My Story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 13, 2011
Hello Everyone,

Wanted to say thank you for this forum.

Before I go into "My Story" (too long right now :p) I have some questions about Crohns.

I'm in a really, really, bad flare right now, and am wondering what in the world I'm supposed to eat?!Everything I try just goes right through me. :(

What does everyone else eat during a flare?

Also, I've always wondered......I seem to constantly have the chills, is this from crohns too?

Thanks in advance for any info/advice.
I will write more in the morning, if I am feeling better.I'm just too sick and in too much pain right now.
Hello and so glad you found the forum. :) Sorry to hear you are having such a bad flare up. I've just been diagnosed so can't really give a lot of advice on what to eat, but someone will be along soon with more experience who can help.
About the chills, yes I feel cold and shivery when the pain is bad - even when others say it's warm. Maybe picking the Outer Hebridean islands as our home wasn't a great move!!!
Take care, rest up and hope you are feeling better soon. Have you been to see the Doc about this flare?
Helen x
Dixie, shivers are part & parcel of it I'm afraid. Food wise, probably best to go onto a low fibre diet. Cut out fibrous cereals, greens, salads. Cut down on dairy products & Mushrooms. Which apparently are full of fibre. It may not stop the diarrohea(probably wont) but it may reduce the trips to the toilet & stop the chronic aggravation of your belly.

1st symptoms 1983
Diagnosed 1985
1997 Right Hemicolectomy & Resection
2002 Laperotomy & Resection
2010 Laproscopic Ileocolic Resection

Been on Azathioprine & Pred

Currently on Entocort 3mg every other day
Humira 40mg every two weeks
Pentasa 4gm daily
3mthly B12 Jabs
Hi Dixiedoll and welcome! I am sorry to hear about your current flare. When I don't feel well, I usually stick to eating rice (I add in some cream of chicken, celery, or mushroom soup to give it a bit more flavor) and eggs. But everyone is different as to what they can handle.

I sure hope your current flare ends quickly and you can start feeling better. Good luck!
Hi Dixie,


I must say i am an eggs man all the way. Scrambled, poached, soft boiled,but not fried.

Hope you feel better soon. This place is great, good move.

Hi Dixie and welcome!

I also had intermittent fevers during flares. Remember to stay away from Advil or ibuprofen products as they can really irritate the GI tract.

As for food, everyone is different. But generally I would stick to the same kinds of food you would eat when you have the stomach flu - toast, soup, plain chicken, eggs. etc.

Hope you start feeling better soon!

- Amy
Thank you for your replies everyone. :)

Today, I've tried to give my stomach a break.

I ate some toast this morning, I seemed to have handles it well.

I thought yogurt would have been good, but I put a bit of granola in it, and my stomach didn't handle that well at all.

I just now ate a toasted sandwich with some chicken lunchmeat and cheese on it.I can already feel my stomach getting worked up, so that probably wasn't a good idea either. :(

My husband is trying to get off work early so he can come home and take care of the boys and the house for me while I go to the ER.This was reccomended to me earlier by a nurse, I just haven't been able to get there yet.

Before I go, I can write a little about my experience with crohns.

I started having symptoms when I was around 19, but since it wasn't a big deal to me then, I blew it off and diagnosed myself with IBS.

Things took a turn for the worse after I gave birth to my second son when I was around 24.I remember getting these horrible stomach pain and then running to the bathroom.I was going 10+ times a day, but still didn't seek any help.

I finally decided to seek help when I realized I had lost about 50 pounds within the past few years without trying, and after I gave birth to my 5th son.I got the bloodwork done which came back positive for Crohns.But since I was pregnant at the time, there was no further tests that could have been done.Soon after I gave birth, I had my first upper and lower GI done.They found some irritation in the upper, and I was full of ulcers in the lower.They did a biopsy which also came back +.The doctors never believed I had crohns for some reason.Maybe because I am over-weight?IDK.

After that test was done they wanted to give me the pill camera test to see exactly what part was affected.I remember the nurse saying there was like a 1 percent chance that it could get stuck.Well, lo and behold I was that 1 percent. (and this coming from someone who can't even win a darn dollar from a scratch-off!) I remember feeling very sick the next morning.I couldn't even keep water down without puking.So I drove myself to the ER puking the whole way.After some tests the doctor confirmed that the camera pill was indeed stuck, so I was off to have emergency surgery.

They removed around 12 inches of my intestines, and I got stapled back shut.It hurt sooo bad.I couldn't get out of bed.I was on Fentanyl, Ozycodone, and a morphine pump all at once, and could barely manage to move.

I thought all was going well when they put me on Humira until now. :( I was relatively ok.

When I get back from the ER I will keep everyone posted on what is going on.
I'm looking for them to give me some zofran and probably some stertiods.We'll see. :)
HI Dixie..

Welcome to the forum! I just want to wish you luck at the ER...I hope they can help you with your pain, and you possibly get some answers! Sounds like you have been run through the mill with all this...and you had 5 children in the meantime?? Wow ! You must have a very high pain tolerance ! :thumleft:

Best of luck and let us know how it goes ! ;)
Hey guys,

I don't have much to update everyone on.

I spent a long time in the ER, all my blood work came back ok except for a little bit low on calcium.

After a CT scan, he told me I had a cyst on my ovary and swollen lymphnodes in my gut.

Anyone know what swollen lymphnodes are?

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