first of all , thanks for who create this fourm and thanks for all the members.
my story start when i was in the teenth class ( about 16 years old)
when i get recurent fistula and operated two times
after that the surgen think that their is something wrong and refer me to the gastrologist and colonscopy done and i got the shoked news for my 1st time.
he put me on predislone several courses bet when taper the steroid i get flair up again
after finsh my schol i decide to join coolege of medicine and i have difcult time to cope with the medical school and crohn disease .
i get 1 to 2 admsion per year and i try imuran , humira but their was not good respone , i still get abdominal pain , diarhea and fistula after the sixth year in the coolege of medicine i have a major operation where my ileum was removes and part of the rectum and place temporary colostomy .
3 months later colostomy was removerd and start me on infleximab 5 mg per kg every 8 week for the first year their was good respone but now the espone become week and i an back on predinslone 5 mg per day.
after the operation the pain become better and i did not develop fistula.
now i finsh my medical school and become a doctor , i was planing to be gastrologist but when i swa patient with complicated IBD i get depresion so i decide to be a neurologist.
i get maried 7 months ago and planing to further my postgradute study abrod since i get scholarship from my university.
being victim of crohn will add a great chalange in your life but you should be strong to beat the disease and i am full of hope that we will find a cure for it :ghug:
my story start when i was in the teenth class ( about 16 years old)
when i get recurent fistula and operated two times
after that the surgen think that their is something wrong and refer me to the gastrologist and colonscopy done and i got the shoked news for my 1st time.
he put me on predislone several courses bet when taper the steroid i get flair up again
after finsh my schol i decide to join coolege of medicine and i have difcult time to cope with the medical school and crohn disease .
i get 1 to 2 admsion per year and i try imuran , humira but their was not good respone , i still get abdominal pain , diarhea and fistula after the sixth year in the coolege of medicine i have a major operation where my ileum was removes and part of the rectum and place temporary colostomy .
3 months later colostomy was removerd and start me on infleximab 5 mg per kg every 8 week for the first year their was good respone but now the espone become week and i an back on predinslone 5 mg per day.
after the operation the pain become better and i did not develop fistula.
now i finsh my medical school and become a doctor , i was planing to be gastrologist but when i swa patient with complicated IBD i get depresion so i decide to be a neurologist.
i get maried 7 months ago and planing to further my postgradute study abrod since i get scholarship from my university.
being victim of crohn will add a great chalange in your life but you should be strong to beat the disease and i am full of hope that we will find a cure for it :ghug: