Nearly 1 Year Since Diagnosis

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Oct 8, 2012
I got diagnosed with Crohn's last year just a few days before Christmas. I had a Colonoscopy and hated the entire procedure. Mainly the starving and next morning feeling very sick. I had been having diarrhea for nearly a year and have always been rubbing my eyes. I got let out on Christmas Eve.

Since then I seem to of had nothing but trouble. I am a teen-ager and obviously want to go to parties but can't and parents won't let me cause of my Crohn's. Also it has been embarrassing having to keep rushing to the toilet and getting stomach pains. This is something a really don't want to tell my friends about, because I feel embarrassed. :eek:

I am now on Infliximab Infusions but for a while they stopped working so the last two they doubled y dose. The first one again was perfect, but this second one not so good. Now my Doctor is wanting me to have a third Colonoscopy. I've told him I hate them and held off the last one but now he's saying we have to do it. I really don't want to and don't know how to find a way around having it done. :stinks:

If anyone has a way around so I don't have to have another Colonoscopy please let me know. Also if you have any details on persuading my parents to let me go to parties even if I don't drink please, please please let me know.
Other Problems: Me and my Dad never really talk and when we do he either annoys me, jokes, changes the subject and it just never really works. I can talk to my Mum but I need to talk to someone-else who understands. Can someone please talk to me! :)
Just wanted to say welcome, and sorry to hear about your troubles.

I don't know how to help about the colonoscopy, but if your doctor thinks it needs done, it's probably a good idea to go ahead and get it done. Are you awake for the procedure? Also, have you tried different preps or used the same one? A different one might be easier on your stomach (if it's making you feel sick).

I'm probably not much help with the party issue, either. It sounds like you have a fairly good relationship with your mother - can you sit her down and tell her that you just want to be able to do what everyone else is doing, and reassure her that you have no interest in drinking, and most of all that you'll be safe? Does she let you go places other than parties and hang out with your friends? To be honest, I thought most parents wouldn't neccesarily want their teenage kids at a party where people are drinking. This might be a cultural difference, or I just might be clueless.

I hope things get better for you soon! I know it's kind of rough to deal with this stuff as a teenager. :(
Hi joeley and welcome.

I'm sorry to hear what you're going through :( Unfortunately, having a colonoscopy is often THE best way to evaluate what is going on with your disease so they can determine what the best treatment regimen is. I know it's no fun, but having them now will likely alleviate problems down the road.

As for the trouble with your parents, I don't have any grand advice I'm afraid :( Sorry.
I know that having a colonoscopy is not the best experience and the preps for them can be terrible here is a link to different prep options and how they worked that might help.

Also you can ask the dr for a relaxant med like Valium or something to help ease your nerves before you go in for the test. I had to use it for my firs MRI because I was scared of the machine.

Now as for the party situation. Were they not letting you go to parties before diagnosis? If not then there is probably a different concern for why they do not want you to go.

If they had no problems with you going to parties before then ask them to tell you the fears of why they think it is no longer a good idea (not just because you have Crohn's but full details). I know that is easier said than done with you being so young and having a chronic illness. You have to realize that even though they may not suffer the physical pain they are feeling emotional pain of having a child with this disease. Yet they also need to realize that just because you have an illness that sheltering you in the house will only make things worse not better. See if they are open to writing down the do's and don'ts when you go out. i did a contract with my daughter like that because of her severe asthma. If she violates the contract then she knows no more outings. We signed it and everything.

Being diagnosised with any kind of illness like this can take an emotional, physical, and mental toll on you and your loved ones.

Now for the embarrassing part with dealing with the bathroom runs. I'm 34 and still avoid some social situations if I think it is going to be one of my (live in the bathroom days). My suggestion would be is to try and recognize foods that might trigger you,then avoid them in public, also you might want to limit how much time you are with them so that they will not recognize the frequent potty breaks.

If they are good friends then you might just want to try and sit them down and explain about your condition. If they are true friends they will help you not ridicule you because you are sick.

I hope this information helps and i am sorry for being so long winded. If you have any further questions, ideas, rants, vent, or just to share some good news we are always here and you can talk about anything with us.
Thanks so much for your reply. It really means a lot to me knowing someone cares. I think I'm going to speak to my parents about what you said this weekend. Also that sounds like a good idea about talking to my friends. I've told them a little bit about it but not about the toilet side of things. I will tell them when I can speak to them. The only thing being is, about a year ago because of all the diarrhea when we didn't know it was Crohn's I gained an annul abscess which was extremely painful. Once I was out of hospital I told my closest friend but a few weeks later we had a fall out and he told people at school. We have sorted things out now and he told everyone he made it up. But I think this is my main reason for telling no one. But I will try to talk to them just don't really know when or how.

Enough about me are things okay with you? Also thanks again so much :ysmile:

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