My Story- just diagnosed

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 8, 2011
Hi all,
Just Diagnosed 3 weeks ago after being admitted with severe abdominal pain, as is probably the case with a lot of us they said its been there for years.
Currently on steroids and seeing my Gastro. guy again on Tues. I'm 34 and female and honestly Im glad that at last I've been diagnosed, I suggested Crohns to my GP 2 years ago and came to no avail, was beginning to think I was imagining things, I know my husband and family wondered as well.
I feel better than I have in years, I was 17 when I first saw my GP with this and was told IBS and peptic ulcer- 17 years ago !!! Ever since I've been living with a crampy abdomen and generally feeling unwell.
I really believe you just know your own body and after having a miscarriage at 3 months 2 years ago, I had lots of consultations with the Gynae but I always felt it was my bowel. I never had the bouts of constipation or diarrohea which really puzzled my GP, but I have been anaemic for years.
So here I am with Crohns and just wondered what should I expect in the future .
Hi epconroy

Welcome to the forum!

What a relief it is to have a confirmed diagnosis, isn't it? If for no other reason but to know you're not going slowly losing a grip on reality or your mind. That's a long time for you to be living with all those symptoms and having people around you wonder whether this was all part of your imagination.

Is prednisone helping with your symptoms? How is your doctor treating your anemia? Getting the right combination of meds and getting stuff like anemia under control makes such a difference in terms of quality of life.

Congratulations on getting a diagnosis. I would suggest you browse the forum---there's a LOT of information and collective wisdom on the boards and its been really helpful for me to learn from everyone else.

Again, welcome.

Welcome to the forum epconroy!

I went through a couple years where I was told I did not have IBD myself so I know the bittersweetness that comes from actually getting diagnosed.

As glum chump said the forum has a TON of material that will show you what some other people have experienced. Everyone seems to have a different experience with the disease and since you have likely been dealing with the disease for the past 17 years, you likely already have an idea of what the symptoms can be like. Hopefully some medication or other treatment option will be found that will be effective for you.

Good luck and once again welcome!
Hi epconroy and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis, but as you said, at least now you know what you are dealing with and it wasn't in your head! It sounds like the steroids are doing the trick, however, you can't remain on them for a long period of time due to the side effects. Have you and your doctors discussed maintenance medication? The steroids will nip the inflammation in the bud, but you'll need a daily maintenance drug to keep it away. Also, I am sorry about your miscarriage. If your Crohn's was active, it could have possibly been a reason. Do you have other children?

I hope you continue to feel better and better and find a good treatment plan that will keep you well for years and years!
My doctor reckons it was most likely the very reason of my miscarriage and it wouldve been our first, it broke my heart, ahve been trying to conceive since but no joy but at least Im told if I get this under control I should have no problem carrying a child to full term but for now I just want to get well.
Btw thanks for all your replies i never thought I was a person for these forums but it is great to chat and there is a world of knowledge out there.
Hi epconroy and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis, but as you said, at least now you know what you are dealing with and it wasn't in your head! It sounds like the steroids are doing the trick, however, you can't remain on them for a long period of time due to the side effects. Have you and your doctors discussed maintenance medication? The steroids will nip the inflammation in the bud, but you'll need a daily maintenance drug to keep it away. Also, I am sorry about your miscarriage. If your Crohn's was active, it could have possibly been a reason. Do you have other children?

I hope you continue to feel better and better and find a good treatment plan that will keep you well for years and years!

Having my first meeting with my Gastro since diagnosis on Tuesday so should know more then x

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