Thank you for your replies everyone.
Today, I've tried to give my stomach a break.
I ate some toast this morning, I seemed to have handles it well.
I thought yogurt would have been good, but I put a bit of granola in it, and my stomach didn't handle that well at all.
I just now ate a toasted sandwich with some chicken lunchmeat and cheese on it.I can already feel my stomach getting worked up, so that probably wasn't a good idea either.
My husband is trying to get off work early so he can come home and take care of the boys and the house for me while I go to the ER.This was reccomended to me earlier by a nurse, I just haven't been able to get there yet.
Before I go, I can write a little about my experience with crohns.
I started having symptoms when I was around 19, but since it wasn't a big deal to me then, I blew it off and diagnosed myself with IBS.
Things took a turn for the worse after I gave birth to my second son when I was around 24.I remember getting these horrible stomach pain and then running to the bathroom.I was going 10+ times a day, but still didn't seek any help.
I finally decided to seek help when I realized I had lost about 50 pounds within the past few years without trying, and after I gave birth to my 5th son.I got the bloodwork done which came back positive for Crohns.But since I was pregnant at the time, there was no further tests that could have been done.Soon after I gave birth, I had my first upper and lower GI done.They found some irritation in the upper, and I was full of ulcers in the lower.They did a biopsy which also came back +.The doctors never believed I had crohns for some reason.Maybe because I am over-weight?IDK.
After that test was done they wanted to give me the pill camera test to see exactly what part was affected.I remember the nurse saying there was like a 1 percent chance that it could get stuck.Well, lo and behold I was that 1 percent. (and this coming from someone who can't even win a darn dollar from a scratch-off!) I remember feeling very sick the next morning.I couldn't even keep water down without puking.So I drove myself to the ER puking the whole way.After some tests the doctor confirmed that the camera pill was indeed stuck, so I was off to have emergency surgery.
They removed around 12 inches of my intestines, and I got stapled back shut.It hurt sooo bad.I couldn't get out of bed.I was on Fentanyl, Ozycodone, and a morphine pump all at once, and could barely manage to move.
I thought all was going well when they put me on Humira until now.
I was relatively ok.
When I get back from the ER I will keep everyone posted on what is going on.
I'm looking for them to give me some zofran and probably some stertiods.We'll see.