me to the ER where they had to transfer me to another larger hospital, because they didn't have the correct staff. The doctors stopped the bleeding and said that if I would have been on blood thinners, I could've died from the bleeding. A few weeks later my doctor did a endoscope and a colonoscopy and found ulcers and signs of chrons disease. I was diagnosed in March 2011 with Chrons and put on Pentasa and Dexilant to keep me in remission.

Things were going great and I finished my freshman year of college, thinking all was ok. It all came to July 7, I was at work and I started to have terrible pain, so much I couldn't even stand up. I got so worked up my mom came and picked me up and rushed me to the hospital. I was throwing up and bent over in excrutiating pain. They did a CT scan and found that my bowel was inflammed. I was having my first Chron's flare up. They admitted me to the hospital and treated me with steriods. I was released from the hospital and couldn't sleep all night, my body tremoring and shaking uncontroablly. We came back to the ER to find out my potassium had bottomed out and I was diagnosed with C-Diff.

A week and a half went by and doing great. All of a sudden I started to have blood in my stools again. On the 21st, we returned to the hospital and I was admitted. My doctor did a endoscope and a colonscopy to find no scarring, which was seen before. It looked like a normal patient. They finally did a CT and found that 10-20 cm of my bowel is inflammed. Now just a waiting game, they put me on Imuran and IV Steroids. Still in the hospital and just waiting for the blood to stop. I really cannot stand this diet and I am craving raw vegetables. This has been the roughest part of my life and I just want to be a normal 20 year old! I try and keep my head up and keep pushing through, but this disease is really hitting me hard. If any words of encouragement or diet advice would be helpful. I hope that everyone else with Chrons is doing well and doesn't have to go through this!
Hi and welcome! I am so sorry you are going through all of this. Crohn's can be a real rollercoaster ride. You have your good days and your bad days. I have just learned to really appreciate the good days and try my best to go with the flow. And when I am really down, I just try to think that things can always be worse and to appreciate what I do have. It's easier said then done when you feel so ill, but we have to try to push through. However, with your new treatment plan, I hope you'll start to feel much better and enjoy way more good days then bad!
Hi Merbear

You've been through quite the trip with your health the last couple of years, haven't you?! Congratulations on being able to finish your freshman year---that's quite the feat in the midst of illness.

I'm sorry that your summer started in such a horrible way, though.It sounds like you're getting some of the right meds for you right now---the steroids, hopefully, will help calm your symptoms down while waiting for Imuran to kick in (Imuran can take a while to begin being effective). In terms of diet, when I'm flaring, I go on a low residue diet and/or take in a lot more fluid in the form of smoothies or Ensure (nutritional drinks).

For more information on the low-residue diet, the Wiki section of the forum has a good write up on what all the diet entails. There is also a subforum in the Treatment section for those taking Imuran that might be helpful as well.

I can totally understand wanting to be "normal" and how much Crohn's can take away from all the things we enjoy in life (yes, my cravings for salad at times knows no bounds). I hope the bleeding stops real soon so you can get out of hospital and I'm sure prednisone will give you some relief really soon.

Please feel free to post your questions/queries in other sections of the forum. I also look forward to reading your posts and learning from your experiences.

Welcome to the forum, and best wishes for feeling better REALLY REALLY soon!

Best regards,

Greetings and a most sincere welcome to you! I'm sorry you're having trouble right now but it CAN and WILL get better! I understand that it's tough, but there are a tremendous amount of people out there who DO get this under control and into remission.

Again, welcome! I hope to see you around our little community :)

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