My story so far ...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 28, 2011
Hi Everyone. I was first diagnosed in the late 1980's with Crohns after a series of bad and misdiagnosed conditions, by this time I was seriously anemic and was hospitalized for blood transfusions, I also lost over 30 lbs and was referred to a dietitian to help gain weight! I was treated for successive flare ups with steroids with a pleasant remission during the pregnant years. After moving a couple of times we settled in Bedfordshire and following another flare up I was referred to a wonderful GI doctor that treats the person and not the symptoms, he suggested surgery to remove the affected areas of colon and this was done in 1995. From then I had no serious Crohns flare ups, although I did suffer with Gall Bladder problems and serious eye problems stemming from undetected inflammation in the eye. Ultimately this lead to one detached retina in late 1990's and the other with Glaucoma and subsequent operation in 2009. But in my mind I have been in remission (or possibly just denial ) since the late 1990's.
All that has stopped as I had to go to my GP last week following many weeks of really bad diarrhea. My GP immediately said this was the Crohns and put me back on steroids - bad plan as this could seriously affect my one good eye that had the recent Glaucoma! Reluctantly he has now put me on Pentasa instead and at my insistence a referral back to my wonderful GI doctor. I am not convinced this is Crohns back as I am not experiencing any reall pain, just mild stomach discomfort, general fatigue, less of appetite and weight loss. I have made the big mistake of reading up on different internet sites and worried the hell out of myself that it could be colon cancer and not Crohns, silly I know but we all do these things. So thats me - waiting for the appointment to come around in April and hoping I dont run out of loo rolls !!!!
Hi there, welcome to the forum :bigwave: Your story sounds very familiar although I dont have Glaucoma, I need glasses but that is the age thing ;). Alot of people get scared it could be Cancer, but as long has you have colonscopies to prove otherwise and no cure from Crohns you can get symptoms anytime anywhere. I would have a scope with biopsies because ignoring it or thinking it isnt there, it could be there and brewing. I found that when I was young, everytime I moved I got a mysterious "flu" and moving, death and divorce are the 3 main huge stressors. Look after yourself and go see your Gi about your concerns. Good luck, keep us posted.:smile:

Welcome to the forum Webbica. Let's hope your GI gets you sorted out quickly and you get well very soon :) Hugs.


Sorry to hear you're having trouble after so many years of remission. Hopefully it's not a Crohn's flare but if it is, there are other drugs available besides steroids if you ultimately need something stronger than Pentasa, so hopefully you and your GI can decide on a course of treatment that gets you back into remission for a very long time :)
Welcome! The internet can really make the mind go crazy! Trust me, I've been there. But try not to worry yourself. Stress certainly won't help the D clear up! It most likely is a flare, even though you aren't showing many symptoms. Hopefully with your new treatment, you'll get it under control in no time at all. Please keep us posted!
thank you all for your kind words and support. Why do we find it easier to be the dispensers of 'good advice' than the recipients ? I actually feel a lot better for getting it all down on paper and sharing with fellow sufferers. Thanks again Carol
Hi Webbica and welcome!

Sorry to hear about your recent flare and eye troubles. It's always amazing to me how many areas of the body this disease can affect!

Hope you get your meds sorted out and can get some relief very soon!

Keep us posted on your progress!

- Amy
Hi Carol
and welcome fellow Brit

Really hope it's not another flare after so many remission years!
Glad you found us, lots of friends here for you!
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Webbica, and welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear you are having issues again after a good while in remission. I too am in S. Beds. I was just recently a frequent patient at the L&D hospital, where I recently had surgery. 23/12/10. Hope you get on the mend very soon! Great group of people here, they keep me sane!
Hi Misty - I never thought I would speak to someone else from the same town almost !
I have been to see my eye specialist and he was very impressed with me that i stood up to my GP and said no to steroids ! He checked my eyes and the recent flare is not showing any signs of problems in my eyes so thats a relief. I also was lucky enough o discover that you can access the booking site for outpatient appointments on line and managed to bring forward my appointment for GI doctor from 13th April to next Wednesday. I feel a lot better already from taking the Pentasa for 2 weeks now although I am experiencing pains in my joints and legs. But my tummy is behaving better appetite is stable although I am not eating much still.
How are you doing after your op ? I hope everything is much better now :)
Carol, well done on being able to move up your appt! (can you show me how?)

Fingers crossed for you on your upcoming appt. It does sound like a crohns flare though, but I'm not a Gastro!

As for my recent surgery, I'm still recovering. Everyone said 3 months to feel normal, and I have and had complications. So, I should feel better by the end of March, first bit of April. I hope so, because my garden is in a right state! The dogs are a mess, the house is still a mess.....I guess I'm a mess! Oh well, things will get better! :yfaint:
Your neighbour,
Hi Misty - sounds like you are on the road to recovery - if you are looking at the garden and thinks it a mess then you must be feeling better to at least care :)

Why not take a trip to the garden centre and buy yourself a couple of cheap and cherfull planted tubs with spring bulbs and plants, little bit of instant colour and happiness outside the window ?

For the appointment thing my GP did the original booking online in the surgery and gave me a print out - I just used this to log in. I think you can ask your GP surgery for the login info and give it a try

Keep your chin up
Your neighbour Carol
Carol, I have about 1500 bulbs in my garden. The old dears love to stop and stare, and the children. I have tubs of them as well. I CARE about the garden, but I still cant bend over worth a toss, so I just sit and look and moan!!

I'll see if I can sneak into my GP's system! Maybe we'll meet someday and have a natter!
Your neighbour in Dunstable,
HI Misty - lots of sorry here, sorry I really never meant that you didnt care about your garden, sometimes the written word can give totally the wrong meaning than that intended. I wont try and explain again what I meant as I'll probably make it worse LOL ! At least the weather is a bit better and you can enjoy sitting outside :)

If you ever want to meet up just send my a PM and we can sort something out

Take care - your apologetic neighbour
Updated news

Well I saw the GI specialist and he reassured me that the chances of colon cancer are very small, and in fact agrees that my symptoms may not be a re-occurance of my Crohns at all and instead a reaction to a trigger that upset the whole of my intestines, this ties up with my timescale and the adverse reaction I had to the antibiotics in October last year. So I am back on Pentasa and since the loperermides were doing nothing he also gave me a colestrol lowering prep that you make up in a disgusting drink form. This acts by reabosrbing the bile in your colon and slows everything down. Seeing as this was my main problem and I was mainly having very green poo's it all made sense. This combination is seeming to help the pain is much less and the D has become so much less of a problem. Colonoscopy is booked for early May so that will give the big picture literally and then we'll know for sure.

The leson I have learned from this so far is dont be afraid to go back to the doctors however long it has been since you last saw them it probably wont be as bad as you fear :)

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