MY Story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 29, 2010
Hiya not quite got used to this site yet lol I have had Crohn's for 29years and have had 2 resections, one 21years ago then had 1 in March this year. Not doing too good had to go in for my galblader out 4 weeks ago. Still getting over them both. I been on Mercaptopurine and had to stop as it afected my joints, very painfull. Starting azaothoprine soon. If that doesn't work going on Humiera again or Infliximab. So as u can c I had quite a bit of bother. lots more going on aswel but hope to feel beter soon.

Bye 4 now Sue :ysmile:

Questran Powders,
Azaathioprine (soon)
Mercaptopurine (stoped made joints hurt)
Iron Injections
Ferous infusions (1 per year)
more meds but not for Crohn's
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Hi Sue
and welcome

good luck with the AZA!
stick with us for lots of support and lots of friends to help you thro this, you're no longer alone!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hey Sue, I knew you'd figure it out:dog:. Glad to have you aboard!! I hope the aza works for you. Good luck!! and welcome:)
Thank You everyone it's so nice to talk after all these years to people who know what it's like to live a life with this awful disease.

Hi Sue and :welcome:

Good to see you here. I hope things start to settle down for you soon and the Imuran does the trick. My daughter had a resection 4 years ago and Imuran has helped her stay in remission for that time. Looks like you've been at this game for a while so I hope you stick around and share your experiences with us, there's heaps of great people hanging out here.

Welcome aboard!

Take care,
Hey Sue, 21 years is quite a nice stretch of time to go without needing surgery with crohns, I hope that I last that long! Welcome to the forum and hopefully you've feel better soon :)
Hi ye sure was I didn't do too bad but been told got to get it under control as not much small bowel left now :-( so hence the spead to get me meds sorted. Sound like you been through it too, hope it lasts for you :)

Roll on the GOOD times x
Hey Sue,
Just wanted to say welcome. I am on AZA and has kept me from major flares for 6 years, so lets hope it does the same for you

Jo x
Hey Sue,
Just wanted to say welcome. I am on AZA and has kept me from major flares for 6 years, so lets hope it does the same for you

Jo x
That good then, I tried it once but flared my panreus so had to stop it. But lets hope it ok this time. God my spelling crap!!!!!
Hi, Sue, and welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you on board.
Cross fingers it works. Just make sure you get your regular bloods done which I am sure you do anyways. Ha my spelling is shocking with all these complex words !

Jo x