Need help understanding test result

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May 14, 2012
So I had gotten a small bowel series done 08/16/2011. In 09/11 I lost health insurance and connection with my GI doctor. I was never explained the results. I had requested a full transcript of all my medical records from this health place. For the most part I can understand it. But there is sonethings I don't understand:
"there is a structure at the ileocecal juncture which measures 25mm in length. The narrowest diameter of this structure is 3.5 mm. Appearance of jejunum and proximal ileum is unremarkable. The distal ileum is effaced for a distance of at least 15 cm."

Thanks for any help! I have always wondered what it means ( axtually have 40+ pages of unanswered questions. But this was my last test). Oh I might add, 06/16- 06/21 ( I believe was when I was hospitalized)
Where it says, "The distal ileum is effaced for a distance of at least 15 cm," I've found that that means there's thickening in the distal ileum (lowest part of the ileum). Could be inflammation or scar tissue, not sure.

Unremarkable means there's nothing of note.

As far as what the "structure" is, that I don't know. Maybe someone else can shed some light on that.

Hopefully you can find a new GI in your area so you can get proper treatment. Have you looked into low income help in your area or applied for Medicaid?
"there is a structure at the ileocecal juncture which measures 25mm in length. The narrowest diameter of this structure is 3.5 mm. Appearance of jejunum and proximal ileum is unremarkable. The distal ileum is effaced for a distance of at least 15 cm."

Crabby has already given a great explanation. :)

Ileocaecal junction - this is the area/structure that joins the last part of the small bowel (distal ileum) to the caecum, which is the first part on the large bowel.

I think structure was a typo and it is mean't to be stricture, which is another name for narrowing. A stricture would fit with the description given in the report and as it says, at it's narrowest point it is 3.5mm.

Dusty. xxx
Hopefully you can find a new GI in your area so you can get proper treatment. Have you looked into low income help in your area or applied for Medicaid?
Currently I have access to a computer besides my iPhone which is extremely difficult to do applications on. I'm hoping to apply for some sort of assistance somewhere. I don't know what medicade is?
Try going to your local Social Security office and seeing if you qualify. Make an appointment so you wont have to wait as long. If they can't help you they should be able to point you in the right direction. Also try your local Social Services office as they may know of some low income health coverage or even free health clinics.

Is inflammation/scar tissue/a stricture normal? Even for someone with Crohn's you'd want that treated. If its caused by inflammation then medication can still help you but if its all scar tissue, there's only so much that can be done. Strictures put you in danger of blockages which can be life threatening so first chance you get I'd suggest finding someone to see/how to see them so you can get treatment before anything really bad starts happening.
To echo what others said above by two women who REALLY know their IBD, I agree that "structure" is almost definitely "stricture" and no, that is definitely not normal. It's serious and need to be properly dealt with. Look at 3.5mm on a ruler. That's how narrow your intestines have become and you're at very serious risk for dangerous complications. And since you haven't been getting proper treatment, it's likely worse now.

"Ticking time bomb" comes to mind.
Thank you guys. I think I've been scared enough i am going to try and get help. I talked to my manager, he let me off work early, and as soon as my friend gets off work we are going. I'm scared. I'm afraid of what they will say. But you're right. I'd rather go in now when it's not "as bad" than when it's bad and I'm on an operating table.
I'm sorry if we scared you but I'm really glad you're going in for help! Yay!

Please keep us updated and let us know if there's anything we can do :)
So I spent a good part of the day in the ER ( actually the waiting room) and they basically said there is not much that they can do for me. But strongly recommend I follow up with their GI. Doctor and hopefully by doing that I will get an actual diagnosis of crohns. And actually that would help me get in the Oregon health plan. So as much as I feel like I'm going to have an extremely large bill, I feel like this is a step forward in helping me not be in chronic pain. For now they prescribed me the minimal oxy and some nausea meds.

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