My Story, Mercury Yeast etc..

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 10, 2011
Hi folks,

I was diagnosed with Crohns disease 10 years ago. I am now 24 years old. I have suffered much the last 10 years, with pain, vomiting etc..but refused surgery hoping to find an alternative. I think I found one but it was too late to save 2.5 feet of my small intestine which perforated February 07 2011. I had emergency surgery at which time God performed many miracles to save my life. I didn't have to have a stoma probably because I was on a strict gluten, dairy, yeast free diet prior to surgery. Since the surgery I have been feeling really good most of the time. My appetite and weight have increased but I have to be careful with my diet. I don't eat ANY wheat/gluten or dairy, little or no junkfood, supplementing with the probiotic called VSL-3. I have to make sure to take vitamin D and calcium magnesium to prevent yeast overgrowth everyday along with a very good liquid multivitamin called PANA C-315.

I read in Eating Alive II by DR. Jonn Matsen, ND ''Mercury can cause destruction of the stomach and intestinal lining, thereby altering permeability and adversely affecting bacterial populations, creating leaky gut syndrome and accumulation of Helicobacter Pylori.''

I am now waiting for a gut bacteria transplant. In the meantime I am trying to chelate mercury out of my gut which I probably received from my mother's dental amalgams in utero.

Welcome to the forum Jon!

I am glad that you have been able to be in good health most of the time.

Out of curiosity as I see you are from B.C., are you having the transplant performed in province? Is this convered by your provincial health plan and is this considered an elective procedure? I am in Ontario and it does not seem like the type of procedure my doctor would ever suggest to me, which is why I was curious about how it is working out for you.

Yes I am going to have it done in Vancouver B.C, but it still needs to be approved under MSP. I wish I could say more, but its still in the works and I have to wait unfortunately. You can probably do it as an elective procedure though. I have heard great success stories from the limited people who have had it done with IBD.
Thanks for clarifying that for me.

I don't know if someone can apply for elective surgery like that in Ontario. My assumption is that your doctor would just identify that as the required method of treatment and then it could be performed. I really have no idea how it would work here (thankfully my experiences with hospitals are limited to a few stays and only 1 surgery).
Hi Jon and welcome! I'm glad you joined :) That's super interesting that you're having a fecal transplant. Would you be open to creating a thread about it and keeping it updated?

You mentioned the mercury in your gut. How were you able to determine that you have mercury there?

Take care :)
Welcome to the forum, Jon! I am glad to hear you have been doing pretty well since surgery. I hope you continue to improve.

I would certainly follow your thread about your transplant as David suggested. Please consider keeping this online journal for us to read!
Hey guys, :)

Will definitely start a new thread when things start happening with the transplant. About the mercury in my gut, check out this website and click on the smoking tooth video. The greatest amount of mercury source is from dental amalgam, and my mom had 17 large dental amalgams when she was pregnant with me. Dental Amalgams recently became banned in Sweden btw. You can basicly just assume you have mercury these days, because of the vaccines, trace amounts in food etc... It would be nice if the medical system would do a biopsy to test for that.