I was diagnosed in 1993 with Crohn's. I had a colon resection in 1994. Another in 2000. I was on Cipro and Flagyl with minimum syptoms until 2006 when I had serious flare ups and started getting perianal fistulas. The fistulas got worse and increased in number. After a half dozen surgeries to try to fix them the sugeon decided I should have an ileostomy to try and give everything the chance to heal. I didn't recover well from the surgery and my bowels refused to restart. I was in hospital over a month without eating and lost almost 50 lbs even on TPN. When I got out I was put on Remicade and the fistulas started to heal. I was able to have the ostomy reversed about five months later. I am still symptom free, back up to a normal weight (5' 11", 180) and have an excellent quality of life. I get Remicade every six weeks and always have a mild reaction where my head turns bright red and feels like it's going to explode. After a brief pause I'm good to go for the rest of the infusion which takes about 5 hours for me. All in all I'm pleased with how things are and keep my fingers crossed that the Remicade keeps working.