My name is Aubrey L. im 23 years old and Ive been recently diagnosed with Crohns Disease. Im confused on what to think still. I just got out of the hospital after spending 10 days off an on ranging from 3 different Emergency rooms and one HORRIBLE ambulance ride.
It all started last wednesday I was totally fine nothing that I recall ever went wrong no symptoms no nothing. On wednesday I woke up with blood diarrea I got ready for work and continued having it through out the whole day. Got home went to the ER and they sent me home (while actively bleeding) with slight anemia and rectal bleeding. The next day I had a appointment that was scheduled prior to all this and the doctor (thankfully!!) checked my blood and called me last friday morning to return to that same ER I left not even 36 hours earlier. When I got there I had to have 2 blood transfusions and was admitted for an upper GI then the following day a lower GI. (I came to the conclusion GOLytly is a LIE). After being there and getting a diagnosis of "inflammation in the small intestines" I go home ACTIVELY bleeding still saturday at 11 pm. I wake up sunday morning feeling like crap I can barely get out of bed and by the time the night was over I couldnt even pick up my son with out being out of breath. I wake up monday morning because I felt extremely nauseated, I stand up walk to the bathroom and pass out.. BOOM I wake up on the bathroom floor on my sons bath toys with a splitting headache throwing up and poo'ing all over myself (ALL BLOOD) and my boyfriend panics and calls the ambulance.. They walk in my house ask me if Im on drugs or alcohol the whole 45 min drive to the hospital.. Pick up paramedics because they cant put an iv in my arm and when they tell my story they laugh.. and I get asked AGAIN if im on drugs and alcohol.. The 3 women dont even bother writing my blood pressures down or even look at the time they are taken.. They dont even bother caring for me. Just laughing how I went to the bath room in my pants (That by far is the most emberassing thing that has ever happened to me, I wish I could sue them) :frown: So.. when I show up at the ER (in a different city from my other 2 experiences) Im in a state of shock my blood level is barely a 6.. and I received 2 blood transfusions, then tuesday I received 2 more.. I had a cat scan.. and met a wonderful GI doctor which my mom called to tell me that I should see the first guy because she heard that my new GI dr was going to let me die. Oh yah, and she said the people I worked with couldnt see me because I had a disease and they would make me sicker. (WTF??) I finally came home last night around 8pm. I didnt see my son since last wednesday.. My arms are completely purple and blue and I have needle marks all over them.
The worst part of this experience other than the ambulance ride is.. Why havent I cried? Is there something wrong with me? I mean I cried yesterday only because I got in an argument with my boyfriend because I wanted to go to a restraunt before we went home. But seriously, is there something wrong with me? When is this going to sync in that something is really wrong??
I was sent home with 5 different meds to be taken daily some need to be taken 3 times and another 2 times. Im constantly nauseated and I havent slept in days.. My head is killing me and my eyes are swollen. Im so confused and scared Ive got no idea.. about anything!! I feel like a lost puppy. Please help me! Thank you for reading.. Im open to all advice.. well pretty much anything you would like to share, I would also like to make friends with similar problems..
I am truly thankful for my boyfriends mom who took care of my son the whole time and all the people who text me and came to see me.. I pray for them and there kindness. :Karl:
My name is Aubrey L. im 23 years old and Ive been recently diagnosed with Crohns Disease. Im confused on what to think still. I just got out of the hospital after spending 10 days off an on ranging from 3 different Emergency rooms and one HORRIBLE ambulance ride.
It all started last wednesday I was totally fine nothing that I recall ever went wrong no symptoms no nothing. On wednesday I woke up with blood diarrea I got ready for work and continued having it through out the whole day. Got home went to the ER and they sent me home (while actively bleeding) with slight anemia and rectal bleeding. The next day I had a appointment that was scheduled prior to all this and the doctor (thankfully!!) checked my blood and called me last friday morning to return to that same ER I left not even 36 hours earlier. When I got there I had to have 2 blood transfusions and was admitted for an upper GI then the following day a lower GI. (I came to the conclusion GOLytly is a LIE). After being there and getting a diagnosis of "inflammation in the small intestines" I go home ACTIVELY bleeding still saturday at 11 pm. I wake up sunday morning feeling like crap I can barely get out of bed and by the time the night was over I couldnt even pick up my son with out being out of breath. I wake up monday morning because I felt extremely nauseated, I stand up walk to the bathroom and pass out.. BOOM I wake up on the bathroom floor on my sons bath toys with a splitting headache throwing up and poo'ing all over myself (ALL BLOOD) and my boyfriend panics and calls the ambulance.. They walk in my house ask me if Im on drugs or alcohol the whole 45 min drive to the hospital.. Pick up paramedics because they cant put an iv in my arm and when they tell my story they laugh.. and I get asked AGAIN if im on drugs and alcohol.. The 3 women dont even bother writing my blood pressures down or even look at the time they are taken.. They dont even bother caring for me. Just laughing how I went to the bath room in my pants (That by far is the most emberassing thing that has ever happened to me, I wish I could sue them) :frown: So.. when I show up at the ER (in a different city from my other 2 experiences) Im in a state of shock my blood level is barely a 6.. and I received 2 blood transfusions, then tuesday I received 2 more.. I had a cat scan.. and met a wonderful GI doctor which my mom called to tell me that I should see the first guy because she heard that my new GI dr was going to let me die. Oh yah, and she said the people I worked with couldnt see me because I had a disease and they would make me sicker. (WTF??) I finally came home last night around 8pm. I didnt see my son since last wednesday.. My arms are completely purple and blue and I have needle marks all over them.
The worst part of this experience other than the ambulance ride is.. Why havent I cried? Is there something wrong with me? I mean I cried yesterday only because I got in an argument with my boyfriend because I wanted to go to a restraunt before we went home. But seriously, is there something wrong with me? When is this going to sync in that something is really wrong??
I was sent home with 5 different meds to be taken daily some need to be taken 3 times and another 2 times. Im constantly nauseated and I havent slept in days.. My head is killing me and my eyes are swollen. Im so confused and scared Ive got no idea.. about anything!! I feel like a lost puppy. Please help me! Thank you for reading.. Im open to all advice.. well pretty much anything you would like to share, I would also like to make friends with similar problems..
I am truly thankful for my boyfriends mom who took care of my son the whole time and all the people who text me and came to see me.. I pray for them and there kindness. :Karl: