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Dec 23, 2012
Hello, I have been dealing with crohns for about 2 years and have not experienced what I am experiencing tonight, except for when I was first admited to the hospital and finding out I had crohns.

In the last couple days, my stool has been having spots of blood in it, and I thought it was beacuse of a tear in my rectum. However the last couple nights, tonight being the worst, I have been having nothing but liquid come out, and it is all bloody. Sorry for being gross, but I am going to attach pictures. The first was at dinner around 8, and the 2nd was just now at 2:30 am)

the few days prior to this, it has been more than usual pain to go to the bathroom, and I have been a bit more sore in my stomach area. Along with lots more pain in my rectum while trying to actally go to the bathroom. All my urgency came back, along with the comfortable "I gotta go to the bathroom" feelng ever 30 min, and it seems to be getting less and less time between tirps, like I feel my rectum filling up with more liquid, and hear my stomach squishing the liquid around in my gut.

I dont know what the "signs" are of a flare, mainly beacuse I have not been 100% into remission for 2 years now, but tonight the symtoms are the worse they have been ever, just as bad as when I was just released from the hospital, but not AS BAD as when I was in the hospital, as far as the pain goes at least..However, I have a 50mg fentanly patch on and just took 30mg of oxycodone, along with another 30 earlier at 8. So, that could be why I am not experiencing as much pain, but still some pain and discomfort.

No fever.

I cant tell if this is blood for sure, I dont know I am 2nd guessing everything.. I has that distinct smell that I remember from the hospital though.

IS THIS BRIGHT RED OR DARK BLOOD??? I have heard that dark is bad, and red is, not "ok" but not as bad as dark... I cant tell if this is considered dark or light in the pictures. Any help on this?

Feel free to look if you have the stomach for that sort of thing (sorry for posting up something disgusting.

This was 8pm.

This was 2am.
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Going to say what I heard others say "if you are asking should go to hospital, please go to the er now."
I'm no expert of course, but to me, and this absolute opinion, doesn't even look like blood. Best of luck though

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