My story

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Feb 14, 2011
Hi everyone please excuse my spelling. Here is my story hopefully not to long winded.Was diagnosed at age of 28yrs while in school .I am now 51yrs old . It took awhile to be diagnose but yes it is crohns. My entire colon was effected and my Doc's did not paint a pretty picture. Yes surgery was talked about to remove my entire colon. Standard treatment you all know about, prednizone IV,TPN line in me for 30 plus day to keep me alive until surgery. Came out of the big house 40days plus later excaping the knife.Looked like I had been dragged around the block a few times.This happened again the next year same picture and talks with the white coats.Meds were standard Asacol,Prednizone ,Pentasa etc .As the years went by each time I went to the Doc all they could do was paint same picture, very little hope.We will move ahead now 10 to15 years and all this time I was on Asacol or Pentasa but refused all immunosuppresive drugs.The reason to refuse these drugs was my immune system was all I had to keep me protected.Yes the THEORIES about autimmune diseases attacking the body are theories and only theories. Needless to say my Doc's and myself had some heated conversation and even resulting in some not wanting to treat me. I do not recommend anyone follow the path that I am discussing , it's just my journey with crohns and Medical Establishment.Lets move on,I remember going to my Gastro Doc and him discussing the need of a good biopsy of the colon.He ask me again to go on Imuran to to take inflamation out or if not ,then consider the removal of your colon. This is when things really got interesting. Since the beginning of my disease I suffered from kidney stones, Iritis,Spondylosis affecting my entire spin and Osteopenia. All these conditions are related to crohns or so the theory goes.I couldn't understand any of the answers I was getting from any Doc for any of my conditions. It was at this time I made my own theories after all thats all they have are theories.I looked at my body and asked why would I have high levels of calcium in my Urine (kidney stones)bones are thinning (Osteopenia).I started looking at the PH of body and theorized I was acidic.The Meds were HIGHLY acidic and my diet was acidic . My body was acidic and the only way for it to neutrilize itself was absorbing calcium from my bones.I presented my theory to the Medical Doc's MD,ND and had mixed feed back.Some thought I may need Med's for my head others said its possible.Years ago I stopped all Meds ,stopped eating and drinking anything acidic or acidic forming including WHEAT, MILK . Imagine we are the only mammal on earth that drinks milk past infant stage and we drink it from another mammal.Juicing is great to alkalize the body, I use Marine Phytoplankton ,probiotics ,Organic as much as possible.I found wheat to be a big one,I eat more Asian diet,rice etc.One added bonus when stopped eating wheat my hemorrhoids vanished.These conditions improved over time approx 2 months.Calcium levels are fine, bone density test fine, hemmorrhoids fine and crohns scopes says it looks good no sign.The Doc's don't Know what I've done and best to leave it that way.Sorry about being long winded but 20years plus is hard to fit into 1/2 a page.Stay positive and good health to you all
Hi free
and welcome

Great that your diet is succesful! Juicing is something we have discussed here on the boards, something that I'm going to try myself soon.
Stay well, and I hope you do, with or with out meds!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I have been wondering the same thing about what you did with your diet.It sounds like its worth a shot.I am so sick of pills!!!Good luck!

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