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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 8, 2011
Hi everyone!
I have been dealing with the terrible symptoms of Crohns for about 10 years. Recently after having my first child my symptoms got worse and i was diagnosed 2 months ago with Crohns. It's been a nightmare ever since. I'm allergic to pentassa. So I'm now taking imuran. I've only been on it for a little over 2 weeks and already I've had a cold, sinus infection, headache for 2 weeks, and a fever for the past 5 days, not to mention the horrible body aches that leave me on the couch for hours until the Tylenol kicks in. I'm so scared. I'm only 25 and don't want to be on these meds. I wish there were other options. It's so hard taking care of a baby while being so sick.
Is there anyone out there not taking meds and just doing the specific carbohydrate diet?
If anyone has any advise I would greatly appreciate it :) Thank you!
Hi Missy

This illness is hard on any day, and it can't be easy at all when your body has just undergone childbirth AND you're trying to cope with such a little wee baby. What a lot of stress and anxiety this must all be for you.

Imuran takes a while to kick in---it can take up to six months. If you're having side effects that are intolerable, then you might want to speak to your doctor about it.

You might want to check out the Imuran subforum---you'll find it in the Treatment section of the forum. With regards to the SCD diet, there are a number of threads on it. You can either do a search, or post your own question in the "Diet and Fitness" section of the forum.

I know it isn't easy, but try to get as much rest as possible. If there are family and friends who can come by and lend you support, this might be a helpful time to ask for help. Being ill and taking care of a baby is not at all easy, so do take care of yourself as much as you can.

Best wishes,

Hi Missy and welcome! I am sorry you are feeling so unwell, especially with a little one to care for. I don't have any experience with Imuran, but I do know it can take several week (even months) to work. However, keep on top of these side effects and let your doctor know.

As Kismet suggested, I am sure you'll find some helpful info in the Diet and Fitness forum on SCD. A few have had success with it, but I am not sure if they stopped their treatment.
Hi Missy and welcome!

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble :( I can certainly understand why you're scared. It's tough, no doubt, and I'm sure having a little one to care for makes things that much harder.

But we're here for you anytime. If there's ever anything we can do, just ask :) I hope to see you around and wish you all the best!

You'll get much better advice from the Imuran subforum I'm sure, but make sure your doc is watching your pancreatic enzymes. I was on Imuran briefly (it may have been mercaptopurine, I get them confused so don't take this as medical advice, just a caution) and it put me in the hospital with pancreatitis for a week. I had to be fed intravenously and became VERY ill.

Be careful! Do a LOT of reading and research and don't take anything your doctor says as gospel. Verify, verify, verify.

I controlled my Crohn's with a low residue diet for years, but everyone's condition differs in severity and everyone's sensitivities are different. Talk to a nutritionist and to other sufferers. You'll have to experiment and see what works for you, but my advice is to stay on your meds unless it becomes prohibitively difficult due to side effects. Once you achieve remission, it's a precious thing and unless you have a mild case, room for experimentation is scarce.

Please note the caveat that all of this is just MY dumb opinion based on my long experience with my own disease and my daughter's!