My story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 29, 2014
Hello,my name is Lynn and I am 56 years old. I have had Crohn's disease since I was 12. It was extremely hard to diagnose at the time and I went through years of hell before they finally decided it wasn't my nerves or I was making it up or I just wanted out of doing things. I have a lot of issues with how I was treated but I am coming to terms with it. I currently take welchol, Entocort, protonix, Wellbutrin, Paxil, levroxithine(spell?) and b12 shots every two weeks, vitamin d 50,000 units once a week and nuerontin for the neuropathy I got from not having enough b12 for too long. If I take the low level of Entocort all the time I stay in pretty good shape. I have 2 children and a husband that was sent to me by God who understands and takes great care of me without one complaint. So long story short I am truley blessed and have a great quality of life right now.

You have had quite a journey.So happy you have a husband and children who are there for you.I hope you continue to have a great quality of life for a very long time!
Thanks Dave. If I can ever be of any help especially to young people who are diagnosed with Crohns let me know. I'd love to help. :dusty::dusty::dusty::dusty:
Happy New Year Lynn!

It's great you want to help others going through this disease.There is ample opportunity on the forum to support others and share knowledge,to crohnies of all ages.I'm hoping you have had time to check out the forum since joining.

I'm glad you are dealing with your issues of being diagnosed so young when CD was not so well known.IBD is still misunderstood,and not widely known about,even today.Were you diagnosed at 12 or start experiencing symptoms at 12? Just curious.

I hope 2015 is even better for you and your family!