My vent/cranky post

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jan 6, 2010
Okay, so I'm pretty open in real life about my issues... not QUITE as open as here, but still open. I'm more than willing to explain to people that I have a gastrointestinal disease, and if they push, I'll elaborate. I try not to get into the gory details though as they do fall WELL into the TMI category.

It seems though that some people take the knowledge of my GI issues as an all access pass to share with me any little problem they may be having. For the most part, I don't think much of it. They're looking for a sympathetic ear. But MAN do I get tired of hearing it all sometimes. I live with it every second of every minute of every day... even when not flaring it's still *THERE* in the background. So really, I don't want to talk about it all the time too. I don't want to be the "poo girl."

Like this girl at work. Okay, so they know at work what I'm dealing with. I kinda had to tell them with everything going on right now. But this girl apparently has IBS and has taken the knowledge to mean it's something to discuss with me at every opportunity. Like the other day she came up to me, got WAY in my "bubble"... basically in my face, and whispered with hot breath all over me, "I'm in paaaaaaaaaaaaain." Then she proceeded to tell me all about it.

I bit my tongue because I was feeling very cranky. I felt seconds away from doubling over in pain myself and was counting the minutes until the work day ended so I could just get home, curl up with my comfort items, and try to muscle through it. I watched the clock awaiting the time I got to go home to my own toilet and begin my assault on it.

Really, for the most part I'm fine with listening. Again, I understand they want a sympathetic ear. But there are ways to do it WITHOUT all the gory details... or places (like here) that are more appropriate for it. Work is not one. Other places this has happened to me? Nope, not them either. A night out at the club with friends for example.

I'm also not one to try to compare suffering. For one, I know I have a VERY high pain tolerance, so things that may cripple some others may just be a mild pain for me. It's okay. I understand that. But sometimes I really just want to snap, "If I told you my war stories, you wouldn't even be able to imagine." I can't deny the part of me that starts to feel bitter sometimes listening as I think, "Man, I could only WISH that was my biggest issue right now."

I know it's not fair to think that way. There are people on this forum that would probably have every right to think the same about me, but it just nags at the back of my mind listening sometimes.

I really just want to make a sign that says, "Just because I have a GI disease does not mean I want to listen to every detail about whatever GI issue you may be feeling" and wear it sometimes.
Hi Jess,
I haven't really had this particularly. It must be awful! Or perhaps you are just too good a listener? ;)
Hmmm....that makes me wonder if my girlfriend feels the same way....She has UC and i talk to her all the time about my problems......I find i'm probably way too open myself, and have to reign myself in sometimes. I think being a nurse i feel very comfortable with bodily functions and forget that not everyone feels the same. Maybe some people just need a reminder of boundaries?
You could probably ask her tamesis, but I'd say probably not. If it were a friend who's struggling with a diagnosis and treatment at the moment, I'd probably be better about it. Heck, if it were a true close friend at all, I'd feel different. But a lot of times for me it's just people who are mere acquaintances, which feeds my irritation.