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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 3, 2010
I was dxed with Colitis in my colon in April 2003. I was dealing with a lot of stress from my job to losing my mother to a surgical accident at that time. In 2004 I ended up in the hospital with a bad flare and the doctor modified my diagnosis to Chron's because I was not responding to the meds and he wanted to try Remicade. Which worked, for a while. In March 2007 I lost 12 inches of my colon and acquired a colostomy (mainly to divert due to anal fissures that were pouring blood!).

My surgeon has told me he won't reverse the ostomy unless I lose 100lbs. Probably doesn't matter because I have had bleeding issue from my stump and have been in a flare since the spring.

I just found this forum the other night. Peace to you all.
Hi there welcome to the forum!!:thumright: There are many here with your type of surgery, and many who are doing well. Many of us are diagnosed or misdiagnosed with one type of IBS or IBD and sometimes both. Crohns is so hard to diagnose, and very unpredictable. I have had 2 resections and could be headed for a 3rd... but I know I need to take off a few lbs too because being overweight makes the risk higher and a lot more pain for you. I also have been on and off Prednisone because other meds dont work but there is a risk of induced Diabetes, which my father was on the border of needing the insulin, and I dont want that. Crohn is definitely enough!

Glad you are here and shared your story, hope to see you around the boards! :bigwave:
Hi angelac
and welcome

I've not had Crohns surgery, not yet anyway!
but just to welcome you to our fab community!
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hey angelac:bigwave:
Welcome to the forum. I've had three resections myself, the first of which resulted in a temporary ileostomy. It's not all smooth sailing with an ostomy. I'm sorry you're having a rough time with yours. It seems understandable that your doc would want you to lose weight so that there are less risks involved in such an operation. The main thing right now would be to get your current issues under control. Then maybe try losing some weight. Maybe if you show your doc you are trying hard to do what's in your best interest, he may agree to do the surgery sooner. Don't forget, he's not the only doc on the planet either. You are welcome to find a new doc who may have a different perspective on things. If you are not comfortable with this guys decision regarding your life, feel free to let him know.
Hi angelac and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through all this. What is being done to bring your flare under control? I don't have Crohns, my daughter does and she has had a resection but without the need for an ostomy. In case you haven't already found it here is the link to the stoma sub forum...............

I hope you stay around 'cause their loads of support and info here. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :hug:
Hi fellow Ky-Ian welcome! You will find someone on here who can identify with all your issues. Good luck Angela!!